Click Here for larger view of the Headstones.
Family History" gathered over the years and put
together by my uncle, James M. Creech. The
researcher must understand that his original
document was not on a word processor and was
scanned to get this version. There are some
mistakes with dates, etc. resulting from this;
but still should be helpful with
researchers. Ken
This little history does not presume to be
exhaustive nor complete in fact no history is ever complete. It
simply attempts to shed a little light on a subject that will be
of interest to only our family. The CREECH family is quiet an old
one and dates back to 1204 AD in Scotland. The line most concerned
with here though is Benjamin Creech, Sr. and his kin for he was
the one that moved from Virginia to North Carolina married settled
on a farm reared his family whose sons and grandsons became our
ancestral grandparents. It was the unfinished family legend of
Benjamin and his kin and his migration to old Johnston County N.C.
that led to this research and writing. With each generation since
Benjamin the details become fewer and fewer the old cemeteries
become smaller and smaller and overgrown with trees briars and
bushes. The family names are still the same but the little stories
important only to our family which makes the history of any family
lost a little at a time. The time has come for someone to record
what is known to this point so that the CREECH descendants will
know a little about their ancestral lines. Other ancestral lines
in the same generation as Benjamin Creech Sr. are probably just as
interesting but a constant thread through the generations from a
log bin with a stick chimney in old Johnston County N.C. to the
brick house with the modern conveniences of present day Greene
County N.C. has witnessed the Life and death from Benjamin Creech
Sr. to William Franklin Creech and led to the interest in their
lives. This history is written primarily for the
cousins and all the children and ....grandchildren children of
William Vicey and Maggie ("Papa Creech Mama Vicey and Mama
Creech"). It is hoped that with each descendant's personal story
added to the end this little book will serve as a family history
for many generations to come.
The members of the Creech family in general
have always been an industrious people and as a rule are generous
kind and mainly a sensible people. The average stature of the
Creech male is a height of five feet 5 inches to five feet 10
inches; Not many exceed six feet and in weight they are medium in
size; mostly from 150 to 190 pounds. Of course there are
exceptions as to height and weight. The Creech female is mostly
also on the medium size and height; not many are large and fat;
but have a tentative to be on the slim or frail side. The Creech
features are nearly all the same and are noted as having deep set
blue eyes; light brown hair; light to fair complexion; do not gray
fast but has thin hair; a few are ball but not pronounced as such.
Members of the Creech family were bitter against slavery and in
all of my research in the twenty years I have found where 1 Creech
in Duplin County North Carolina had one slave. Also in all of my
research I have found three black families bearing the name
Creech; one in Lenoir County N.C.; one in the state of South
Carolina; and one in the state of Louisiana. Why did the Creech
family have no slaves? It was not because they could not afford
them. Why Sion Sr. of Texas and Louisiana had over 200000 acres of
land (Sion sold a slave in La. according to documents see later
this book); Richard Creech of Barnwell South Carolina had a
several thousand acre plantation; Joshua Creech Sr. of Johnston
County North Carolina owned hundreds of acres; John Jonathan and
Elijah Creech in Harlan County Ky. and Lee County Virginia had
great amounts of land; Ezekiel and Benjamin Creech Jr. over in old
Dobbs County North Carolina had so many land transactions that one
may think them real estate dealers. Joshua and Ezekiel Creech
along with Simon Creech in Duplin were large landowners. So it
could not have been the wealth or land. It is with certainty that
the Creech family did not own slaves because they at one time were
slaves themselves. Having lived in Scotland (a few in England)
were under the Britons and that is why they me to America; to
escape slavery & persecution If you will note in this family
history of the Creech family you will find as many of them as any
other family that I have ever me across serving for the use; the
independence of their country. Whether it was the Revolutionary
War the Civil War or the World Wars; the Creech family served
their country well. Also you note that a great many bore Biblical
names. Benjamin Creech Sr. had 9 children and named 8 of them
biblical names and one a family name. He raised 6 sons to manhood
and all served in the Revolution. Genealogy or getting a record of your family
tree is a matter of tracing yourself back to your roots. "Fate
makes relatives but choice makes friends." YOUR NAME - You got it
from your father it was all he had to give so it's yours to use
and cherish for as long as you may live. If you lose the watch he
gave you it could always be replaced but a black mark on your name
son n never be erased. It was clean the day you took it and a
worthy name to bear when he got it from his father. There was no
dishonor then - so make sure you guard it wisely after all is said
and done you'll be glad the name is spotless when you give it to
your son." Every family ought to be blessed with someone
who keeps names and relationships recorded. Some people may think
it silly foolish stupid or just a waste of time to keep up with
their family lineage. They need only to read from our Holy Bible
Chronicles I. Here we see some of the oldest genealogy of time.
Here we see Noah's family lineage back to Adam and on down to King
David who went into the presence of the Lord and took his place
there and said "What am I Lord God and what is my family that thou
hast brought me thus far." It was so with the family of Israel and
Judah. The Chronicler believed that it was important to keep a
record of who was who. He recorded genealogies and traced certain
vocational bloodlines to remind us that history is a personal
affair. God's acts in history are set in personal terms real
people with names. God wants us to keep up with our family trees
and know who we are and whence we me. The families of any history is like a coral
reef it is not compiled by any one person but by many numerous
individuals over the generations who have contributed information
and data from time to time about their respective lines. I often
heard the laughter and jokes from my friends and kinsmen when I
often paused to read alone the simple messages on the tombs in the
silent city of the dead. Here we find plenty of unmarked graves
that at one time someone or loved one knew who was buried here but
not any more. It seems so sad to know that as much as this person
was loved at one time that they should or could be forgotten and
not knowing who is buried in these silent graves. Gravestones are
not made for the dead but for the living and the generations to
come. Can we of a civilization that is supposed to be educated
forget so easy the ones we love? Even the savage Indian of the New
World had more re and compassion than this. As I have worked on
this family history I have traveled the great highways and the
unfrequented traveled roads of the backcountry districts. I have
seen well kept cemeteries; cemeteries that have trees grown into
large saw logs; cemeteries with the tombstones piles in a small
section of the cemetery in the center getting smaller each year as
the farmer needs that extra little land; cemeteries that have been
plowed over and the stones used as ornaments of some type;
cemeteries used as pig-pens and cow lots or bull-dozed away. I
have seen life in every phase and viewed these members of our
Creech family in many walks of life. This history has led me into
many counties of North Carolina as well as many other states.
These typical records in arrangement and phraseology expressing in
most cases the simple faith of the Creech Family a people natured
in the religious ideals and patriotism that n come only to the
Scotch-Irish and English fore bearers. The Creech family played a large part in the
settlement of what now are Greene Lenoir Wayne Duplin Johnston
Columbus Robeson and New Hanover counties of North Carolina and
other states of South Carolina Georgia Alabama Louisiana Texas
Virginia Tennessee Kentucky and others. They me mostly from
southern Virginia and the motherland to a vast wildness where the
Indians were still in their wigwams and had their campfires. They
carved a living out of this great wildness and fought for a use
they believed to be right; that all man should be free and
independent. Some of the Creech family had large plantations and
large acreage while others had small homesteads but each played
his or her part well. They were from all occupations and
professions but they mostly loved the soil and were
farmers. The men and women of this great Creech family
me to America when it was so young left home ties far behind in
order to make a new home for themselves and their children and
grandchildren. They braved dangers, endured hardships, suffered
the worst privations and lived under the most primitive
conditions. Picture the humble daily life and habit of these
ancestors and pioneers who first settled in old Johnston New
Hanover Duplin and the Virginia counties; also the ones who went
to the rugged mountains of Lee County Va. and Harlan County
Ky. In bins of rough-hewn timber they lived loved
and worshipped the God of their father. He met the kindly speech
the gentle love and affection of parents and the quiet thoughtful
children lending helping hands to se the burdens of their elders.
Like setting forth to discover and uncover a River of Doubt I the
author began a score of years ago to assemble the endless task to
compile this Creech family history. The task has been a long one
and wearisome but the thought was uppermost in our most humble way
to produce that will add to this land of ours giving to our fellow
citizens and kinsmen a look that we hope will aid them in tracing
their ancestors. It is with particular mingled emotion and
memories that I now contemplate my endeavors to serve my Creech
family in this undertaking. It is an honor and a privilege to be a
meek descendant of this great family and to share in their ideals
and undertakings. I say this with pride; so 1st it be known that
this great family heritage shall not be forgotten. James Milton Creech - author -
1972-1980 Origin From The Origin of English Place Names - By P.
H. Reaney Publishers - Routledge and Kegan Paul London.
England "The Celtic Element" - Certain of the most
familiar English place-names were well known on the continent long
before the first Saxon invaders set foot on these shores and must
therefore be pre-English in origin. "British Names of Hills and Woods" - Many
surviving names of British origin were originally names of natural
features of rivers hills and forests which had already been
adopted by the Anglo-Saxons and were afterwards given to the
villages which grew up in the neighborhood. Only exceptionally and
in the parts settled later were they inhabited by Britons. Among
the most common British or Primitive Welsh elements found in such
names are: "late Brit 'crugo -'hill mound barrow" in CREECH
(Dorsetshire Somerset) CRICH (Derbyshire) CROOK (Devonshire
Dorsetshire) CRUTCH (Worcestershire) in compounds with British
elements as EVERCREECH (Somerset) 'Yewt' PENKRIDGE (Staffordshire)
Romano-British Pennocrucium "hill summit" and with Old English
elements in Christon (Somerset) CRUCHESTON 1197 CRUCHFIELD
(Berkshire) CREWKERNE (Somerset) "hill-house" and in the
tautologil CHURCHILL (Somerset) (Worcestershire) and CRICHEL
(Dorsetshire) with the addition of Old English hyll. "Bilingual Britons and Monoglot Saxons" -
During the Roman occupation the British population was nowhere
completely exterminated though it survived more fully in some
areas than in others. Brittonic was still spoken in Somerset and
Dorset at the end of the seventh century for "CREECH BARROW HILL
(Dorsetshire). The hill from which CREECH ST. MICHAEL took its
name is described in a charter of 682 as "the hill which is called
in the British language CRUCTAN but among us (i.e. the Saxons)
CRYCBEORH. From "The Surnames of Scotland" - By
Black "CREECH" - From CREICH in Fifeshire (a
place-hill) where a family of this name rented land several
generations. "The parish of CREICH in the northern part of
Fifeshire contains the remains of an ancient castle but there is
no trace of any family bearing the name occupying the lands"
(Rogers The Book of Robert Burns I page 129. Douenalders (i.e.
Donald) de CREYCH a cleric was one of the witnesses to a
confirmation charter by Walter son of Alan of the land of Tubermor
between 1204 and 1241 (Scon, Page 125) Simon de CREYCH who
petitioned for a canonry of Moray 1394 (Papal Petitions I page
620) appears in 1403 as councilor of the Cearl of Atholl (CSR I
page 180). Master Richard CRETCHE of Scotland who had a safe
conduct into England in 1423 (Bain IV 935) is probably Richard de
CREICH who was rector of the church of Croile (Crail) in the
diocese of St. Andrew in 1429 (RMS II page 137) Andrew CREICH is
recorded in Dunfermline in 1585. John CREYCH was a merchant in
Leith 1544 (Rollok page 36) Issobella CREICH and Janeta CREICH
were heirs portioners of Robert CREICH avus in a house in the
burgh of Newburgh and regality of Lundoris in 1611. William CREECH
(1745-1815) published the first Edinburgh edition of the "Poems of
Burns". All these lived between 1204 and 1815. The name is also
spelled CRAICH and CRAIGH. Know Your Name - By J.C. Downing - The News
& Observer May 8, 1966 This is a place name in both England and
Scotland and is from the old British CRUC or Old Welsh CRUG
meaning "hill". There are hamlets in Dorset and Somersetshire
England by this name that were spelled CRIZ and CRIC in the
Doomsday Book of 1086. There is a parish in Derbyshire by the same
name. Whether the following Englishmen once lived at
either of these places or on a Hill will probably never be known:
John Ate (at) CRECHE of Sussex Robert CRECHE of Suffolk. Peter De
(of) CRYCE of Somersetshire and Robert De CRICHE of Nottingham all
lived in 1326. Jane CREECH, died 1665, is buried in St. James
Churchyard in London. From the "Dictionary of English and Welsh
Surnames" - By Bardsley "CRIDGE CREECH" - (1) Lol. Probably "of CRICK"
a hamet in the parish of Caerwent in the county Monmouth. These
surnames are undoubtedly of west - country parentage; cf. Kirk and
Church or Brigg and Bridge. (2) Lol. "of CRICHII a parish in the
county Derby near Alfraton. Peter de CRYCHF County of Somerset
Edward III Kirby's Quest page 274; Robert de CRICHE county of
Notts 1273. CRCH Bheinn - place name - present name of a low
mountain in the Highlands of Scotland near Glasgow. Taken from a New Orleans Newspaper in 1961. By
Claude E. Creech "Body of LaGrange captain Found in Jet "
Glasgow Scotland - May 16 1964. The body of an air force captain
was found in the wreckage of his supersonic jet yesterday near the
top of "CRCH BHEINN in the Highland. The air force identified the
pilot as captain Morris H. Reed 28 son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Reed
LaGrange, Ill. A search had been under way since Reed's F-101 jet
exploded in flight May 7th. CREECH PARISH - 1668 Somerset 3-1/2 miles NE
Taunton. Population 1,116. Archd. Taunton, dive. Bath and
Wales. CREECH PARISH - Fast-tyehing parish Church
Knowle Dorst, population 204. In searching for the CREECH CLAN in Scotland
it was found that they were of Fifeshire and owed their allegiance
to and gained protection by the MAC-DUFFS: thus many wore the
MacDuff tartan. "The MacDuffs were an important clan as early
as the 12th century and claim descent from the Celtic Earl of
Fife. According to tradition the first Earl was the MacDuff who
helped to overthrow MacBeth and put Malcolm Canmore on the throne
of Scotland. In return the MacDuff chiefs were given the right to
enthrone the King of Scots at his coronation to lead Scotland's
army and to seek sanctuary at the Cross of MacDuff near
Newburgh." Thomas CREECH (Krech) born 1659 died 1700. He
was born at Blandford, Dorsetshire England and committed suicide
in June 1700. He was an English writer, translator of Lucretuis
(1682) and other classical authors. William CREECH was born 1745 at Newbattle
Midlothian Scotland on April 21st. He died at Edinburgh on Jan. 14
1815 and was a Scottish essayist and letter writer publisher of
Burns Educated, Edinburgh University. He went into business with a
Scottish printer, Alexander Kincaid, becoming after Kincaid's
retirement in 1773, the head of the firm, which is noted as the
first publisher of the works of Beattie, Blair, Cullen, and
Gregory, Dugald, Stewart MacKenzie and of Burns with whom he later
quarreled. Creech was lord provost of Edinburg from Oct. 1811 to
Oct. 1813 and a fellow of the Royal Society and the Antiquarian
Society. He is Absence of William CREECH, Publisher in 1787. His
essays, contributed under his pseudonym to the Edinburg Courant,
were published from 1791 to 1815 as Fugitive Pieces. Members of the Creech family were in England
and Scotland as early as 1197 and 1204 respectively. In searching
for the CREECH CLAN in Scotland it was found that they were of
Fifeshire and owed their allegiance to and gained protection by
the MACDUFFS - thus many wore the MacDuff tartan.(see other
pages) Richard Creech the emigrant was the first of
the name to come America. He left the Highlands of Scotland and
sailed the Atlantic aboard the ship "Journeyman" with Captain
William Carter in the year 1622. He arrived in the spring of 1623
with his wife and son Henry son Nicholas and baby girl. The
Richard Creech family settled in the "Maine" which was at the time
located in James City County Virginia. James City County is
located north of Surry and Isle of Wight Counties in Virginia. On
Feb. 16th 1623 Richard Crouch (Creech) was shown on the list of
the living in the "Maine" in Virginia. Richard Creech married a
lady by the name of Beale; her first name could have been Frances
as son Henry named his only daughter this name which was very
common in that day for a son to name a daughter after his mother
and more so due to the circumstances. Richard's wife was the
daughter of Robert Beale Sr. and wife Mary Belt the granddaughter
of Daniel Belt and wife Elizabeth Bell (the daughter of Robert
Bell). The will of Robert Bell was written Jan. 16, 1656 and
proved Feb. 16, 1656. Bell was a citizen and skinner of London he
was buried in Parish Church of St. John Baptist in London near his
wife. As to the number of children Richard and Frances had is not
known; as the story goes Richard Creech his wife and all his
family except two sons Henry and Nicholas were killed by the
Indians in one of their massacre raids 1630 along the James River.
A good number of these early settlers were killed by the Indians
and I guess Richard Creech and wife were no exceptions. The
brother of Frances Beale Creech John Beale Sr. raised the two sons
who were away from the house as the Indians struck down the
family. As to Nicholas Creech not much is known about him. He was
born about 1619 and was shown in Lower Norfolk County Virginia in
the year 1640 age 21 years; so it is presumed he died at an early
age in that county. Later Of Henry Creech. Captain Henry Creech Sr. was born about 1621
in the Highlands of Scotland; he died in old Albemarle County
North Carolina about the year 1709 at the age of 88 years old. The
title Captain was given him as he was the Captain of a ship
"Nancy" which sailed the Albemarle Sound and other points along
the American coast. He came to America with his father and family
in the year 1622 aboard the ship "Journeyman" with Captain William
Carter as Captam. The family settled in "The Maine" in Va. where
the Indians killed the family in the year 1630 while they were on
one of their raids along the James River. Henry and Nicholas
Creech escaped the massacre as they were away from the house at
the time working in the fields. These two brothers were raised by
the brother of their mother John Beale Sr. Henry Creech married
about the year 1653. Joyce Paine born 1633 and died about 1712 was
the daughter of Benjamin Paine of Lower Norfolk County Va. Henry
bought 200 acres of land in Lower Norfolk County, Va. on April 20
1682 - escheated from John Lownes deceased. One must remember that
up until 1663 old Albemarle County, N.C. was called Lower Norfolk
County Va. which extended as far down as the location of New Bern.
N.C. Henry Creech had settled on the northeast side of the
Pasquotank River in old Albemarle County, N.C. on Areanoos Creek.
Here he received a land grant of 490 acres of land on March 30,
1704 which was adjoining the lands of the Yawpins Indians
Reservation of 10240 acres located on North River which the
Indians received Oct. 2, 1704. North River is on the north side of
Albemarle Sound opposite from Durant's Neck on the south side.
Durant's Neck was the home of the famous George Durant who played
an important part in the infant colony of Carolina. Henry Creech,
Sr. was a Justice of Peace in the new colony from 1691 to 1698 and
signed several documents bearing these dates. He wrote his will
August 16, 1709 with his wife Joyce the Exec. To receive land
grants or patents a person had to prove his rights with a warrant
issued. In the year 1694 Henry Creech wife Joyce Benjamin Paine
father-in-law Thomas Harrison (brother-in-law) and his wife
Elizabeth and daughter Elizabeth Harrison proved their rights in
Albemarle County, N.C. Henry Creech and wife Joyce had issue of:
Henry Jr. Frances Thomas Sr. William and Richard Creech. (Of
Richard Creech later). First to America Richard Creech was the first of the name to
come to America. He left the Highlands of Scotland and arrived in
Virginia before 1623. He was brought to America by Captain William
Carter and settled in the "Maine" which was at the time located in
James City County Virginia. James City County is north of Surry
and Isle of Wight Counties in Virginia. On Feb. 16, 1623 Richard
Crouch (Creech) was shown on the list of the living in Virginia In
the "Maine" Richard Creech married a lady by the name of Beale the
daughter of Robert Beale Sr. and wife Mary Belt the daughter of
Daniel Belt and wife Elizabeth Bell who was the daughter of Robert
Bell. The will of Robert Bell was written Jan. 16, 1656 and proved
Feb.16, 1656; Bell was a citizen and skinner of London. He was
buried in parish church of St. John Baptist London near his wife.
As to how many children Richard Creech had we do not know but we
do know that there were two sons. The story goes that Richard
Creech and wife had three children. These children were born just
before coming to America. It seems that Richard Creech his wife
and one child a daughter were killed by Indians. The two young
sons were away from the house at the time that their family was
destroyed. It is a good guess that this story is true due to the
fact that we see no more data on this Richard Creech anywhere. A
good number of these early settlers were killed by the Indians and
I guess Richard Creech and wife were no exceptions. The brother of
Richard Creech's wife John Beale Sr. raised the two sons of his
sister's and Richard Creech. These two sons were Henry Creech and
Nicholas Creech. September 25,1749 - The ship "Speedwell" -
Captain James Creagh - from Rotterdam last from Cowes - with 240
passengers September 24, 1751 - The ship "Neptune" -
Captain John Mason - from Rotterdam last from Cowes - with 284
passengers George Creesh among. Will: Pasquotank County, N.C.- May 15, 1746 -
Jacob Beels- Daughters: Tabitha and Mary (Manor Plantation )
Barbray and Elizabeth. Executor: Brother John Beale. Witness:
Charles Wright Mary Wright William Andrews. Clerk of Court: Thomas
Will: Pasquotank County N.C. - Nov. 3, 1721-
proved April 17, 1722- James Beels: Wife and Executrix: Ann son
John Beel(Plantation); Witness: John Perkins Henry Creech George
Lumley. Clerk of Court: Edward Gale Will: Pasquotank County N.C. - Nov. 3, 1721 -
James Bell- Wit. Henry Creech; Albemarle S.S. Court: against William
Wilkinson - Dec. 23 1691- Signed Henry Creech. Testament to a bill against Archbold Greir of
Albemarle County in Carolina March 29 p 1691 - Wit. and Signed
Henry Creech North Carolina Grants - Book I 1693 -1720
Page 124 - File No. 60: Henry Creech 490 acres no county
or precinct given at Islington on the head of Areanoos Creek
northeast side of Pasquotank River adjoining William Jennings
March 30, 1704. Page 136 - File No. 64 - To the King and Nation of the
Yawpin Indians 10,240 acres no county or precinct given northeast
side of southwest side of North River adjoining Henry Creech - Oct
2, 1704. Captain Henry Creech ( 1621-
1709) Captain Henry Creech Sr. was born 1621 in the
Highlands of Scotland. He died in old Albemarle County North
Carolina about the year 1709 at the age of 88 years old. The
Captain was given him as he was that Captain of a ship "Nancy" and
the Nancy sailed the Albemarle Sound and other points along the
American coast It is not known if she sailed the Atlantic. Henry
Creech came to America with his father and family (mother,
brother) in the year 1622 aboard the ship "Journeyman" the Captain
was William Carter. His father Richard Creech his mother and small
sister were killed by the Indians in one of their massacres on the
settlements of the "Maine" in Virginia in 1630. His Uncle John
Beale Sr. the brother of his mother raised him along with his
brother Nicholas Creech. He married about the year 1653 Joyce
Paine born 1633 died 1712 the daughter of Benjamin Paine of Lower
Norfolk County Virginia. He bought 200 acres of land in Lower
Norfolk County Va. on April 20 1642- escheated from John Lownes
deceased. Henry Creech never left old Lower County Va. One must
remember that at this time Lower Norfolk Co. Virginia was the very
same territory that was to become Albemarle County, N.C. Lower
Norfolk County Virginia extended down as far as New Bern N.C. He
had settled on the northeast side of Pasquotank River in what was
to become Albemarle County N.C. on Areanoos Creek. Here he
received a land grant of 490 acres of Land on March 30, 1704 and
this grant was adjoining the lands of the Yawpins Indian
Reservation of 10,240 acres located on North River which was given
to the Indians Oct. 2, 1704. North River is on the north side of
Albemarle Sound opposite from Durant's Neck on the south side.
Durant's Neck was the home of the famous George Durant who played
an important part in the infant colony of Carolina. Henry Creech
Sr. was a Justice of Peace in the new colony from 1691 to 1698 and
signed several documents bearing these dates. He wrote his will
August 16 1709 and Joyce his wife was the Executrix. His will was
never probated or the record was destroyed. To receive land grants
or patents a person had to get a warrant issued and have their
rights proved. In the year 1694 Henry Creech, Joyce his wife
Benjamin Pain Thomas Harrison Elizabeth his wife and Elizabeth
Harrison their daughter proved their rights in Albemarle County
N.C. The State Records Of North Carolina - Volume 1
- Page 409 General Court Records - Albemarle County N.C. - Sept.
24, 1694 Henry Creech - Member of the Jury Albemarle County N.C. - Henry Creech became
Justice March 29, 1691 Will: Henry Creech Sr.- written August
16, 1709 - no probate- Albemarle County N.C. To son-in-law John Daine and wife Frances-
land at ye Beetree Neck; To sons Thomas and William land called ye Bald Ridge. To sons
Richard and Henry what already given them Executrix - wife Joyce; Witnesses: Eleanor
James and Tamer Creech - Original missing - recorded in Book 1712-1722 page 28 and page 40
Richard Creech born 1600 died 1630 married
Frances Beale born 1601 d. 1630 the dau. of Robert Beale Sr.
and Mary Belt. Issue: 1. Nicholas Creech b. 1619 in the Highlands of
Scotland and lived with his father until he was killed by the
Indians along with his mother & sister an infant. Their uncle
John Beale Sr raised Nicholas and brother Henry. Nicholas later
settled in Lower Norfolk County Va. He was shown there in 1640 age
21 years of age. Nothing more is shown about Nicholas so it is
presumed he died at an early age with no family.
2. Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 in the Highlands of
Scotland and died 1709 in old Albemarle County N.C. He married
Joyce Paine. See later
3. Daughter Creech born 1623 in the "Maine" Va.
and was killed along with her with her parents in the year
1630. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech Sr. was born 1621 in the
Highlands of Scotland. He died in old Albemarle County, N.C. in
the year 1709. He married 1653 Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712 the
dau. of Benjamin Paine. Issue: 1. Henry Creech Jr. b. 1654 in Lower Norfolk
Co. Va. He m. Coleman the dau. of Steven Coleman. Known
Issue: (1). Henry Creech III (was shown on the jury
list for -Pasquotank Co. N.C. in the year 1723). The will of Henry
Creech Jr. was in Pasquotank Co. but was also on record in Lower
Norfolk County Va.
2. Frances Creech b. 1656 in Lower Norfolk Co.
Va. and married John Daine or Dalie. No data.
3. Thomas Creech Sr. b.1659 in Lower Norfolk
Co. Va. and died in Norfolk .Co. Va. 1701. His will was dated 1700
Norfolk Co. He married Mary d. 1713 see later;
4. William Creech b. 1660 in Lower Norfolk Co.
Va. and was dead by 1730 in Norfolk County Va. He married Cheaire
. (no data)
5. Richard Creech b. 1662 in Lower Norfolk
County Va. d. 1715 in Nansemond Co. Va. He married Tamer Eliza
Davis dau. of Samuel Davis Sr. (see page ) issue: (1). Charles Creech Sr. b.1692 in Nansemond
Co. Va. (wife unknown) see later; (2). Samuel Davis Creech b. 1696 in Nansemond
Co. Va. (wife unknown) known issue: (1) Tamer Creech (no data) (2) Samuel Davis Creech Jr. (served in the
Revolution) (3) Joyce Creech b. 1699 in Nansemond Co Va.
(no data) (4) Richard Creech Jr. b. 1703 in Nansemond Co
Va. and died before 1782 in Norfolk Co. Va. He married Mary
Etheridge. see later. (5) Elizabeth Creech b. 1705 in Nansemond Co.
Va (no data) (6) William Creech b. 1708 in Nansemond Co.
Va. (no data) Hottents "Lists of Emigrants to
America": Richard Critch - age 27 - passenger list 1635
- these underwritten names are to be transported to Virginia
imbarqued in the "Transport of London" Edward Walker Master per
Certificate from the Minister of Gravesend of their comformitie to
the Orders and discipline of the Church of England. Richard Creech Sr. the son of Henry Creech Sr.
and Joyce Paine Creech was born in Lower Norfolk County Virginia
in the year 1662. Richard married about the year 1691 to Tamer
Eliza Davis and settled in Nansemond County, Virginia where the
Rent Rolls in 1701 showed he had 200 acres of land in that county.
Nansemond county was created from upper Norfolk County Virginia in
the year 1637 and is just across the North Carolina-Virginia state
line from Currituck County N.C. which was formed from Albemarle
County N. C. in the year 1691 where Richard's father Henry Creech
Sr. lived. Tamer Eliza Davis the wife of Richard was the daughter
of Samuel Davis Sr. and wife Eliza Benton. Samuel Davis Sr. came
to America August 20, 1662 with Captain Samuel Matthews and 59
others. Samuel Davis Sr. returned to England and came back to
America on October 13, 1662 with his wife Eliza, son Samuel Davis
Jr., infant daughter Tamer Eliza Davis, daughter Alice Davis, who
married later a Mr. Billet. Daughter Sarah Davis who later married
a Mr. Ward and a son John Davis. Also on this return trip to
America the father-in-law of Samuel Davis Sr. John Benton with
wife Joann children John Benton Jr. Isabel Benton Alice Benton and
Abigail Benton came with him. Samuel Davis Sr. settled 15 miles up
the Southward side of the Rappahannock River with 400 acres of
land. He received another 950 acres in patent on the north side of
Carolina River September 25, 1663 and in the Pasquotank Precinct
95 acres on Herring Creek Swamp January 1694. The will of Samuel
Davis Sr. was petition by his son Samuel Davis Jr. March 11, 1718.
Richard Creech Sr. died 1715 in Nansemond County Virginia without
a will and his wife Tamer Eliza Davis Creech died April 3, 1719
after her husband. Tamer Creech was one of the witnesses to her
father-in-law's will, Henry Creech in 1709. Richard and Tamer
Creech had six children in order of: Charles, Samuel Davis, Joyce,
Richard Jr., Elizabeth and William Creech. (Of Richard Creech
later) Richard Creech Jr., the son of Richard Creech
Sr. and wife Tamer Eliza Davis was born about 1703 Nansemond
County, Virginia. He died before 1782 in Norfolk County, Virginia
where he left his will no date given. Richard married about 1723
Mary Etheridge the daughter of Levy Etheridge and granddaughter of
Adam Etheridge and wife Elizabeth. The will of Elizabeth Etheridge
- dated January 23, 1764 (her husband was Adam Etheridge who died
in Norfolk County Virginia) mentions her granddaughter Mary
Creech, grandson Thomas Bayshaw, son Levy Etheridge. Elizabeth had
property on the north side of Tanner's Creek. The widow Mary
Creech was shown on the state enumeration's of Norfolk County
Virginia 1782-1785 with 3 whites and with 1 dwelling; she was also
shown on the 1790 Federal Census for Norfolk County. It seems that
she must have been some younger than her husband Richard or lived
to be an old woman in her late 80's. Not much is known about
Richard Creech Jr. or his land transactions maybe he had very
little as the issue of Richard and Mary migrated to other parts of
the country except son Henry; for this was the period of time that
there was a heavy migration to the south and west with a few
moving north. The issue of Richard and Mary were: Benjamin Sr.,
John Sr., Henry Richard 3rd, Mary Nancy and Elizabeth Creech. -
(Benjamin Creech Sr. - Later). Will:Robert Bell citizen and skinner of
London - January 16, 1656; proved February 1656/7 To be buried in
parish church of St. John Baptist London near my wife. To my
brother John Bell 5 pounds and to every one of his three daughters
20 pounds at 21 or marriage. Whereas I purchased of William Burges
gentleman certain old tenements in Hounsditch London which are
since demolished and upon which ground I have built four new
houses and out of the same have secured an annuity of 34 pounds
unto my mother-in-law Elizabeth Bidwell during her life now I give
the overplus of said rents to my brother John Bell the education
of his son and my nephew John Bell the younger and to his heirs
forever. To so many of the children of my deceased sister Amy
Atkins late wife of Richard Atkins as are living when I die 10
pounds or marriage. To said mother Elizabeth Bidwell 10 pounds. To
my kinswoman Philadelphia Bickley daughter of my cousin Anne
Bickley 20 pounds. To my kinsman Francis Bickley son of my said
cousin Anne (now in Virginia) 20 pounds. To friend Laurence
Withers 10 pounds. To my friend Mr. Francis August my liverie gown
and hood and to him and his wife 15 pounds. To Mr. Edward Gregorie
scrivener and his wife 15 pounds. To their son Edward Gregorie the
younger 20 pounds. To my aunt Mary Terry of Ansford county Kent 10
pounds. To friend Edward Higgins of Deptford 10 pounds. To my
wife's grand daughter Mary Cox and her brother John Cox children
of Peter Gax vintner 20 pounds. To grandson Robert Beale son of my
granddaughter Elizabeth and husband Robert Beale the elder dyer 10
pounds. To the wife of Robert Beale the elder 5 Pounds. To my late
servant Edward Mitchell 10 pounds. To Mr. Witham minister of said
parish 5 pounds. To John Wild D.D. 10 pounds. To friend Stephen
Turner merchant 5 pounds. To Mary the wife of Jethro Chelsham my
son-in-law vintner 5 pounds. To other kinsmen: Deputie Charles
Mynne, Captain Wm. Tasker, Thomas Rose, Captain Henry Creech (now
in America), Robert West, Francis carpenter, Richard carpenter
Danie Belt, son-in-law Thomas Boyleston, cousin William Jarary(?),
Robert Beale, Matthew Beddingrock, Peter Cox, Robert Story, James
Blackaby, Doctor Croydo,n Christopher Stacy, Samuel Reeve, Thomas
Hackett and James Samuel Femnant of Skinners' Hall. To the poor of
Wandsford in the parish of Stibbington county Huntingdon where I
was born 5 pounds. Whereas I took letters of administration of the
goods of my deceased uncle Humphry Bell for the use of his
daughter Anne Bickley I desire my executor to be ayding to my said
kinswoman. Residuary legatee and Executor: Mr. Richard Chapman of
Bread Street, London, Silkeman. Witnesses: Richard Bates, Stephen
Turner, Edward Mitchell, Mary W. Vallenc,e Wdward Gregory
scrivener. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 / son m.
Frances Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b 1633 d. 1712. Thomas Creech Sr. b. 1659 in Lower Norfolk
Co. Va. d 1701 in Norfolk Co. His will was in Norfolk Co. Va.
dated 1700. He married Mary died 1713. Had issue; (Mary made her
will in Norfolk Co. in 1713) 1. Thomas Creech Jr. d. 1785 in Norfolk Co.
Va.; he m. Judith . His will was written in 1777 probated in 1787
Norfolk Co. Va. Issue: (1) Thomas Creech III (no data) (2) Stephen Creech served in the Chowan Go.,
N.C. Militia Nov. 25, 1754 commanded by Captain Lewis. He m.
Eleanor Worden dau.of James Worden whose will was dated April 23,
1755 in Chowan Co. N.C. (had sons James & William dau.
Eleanor) (3) Soloman Creech married Dec. 19, 1805 Mrs.
Lucretia Powell (no data) (4) Ann Creech (no data) (5) Elizabeth Creech married ca. Aug. 3, 1785
Daniel Lanster (no data) (6) Judith Creech (no data) 2. Jeremiah Creech was born in Lower Norfolk
Co. Va. (wife unknown) but had moved to Bertie Co. N.C. by 1757
(no data)
3. Samuel Creech was born in Lower Norfolk Co
Va. but had moved into Pasquotank Co. N.C. by 1755 as he served in
the Pasquotank County 14 militia in 1755 under Captain Nehemiah
Jones Company 3rd Pasquotank Company. (no data)
4. James Creech was born in Lower Norfolk
County Va. and was in Camden Co. N.C. in the year 1782 (no more
data) Note: If there were any daughters we see no
record of them. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. 1600 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d. 1719. Charles Creech, Sr. b. 1692 m. .
1. Charles Creech Jr. (no data)
2. William Creech (no data) 3. Richard Creech (no data) Note: There may have been more children but
these three was shown on the State Enumerations of Va. 1782-1785
from Nansemond Co Also they were shown on the 1790 Federal Census
for that county. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry CreechSr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard CreechSr. 1600 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d. 1719. Richard Creech Jr. b.1703 1782 m. Mary
Etheridge b. 1710 d.after 1790. Issue: 1. Benjamin Creech Sr. was born 1724 in
Nansemond Co. Va. and died between 1770 and 1790 in old Dobbs
County N.C. He m. 1745 Mary Lewis b.1724.(see page 33) see
2. John Creech Sr. was born in Nansemond Co.
Va. and died 1784 in Sussex Co. Va. He was born 1726. His wife is
unknown and his will was in 1784 in Sussex Co. His three sons
migrated to the state of Maryland. Issue: (1) John Creech Jr. b. in Sussex Co. Va. (no
data) (2) Phillip Creech b. in Sussex Co. Va. was
shown on the 1790 census of Washington County Maryland with four
white males and four white females. (wife unknown) (3) Richard Creech b. in Sussex Go. Va. was
also in Maryland where he served from that state in the
Revolution. He m. Elizabeth Blish and he was born in the year 1751
and died June 13, 1819 in Maryland.
3. Henry Creech was born 1728 in Nansemond Co.
Va. An inventory of his will was taken in the year 1779 in Norfolk
Co. Va. It seems that Henry stayed up in Norfolk County with his
mother. (no more data)
4. Richard Creech III was b 1730 in Nansemond
Co. Va. and d. Aug. 1787 in present day Barnwell Go. S.C. He m.
Ann Williams died after 1790 in Barnwell Co. S.C. He first settled
in New Hanover Co. N.C. From here he served in the Revolution as a
Lt. from the Wilmington District. After the war he moved to old
Winton Co, S.C now Barnwell Go. He served as follows in the Rev.:
Issued to Captain Richard Creech for 140 pounds and 4 shillings
for duty as Lt; Was pt. in 1779; and Major in 1780-1781; No. 61
Sept. 26, 1785. In Oct. 1786 the Court of Winton Co. made him
a Grand Juror and a Commissioner of Roads. His will is on record
in Barnwell Co., S.C. An inventory returned on Aug. 25, 1788 by
John Williams William Creech & Reuben Galikely; administrators
were Richard Creech IV his son & Ann Creech his wife. His will
was recorded March 11, 1788. Ann Williams Creech signed for a
pension Oct. 18, 1796 for her husband Richard Creech for services
in the Revolution. He received land grants in S.C. as follows:
June 5, 1786- 150 acres; June 5, 1786- 181 acres; June 6, 1787-
448 acres -recorded in Columbia State- land was in Orangeburg
District now Barnwell & Allendale counties South Carolina.
Issue: (1) Richard Creech IV b.1751 d.1808 m. Mary
Williams. see later; (2) William Creech b.1755 d. 1834 m. Susan
Kirkland. see later; (3) Stephen Creech b.1757 m. 1785 _______
Caldwell. see later; (4) Henry Creech Sr. b. 1759 (wife unknown) in
New Hanover Co, N.C. His will was dated Feb. 15, 1818 (5) Jane Ann Creech b. 1761 m. James Harley
who served in the Rev. and War of 1812. He is buried in the
RevolutioMary War Cemetery at Barnwell County Courthouse along
with his two brother-in-laws Richard & William Creech. (no
data) (6). Joshua Creech b. 1763 m. Nancy
5. Mary Creech b.1731 in Nansemond County Va.
No Data
6. Nancy Creech b. 1733 in Nansemond County Va.
unmarried- living with mother in 1790.
7. Elizabeth Creech b. 1735 in Nansemond County
Va. (no data) Richard Creech Sr. (1662-
1715) Richard Creech Sr. was born in Lower Norfolk
County Va. in the year 1662. He settled in Nansemond County
Virginia where on the Rent Rolls in 1704 showed he had 200 acres
of land there. Nansemond County was cut from Upper Norfolk
County.. Va. in the year 1637 and is just across the Va.-N.C.
state line from Currituck County N.C. which was formed from
Albemarle County, N.C. in 1691 where Richard's father Henry Creech
Sr. lived.
Richard Creech Sr. married 1691 Tamer Eliza
Davis the daughter of Samuel Davis Sr. and wife Eliza Benton.
Samuel Davis Sr. came to America August 20, 1662 with Captain
Samuel Matthews with 59 others. Samuel Davis Sr. returned to
England and came back to America Oct. 13, 1662 with his wife
Eliza, son Samuel Davis Jr, infant dau. Tamer Eliza Davis, dau.
Alice Davis, who married later Mr. Billet, Sarah Davis a daughter
who later married a Mr. Ward, and son John Davis. Also on this
return to America the father-in-law of Samuel Davis Sr John Benton
with wife Joane, children John Benton Jr, Isabel Benton, Alice
Benton and Abigail Benton came with him. Samuel Davis Sr. settled
15 miles up the Southward side of the Rappahannock River with 400
acres of land. He received another 950 acre patent on the north
side of Carolina River Sept. 25, 1663 and in the Pasquotank
Precinct 95 acres on Herring Creek Swamp Jan. 1694. The will of
Samuel Davis Sr. was petition by his son Samuel Davis Jr. March
11, 1718. Richard Creech Sr. died about 1715 in
Nansamond County Virginia without will and his wife Tamer Eliza
Davis Creech died April 3, 1719 after her husband. Richard Creech Jr. (1703 - by
1782) Richard Creech Jr. was born in Nansemond
County Virginia in the year 1703. He died in Norfolk County
Virginia, where he left his will - no date given. He married
Etheridge, the daughter of Levy Etheridge and granddaughter of
Adam Etheridge and wife Elizabeth.
The will of Elizabeth Etheridge - dated
Jan 23, 1764 (her husband was Adam Etheridge who died in Norfolk
County Va.) mentions her grand-daughter Mary Creech, grandson
Thomas Bayshaw, son Levy Etheridge. Had property on the north side
of Tanner's Creek. The widow Mary Creech was shown on the state
enumeration of Norfolk County Virginia 1782-1785 with 3 whites
& 1 dwelling - She was also shown on the 1790 Federal Census
for Norfolk County Va. It appears that she was some younger than
her husband Richard Creech Jr. It also seems that the issue of
Richard & Mary migrated to other parts of the country as this
was the period of time that the heavy migration was going on to
the south west and even some to the north. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. 1600 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d. 1719. Richard Creech Jr. b.1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d. after 1796. Richard Creech IV was born in New
Hanover Co. N.C. and died 1808 in Barnwell Co. S.C. He served as
Senator from the Winton District, S.C. 1806-1808 and died in this
office. He served in the Revolution as Lt then pt. 1779-1782; also
supplied provisions. Appointed Sheriff of Winton Nov. 2 1790.
South Carolina House of Representatives Winton 1795-1798. Justice
of Peace Coroner of Barnwell Co. 1801-1802. Commissioner of public
buildings and commissioner of roads. He died Jan. 6, 1808. He
received land grants recorded at Columbia State as follows: Oct.
5, 1789- 236 acres; Aug. 11,1788 264 acres; Dec. 4,1797- 148
acres; Dec. 6, 1796- 376 acres; Sept. 1797-140 acres. These grants
were in Barnwell & Allendale counties S.C. He married Mary
Williams, a cousin, of Barnwell County. He is buried in the
RevolutioMary war Cemetery at the Barnwell Courthouse along with
his brother William Creech. Both graves are marked by the D.A.R.
There are 35 graves in the cemetery. Originally Barnwell Co. was
part of Granville Co. Later part of Orangeburg District Winton Co.
was created March 12, 1785. Justices William Robison, Thomas
Knight, Richard Treadways, Daniel Green, William Ruford and James
Blair were directed to erect a courthouse, gaol, pillow, whipping
post and stocks. These were built of pine logs; Winton County
became Barnwell District in 1798 and Barnwell Co. in 1868.
Issue; 1. Stephen Creech b. 1769 in New Hanover Co.
N.C. (no data) 2. Richard Creech V b. 1771 in New Hanover Co.
N.C. (no data) 3. Henry Creech b. 1775 in Barnwell Co. S.C.
(no data) 4. Charles Creech b. 1778 in Barnwell Co. S.C.
(no data) Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. 1600 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d. 1719. Richard Creech Jr. b.1703 1782 m. Mary
Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d. after 1796. William Creech was b. 1755 in New
Hanover Co. N.C. he d. 1834 in Barnwell Co. S.C. His will was
written June 1, 1833 and is recorded at the Barnwell County
Courthouse. He served in the Revolution and is buried in the Rev.
War Cemetery at the Courthouse. William received a voucher for 39
pounds 11 shillings 3 pence for duty Sept. 26 1785. He made his
home at Hungary Milk Hill in Big Fork near Kline, S.C. He married
Susan Kirkland. Issue: 1. John Creech d. Mar. 3, 1839 m. Sallie
Kirland; see later.
2. Mary Creech m. Eli Myrick; see
3. William Creech Jr.
4. Henry Creech
5. Sarah Creech
6. Nancy Creech
7. Elizabeth Creech
8. Harriett Creech Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. 1600 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d. 1719. Richard Creech, Jr. b.1703 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d. after 1796. William Creech, Sr. b.1755 d. 1834 m. Susan
Kirkland. Daughter Mary Creech married Eli Myrick son of Col.
James Myrick and Mary Brooker. Issue: 1. Winifred Myrick Dunn (widow) b. Dec. 11,
1820 in Barnwell Co. S.C. and died Feb. 23, 1900 in Barnwell Co.
She m. James Wilson Williams as her 2nd husband b. Dec 31, 1813
Barnwell Co. and died June 26 ,1879 son of John(Jack) Williams and
Tamar Chasseru. They had one dau. named: (1) Tamar Eugenia Williams b. Sept. 27, 1858
and died April 16, 1901 and married John Peter Priester b. April
30, 1859 d. Sept. 12,1908 son of William Priester Jr. and Isabella
Mew. They had one daughter;
- (a) Ethlene Melinda Priester b. April
121894 Barnwell Co. S.C. died July 14, 1975 in Columbia S.C.
She married July 6, 1915 at Augusta Ga. Charles Eugene Tgue b.
July 11, 1883 d. Dec 91969 son of Abraham Tgue & Sarah E.
*John Creech (brother to Mary Creech above)
died March 1839 and m. Sallie Kirland. He was the son of William Creech Sr. and
Susan Kirkland. Issue: 1. William Creech b. 1815 m. 1st Magaline
Jeter m. 2nd Sina Sanders(no issue by 2nd wife) Issue by 1st wife;
(Magaline was b. 1814) (1) John James Creech b. Oct.7, 1832 d.
Sept.12, 1883 m. Eliza Aldrich; see later. (2) Starling Creech b. 1834 (was in Civil War)
m. Susan Williams. (3) George Creech b. 1836 (was in civil war)
m. Savannah Morris. (4) Richard Creech b. 1838 (was in civil war)
m. Lucretia Sanders. (5) William Creech Jr. b. 1839 (was in civil
war) m. Jane Brunson (6) Lewis Creech b. 1840 (was in civil war) m.
1st Katie Stillm.2nd Lomie Block. (7) James (Jimmie) Creech b. 1842 (was in
civil war) m. Susan Morris. (8) Joanna Creech b.1844 m. Charles
Still. (9) Elizabeth (Lissie) Creech b. 1846 m.
Willis Still. 2. Henry Creech
3. Joyce Creech
4. George Creech
5. Cornelius Creech
6. Sarah Creech
7. Rivannah Creech
8. Mary (Mollie) Creech
9 Esther Creech Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. 1600 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d. 1719. Richard Creech, Jr. b. 1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d. after 1796. William Creech, Sr. b. 1755 d. 1834 m.
Susan Kirkland. daughter John Creech d. 1839 m. Sallie
Kirland. William Creech b. 1815 m. 1st Magaline
Jeter. John James Creech b. Oct. 7, 1832
Barnwell Co., S.C. and d. Sept. 12, 1883 same county. He is buried
in the Reedy Branch Church Cemetery, S.C. He served in the Civil
War. John James Creech married Eliza Aldred b. June 15, 1837 d.
July 23, 1918 in Barnwell Co. S.C. She is buried beside her
husband.. Issue: 1. John Calvin Creech b. Jan. 28,1858 d. Oct.
28, 1924 buried at Pinie Grave Baptist Church. He m. Katie Still
b. July 18 1860 d. May 24, 1940; see later.
2. John Dedigus Creech b.Feb. 21, 1867 d. July
5 1932 buried at lake Primitive Baptist Church Metta, Ga. He m.
Frances Elizabeth Miles b.Dec. 25, 1868 d.Dec 71937.
Issue: (1) Ella Creech b. Dec 3, 1888 d. Dec 24, 1969
m. James Benjamin Zissett. (2) Duke Franklin Creech b. Dec 22, 18-- m.
Maggie Mixon. (3) Geneva Bell Creech b. Aug 28 1891 m.
Milton Brooks Woodcock . (4) Kimp Creech b. Sept 5, 1894 d. Sept 30,
1918 unmarried. (5) Lonnie Creech m. Ruth _____ (6) Sid Creech m. Flora Waters. (7) Minnie Creech m. 1st Grady Flint m. 2nd
Eugene Gibbs. (8) Cora Creech
3. Columbia Creech b. July 3, 1860 d. May 10,
1901 buried at Reedy Branch Church S.C. m. Willie C. Still; issue: (1) Florence Still b. May 101877 d. 14arch 19
1901 unmarried. (2) Floyd Still b. Jan 9 1881 d. Jan 14, 1901
unmarried. (3) James Herbert Still b. March 7. 1882 d.
May 19 1961 m. Florrie Gilliam. (4) Herman Still m. Nehiemae Zorn. (5) Bertha Still m. Artha Elkins. (6) John B. Still b. Nov 12, 1894 d. Nov 26
1918 unmarried (7) Alice Still m. Perry Eubanks (8) "Little" Donia Still b. 1901 d.
4. Fredonia Creech b. May 22, 1862 d. Sept. 24,
1900 buried at Corenth Church at Statesboro, Ga. She m. Barnette
M. K. Still b May 6, 1860 d. Aug 7, l930 (his 2nd
wife) (1) Thurman Judson Still m. Connie Sue Grubbs.
- (2) Pearl Still m. Jesse W. Smith. (3) Cleve Still (buried in the Magnolian
Cemetery Augusta Ga.) (4) Mattie Still m. Neal Kennerly. (5) Fossie Still m. Tom Jones. (6) Prue Still m. rlos Wyatt. (7) J.J. (Joe) Still rq. Josie S.
Waters. (8) Ada Still m. Jake Faust.
5. 1stha Leola Creech b. Dec 17 1876 d. March
20 1966 buried Salem Meth. Church Hilda Ga. She m. William
Anderson Hartzog b. Aug. 1 1870 d. Aug 15, 1948; see
later. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. 1600 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b.1703 1782 m. Mary
Etheridge b. 1710 d.after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d.after 1796. William Creech, Sr. b.1755 d. 1834 m. Susan
Kirkland. daughter John James Creech b. Oct. 7 1832 Barnwell
Co. S.C. and d. Sept. 12, 1883 John Calvin Creech b. Jan.28 1858 d.
Oct 28, 1924 buried Piney Grove Bapt Church Metta Ga. He m. Katie
Still b. July lb 1860 d. May 24 1940 dau.of Thomas Still and Ellen
Scase. Issue; 1. Marion Otis Creech b. 23 Sept 1878 d. 2 Oct
1951 m. Mammie Zissett; see later.
2. Robert Lee Creech b.26 Jan 1881 m. 19 March
1905 Anna Gilliam b. 31 July 1689 d. 5 May 1970 dau.of Josiah
Gilliam & Sallie Faust. Issue; (1) Boyce Creech b.12 July 1906 m.9 March 1930
Ossie Bell Diamond. (2) Essie Creech b.6 Oct 1908 m. Thdo
Baxley. (3) Freddie Creech b.10 Oct 1910 d.16 June
1932 unmarried. (4) Woodrow Creech b. 22 Feb 1913 m. Nellie
Riley. (5) Infant daughter Creech b. & d. 29
April 1914.(buried Reedy Branch Church, S.C. (6) Katie Gertrude Creech b.28 Oct 1915 m. 7
Oct 1933 Ben Black (7) Cecil J. Creech b. 17 Oct 1917 m. Eleree
Stancil. (8) Inez Creech b. 21 Jan 1920 m. Tarlton
Sanders. (9) Harold C. Creech (twin) b. 24 Dec 1921 m.
Guida Jones. (10) Carrol Creech (twin) 'h. 24 Dec 1921 m.
Bera Black. (11) Ethel Creech b. 19 July 1923 m. 11 Nov
1941 Eugene Hutto. (12) Eunice Creech b. 24 April 1925 m. Raymond
Atwood (13) Elizabeth Creech b. 7 May 1928 m. David
Sanders. (14) Thelma Creech b. 7 Nov 1930 m. Herman
Black. 3. Addie Lillian Creech b. 29 Aug 1885 d. 10
April 1904 m. Andrew Jackson Lyches b. 1876 d.1955 son of Boncei
Dyches & Still. Issue; (1) Addie Lillian Dyches b. 24 Feb. 1903 m. st
18 Dec 1917 Lee Sharpe m. 2nd 22 May 1965 R..E.Caraway.
4. Latna Arebell Creech 5 Aug 1886 m. 1st 1902
David Dyches d.1908 son of Sam Dyches and Nancy Lancester m.2nd
Elmore Sanford; issue by 1st hus. (1) Talmadge Dyches b.28 July 1904 d.1935 m.
Minnie Rooks. (2) Lewis Dyche3 b. 20 July 1906 d.29 March
1916. (3) Mozelle Dyches b. 9 Jan 1909 m. Monnie
Black. 2nd husband: (4) Lessie Sanford m. 1st April Douglas m.2nd
7 Walter Zigler. (5) M.E. Sanford m. Willie Dean
Pane. (6) Lovell Sanford m. Henry
McGhee. 5. Rosa Emma Creech b. 28 Sept 1888 d. 11 Oct
1944 m. Mayfield Arledge. See later;
6. Preston Creech b. 14 Jan 1890 d. 3 Aug
7. Farrie Creech b. 20 Jan 1893 d. 4 June 1921
8. Duise Creech b. 4 July 1896 m. 1st Dora
Jones m.2nd Janie Keel; see later.
9. Mikie Collie Creech b. 2 July 1900 m. 1921
Ruth Edna Olliff; see later
10. Zadie Creech b. 1902 d. 1918 (buried at
Piney Grove Bapt. Church Metta Ga. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. 1600 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b.1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d. after 1796. William Creech, Sr. b.1755 d. 1834 m. Susan
Kirkland. daughter John James Creech b. Oct. 7 1832 Barnwell
Co. S.C. and d. Sept. 12, 1883 John Calvin Creech b. Jan.28 1858 d. Oct
28,1924 Marion Otis Creech b.23 Sept 1878 d. 2
Oct 1951 buried at Reedy Branch Baptist Church at BarnwellS.C. He m. Mammie Zissett b.
9 march 1884 Bamburg Co. S.C. and d. 25 Sept 1930 the dau.of
Charles L. Zissett Jr. and Adaline R. Black. Issue; 1. John James Creech b. 1902 d. 1904 buried at
Reedy Branch Church.
2. Oscar Creech b. 26 March 1903 d. 9 May 1905
buried at Reedy Branch Church.
3. Theado Creech b. 16 Oct 1905 d. 12 March
1907 buried at Reedy Branch Church.
4. Hennis J. Creech b. 31 Play 1906 m. 19 Oct
1939 Nellie Fertick.
5. Sadie Mae Creech b. 3 Oct 1908 m. 5 June
1932 Herman E. Birt. Son; (1) Herman E. Birt Jr.
6. Katherine Creech b. 23 Oct 1910 d. 3 July
1971 m. 31 July 1931 William Henry Grimes. (1) Robert R. Grimes m. Joyce Goode.
- (a) Richard Grimes
- (b) Sherold Grimes
(2) Betty A. Grimes m. Jack Hutto.
- (a) Larry Hutto
- (b) Cindy Hutto
- (c) Michael Hutto
(3) Mamie Grimes m. Bud Cross. Issue;
- (a) Judy K. Cross
- (b) Bill Cross
7. Coley Creech b. 10 Sept 1912 m. 10 Aug 1943
m. Eva Mae Harter. Son; (1) Coley Creech Jr. 8. Marie Creech b. 26 July 1914 m. 16 April
1943 Vivian Gray Sing1stary. Issue; (1) Gail Singletary (2) Ted Singletary m. Rota Eberhart. Issue-
- (a) Toby
- (b) Christine
(c) Marion (3) Vivian M. Singletary m. Christopher Moore.
Issue- (a) Lisa M. 9. Edna Louise Creech b. 4 Sept, 1916 m. 28
April, 1933 Johnnie Z. Green. See later; 10. Eddie Wilbur Creech b. 15 Oct 1919 M. 1939
Leira Grubbs. Issue; (1) J. Marion Creech m. Martha Ray. Issue-
- (a) John Marion Jr
(b) Donna Kay (2) Juanita Creech m. Robert L. Mills.Issue-
- (a) Robert L. Jr
- b) Jenifer
- (c) David
(3) Jerry D. Creech m. Judy Hutto. Issue- (a)
Jerry D. Jr. (b) Rena E.
11. Infant son Creech b. & d. 20 Oct 1922
buried at Reedy Branch Baptist Church, S.C.
12. Infant son Creech b. & d. 16 April 1924
buried at Reedy Branch Baptist Church, S.C. Note: Mammie Zissett -the dau.of Charles Lewis
Zissett Jr. d. 28 April 1933 and Adaline Rebec Black b. 1868 d. 27 Nov 1932. Charles Lewis Zissett
Jr. was son of Charles Lewis Zissett Sr. and Euricka
Hennis. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. 1600 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b.1703 1782 m. Mary
Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d.after 1796. William Creech, Sr. b.1755 d. 1834 m. Susan
Kirkland. daughter John James Creech b. Oct. 7 1832 Barnwell
Co. S.C. and d. Sept. 12,1883 John Calvin Creech b. Jan.28 1858 d. Oct
28, 1924 Marion Otis Creech b.23 Sept 1878 d. 2 Oct
1951 Edna Louise Creech b. 4 Sept 1916 m. 28
April 1933 Johnnie Z. Green. Issue; 1. Joan Green m. 1st James D Rennison m. 2nd
John E. Clark. Issue 1st husband; (1) James Rennison Jr. (2) Tony Rennison By 2nd Husband; (3) John E. Clark Jr. She m. 3rd Ted H. Jones; issue; (4) Teddie Jones
2. Hennis Green m. ssanda
3. Johnnie R. Green m. 1st Leo A. Price m. 2nd
Marion E. James. Issue: by 1st husband- (1) Leo A. Price III (2) Candice M. Price
- by 2nd husband;
(3) Pat James Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. 1600 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b.1703 1782 m. Mary
Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d.after 1796. William Creech, Sr. b.1755 d. 1834 m. Susan
Kirkland. daughter John James Creech b. Oct. 7 1832 Barnwell
Co. S.C. and d. Sept. 12, 1883 John Calvin Creech b. Jan.28 1858 d. Oct
281924 m. Katie Still b. 1860 d. 1940 Rosa Emma Creech b. 28 Sept 1888 d. 11
Oct 1944 m. Mayfield Arledge d. 26 Aug 1957 son of William Arledge and Mary Creech. Both
are buried at Sylvania Screven Co. Ga. 1. Annie Mae Arledge b. 30 Oct 1910 d. 28 Aug
1967 buried at Savannah Chatham Co. Ga. m. Jim P. Brant d. 17
April Issue; (1) Lois Brant b. 9 Sept 1933 m. Derefe S.
Davis b. 10 Dec 1932. Issue; (a) Cathen Davis b. 25 June 1954
- (b) Mike Davis b. 23 Sept 1956
(c) Theron Davis b. 20 Dec 1958 (2) Jimmy Brant d. 1 May 1966 (3) Mary Ellen Brant m. Randy Whaples Jr.-
Issue; (a) Carol
- (b) Idanda
- (c) James
- (d) Debera
2. T.J. Arledge b. 5 April 1916 m. Ethel Mae
Godbee b. 15 March 1918. Issue; (1) Dorothy Mae Arledge b. 11 March 1935 m.
1st W.L. Burns b. 14 Jan 1933 d. 27 June 1963; m. 2nd Lou Dn
Hinely b. 14 July 1936. Issue; (a) Wayne Burns b. 4 Nov 1957; (b) Jean Burns b 5 Jan 1959; (c) Susannah Hinely b.17 Oct 1966 (2) Gene Arledge b. 5 Aug 1937 (3) Francis Arledge b. & d. 31 Dec
1942 (4) Rose Marie Arledge b. 6 Aug 1947 m. Aubrey
H. Davis b. 8 March 1949. Issue; (a) Audrey Virginia Davis b. 25
April 1967 3. Arebell Arledge b. 30 July 1920 m. J.T.
Maddox b. 27 Oct 1914 Mike Collie Creech (brother to Rosa Emma
Creech above) was b. 2 July 1900 m. 1921 the 2nd Jan. Ruth Edna
Olliff b. 17 Sept. 1903 dau. of John R. Olliff and Laura V.
Nichols. Issue: 1. Sybil Elwanda Creech b. 8 Aug 1922 m.
William Olin Brown. Issue; (1) Brenda Brown b. 11 Jan 1946 m. Bobby Neal;
issue (a) Jeffery Alan
- (2) Wanda Brown b. 12 June 1943 m. Ray
Bixler. issue;
- (a) Dawn b. 15 June 1965
- (b) Steven Ray b. 28 July 1968
- (c) Mark Gregory b. 5 May
2. Katie Laurine Creech b.26 April 1926 m.
Edwin Mikell 10 July 1948 b. Sep 1924 Issue: (a) Larry Edwin b. 20 July 1950
- (b) Bobby Lee b. 6 June 1954
- (c) Pamela b. 4 Sept 1960
3. Yvonne Creech b. 12 Nov 1928 d. 23 Nov 1928
buried Candler Co. Metta Ga.
4. John Collie Creech b. 4 May 1934 d. 24 Nov
1934 buried Metta Ga.
5. Rita Creech b. 23 Jan 1938 m. 3 Nov 1957
Lamar Underwood b. 2 Sept 1936. Issue. (1) Donna Marie b. 15 Feb 1959 (2) Maria b. 9 Dec 1964
6. Mary Edna Creech b. 2 April 1932 m. Louis T.
Anderson b. 23 Feb 1930. Issue; (1) Glenda Ruth b. 21 July 1954 (2) Anthony
Louis b. 13 Oct 1957
7. Hilda Creech b. 14 March 1941 m. 10 Oct 1958
Julian Cannady b. 22 June 1936. Issue; (1) Teresa Gayle b. 10 Se t 1959 (2) David b.
16 April 1962 (3) Michael b.1 Aug 19
8. Mikey Creech b. 4 June 1943 m. 24 Feb 1962
Robert L. Davis. Issue; (1) Robert L. Davis Jr. b. 28 Jan 1965 (2)
Mary Elizabeth b. 3 Oct 1969 Richard Creech b 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. b. 1662 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b.1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d. after 1796. William Creech b. 1755 d. 1834 M. Susan
Kirkland. John Creech d. 1839 m. Sallie
Kirland. William Creech b. 1815 m. 1st Magaline
Jeter. John James Creech b. 1832 . 1883 m. Eliza
Aldred b.1837 d.1918. John Calvin Creech b. 1858 d. 1924 m. Katie
Still b. 1860 d.1940. Duise Creech b. 4 July 1896 m. 1st Dora
Jones b. 5 Sept 1894 d. 30 March 1958. m. 2nd Janie Keel (no issue) Issue by 1st
wife; 1. Iona (Jones) Creech b. 6 July 1912 at
Metter Ga. m. Mike Eugene Key. Iona was b. before Duise married
Dora he adopted her after marriage. She married Mike and had two
girls then Iona died then Duise adopted both grand-daughters.
Issue; (1) Billie (Key) Creech b.22 Aug 1935 m. Ellis
Parker b.22 Sept 1934. Iona died 5 Feb 1954. Issue; (a) Patsy
Parker b. 19 Sept 1955 (b) Mikie b. 5 Dec 1957 (c) Scottie b. 20 Nov
1962 (2) Virginia (Key) Creech m. David Hay. Issue;
(a) David Hay Jr. (b) Meleny Hay 2. Yonnie Creech b. 10 April 1916 d. 17 Nov
1969 m. Bernice T. Collins. Issue; (1) Cranston Collins m. Patricia
Champon. (2) Nell Dorrett Collins m. 1st Frank Suckow.
m. 2nd Charles Dunaway. Issue; (a) Georgia Dora Suckow (b) Charleen
Dunaway 3. William Leon Creech b. 15 Sept 1919 m.
Esther Linwood. Issue. (1) Billy Creech (2) Bobby Creech 4. Vonell Creech b. 21 June 1921 m. 1st Ben
Mercer. m. 2nd Stubbs. Issue 1st hus. (1) Kenny Mercer b. 27 April 1954 (2) Maria Mercer b. 9 Nov 1958 (3) Jimmy Mercer b. 3 Aug 1955 (4) Benny Mercer 5. Riley Duise Creech b. 2 Nov 1925 m. Lynn
________ Issue; (1) William Riley Creech b. 22 Feb 1960 (2)
Patricia Lynn Creech b. 8 Feb 1961 (3) Rhonda Elizabeth Creech b. 18 Jan
1962 (4) Gary Wayne Creech b. III Sept
1963 (5) David Lee Creech b. 22 Dec
1964 (6) Donna Hope Creech b. 20 Aug
1966 6. Rodney Creech b. 27 Dec 1924 m. Pearl
Smith. Issue; (1) Rhonda Kay Creech b. 18 Jan
19-- (2) William Riley Creech b. 21 Nov
1949 (3) Lillian Creech b. 2 July 1951 (4) Rodney Creech Jr. b. 1955 7. Dora Creech b. 17 Feb 1927 d. 14 Jan 1971
m. Jimmie Duncann b.13 Aug 1922; (1) Deborah Duncann (2) Claudett Duncann b.17 Aug 1949 m. William
Townn.Issue (a) Darea Buffett Townn 8. Doris Creech b. 27 April 1928 m. Curtis
Smith. Issue; (1) Boyd Curtis Smith b. 12 May
1949 (2) James Edward b.14 May 1954 (3) Otis Dewise
b. 14 Dec 1956 (4) Connie Marie b. 25 Aug 1958 9. Katie Dorine Creech died an
infant. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech Sr. b.1662 d. ca 1715 m.
1691 Tamer Eliza Davis d. 1719. Richard Creech Jr. b.1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. ca 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d. after 1796. William Creech Sr. b. 1755 d. 1834 m. Susan
Kirkland. John Creech d. 1839 m. Sallie
Kirland. William Creech b. 1815 m. 1st Magaline
Jeter. John James Creech b. 1832 d. 1883 m.
Eliza Aldred b. 1837 d. 1918. Letha Leola Creech b. 17 Dec 1876 d. 20 March
1966 m. William Anderson Hartzog b. 1 Aug 1870 d. 15 Aug 1948 son
of Jacob Hartzog and Sarah Ann Martm. Jacob Hartzog was son of
Daniel Hartzog and Mary Free. Letha & William are buried in
the Salem Methodist Church Cemetery. Hilda S.C. Issue; 1. Jennie Lou Hartzog b. 21 June ---- m.
Frampton L. Sanders Sr.; issue; (1) Elbona Sanders m. T. W. Morris; issue-
Richie Morris. (2) Almarth Sanders m. Warren Taylor Jr.;
issue- (a) Wanda (b) Charles W. (3) Marylan Sanders m. Dalma B. John Jr.;
issue- (a) Dalma Michael (b) Barry (4) Loyal Sanders (5) Gloria Sanders m. Johnnie Caughan; issue;-
(a) Connie (b) Johnnie Ray (6) Julian Sanders (7) Frampton Sanders Jr. m. Fay Jean Ray.
issue- (a) Susan (b) Sharon (8) Kenneth Ulyus Sanders m. Mary Pool. issue-
(a) Tracy (b) Virginia (c) Lynda (d) Brenda (e) Kenneth Ray 2. Ethel Mae Hartzog b 24 Feb 1896 d. Sept
1941 m. Augusta Ernest Sanders b. 20 July d. 9 Feb 1941. Buried in the Friendship
Barnwell, S.C. Issue; (1) Fulton Buist Sanders m. 1st Hazel Black m.
2nd Mary issue 1st wife; (a) Cariene Sanders m. Robert McKee (b) Larry
Sanders (c) Fulton Sanders Jr. (d) Fili Sanders (e)
Emily Ann Sanders (f) Grace E. Sanders (g) Kenneth Lee
Sanders (2) David William Sanders b. 11 March 1918 m.
Elizabeth b. 17 May 1928. issue; (a) Richard Sanders b. 15 May 1947 m. Brenda
Newman;issue- (a) Lesa (b) Carrol (b) Ethel Ann Sanders b. 28 Aug 1949 m. Ray
Lee Hook. (c) Linda Kay Sanders b. 18 Aug 1953 m. Henry
Davis; dau. April. (3) Margia Nell Sanders m. William Leon
DePriest; issue- (a) Eddie (b) Billie (c) Johnnie (d) Dee (e) Robbie (4) Effie Sanders (5) Jackie Sanders (6) Olive L. Sanders b. 19 Nov 1914 m. J.L.
Vernon. (7) Thelma L. Sanders b. 10 July 1916 m.
Harold Taylor; issue- (a) Donald B. (8) Augusta Sanders Jr. m. Vera Carrol; issue-
(a) Timothy (b) Pamelia Ann (9) Zillah Mae Sanders b. 16 May 1930 m. Hugh
Strouther. issue; (a) Alan Hugh b. 15 Sept 1962 (b) Nancy Lynn b 21 Nov
1959 3. James Corbit Hartzog b. 21 Sept 1902 m.
Mellie Grubbs; issue- (l) Leroy (2) Monroe 4. Koger Hartzog b. 13 April 1901 d. 20 March
1972 m. 15 July 1920 Cariena Collins b. 23 April 1904. See later. 5. Mary Lucille Hartzog b.-a 20 Aug 1904 m.
Jesse W. Collins b. 5 Sept 1906. see later 6. Kate Easter Hartzog b. 11 May 1906 m.
Michael Benzie b. 10 Dec 1907. Issue. (1) Alvin Hartzog b. 16 Feb 1927 m. Gertrude
Ellis; issue- (a) Michael b. 7 Aug 1959 7. Roy Hartzog unmarried buried at Salem
Methodist Church Cemetery, Hildas, S.C. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech Sr. b.1662 d. ca 1715 m.
1691 Tamer Eliza Davis d. 1719. Richard Creech Jr. b.1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Ann
Williams d. after 1796. William Creech Sr. b. 1755 d. 1834 m. Susan
Kirkland. John Creech d. 1839 m. Sallie
Kirland. William Creech b. 1815 m. 1st Magaline
Jeter. John James Creech b. 1832 d. 1883 m. Eliza
Aldred b. 1837 d. 1918. Letha Leola Creech b. 17 Dec 1876 d. 20
March 1966 m. William Anderson Hartzog Son: Koger Hartzog b. 13 April 1901 d. 20
March 1972 m. 15 July 1920 Cariena Collins b. 23 April 1904. Issue; 1. Koger J. Hartzog Jr. b. 27 Dec 1920 d. 15
Sept 1928. 2. Denzel Lavance Hartzog b. 20 Dct 1922 m.
Mary Carolyn Black. issue; (1) Denzel Lavance Hartzog Jr. b. 23 March
1947 (2) Ray Cooper Hartzog b. 7 July
1949 (3) Stephen A. Hartzog b. 5 Nov
1951 3. James Connar Hartzog b. 26 Feb 1924 m. Mary
L. Still b. 17 Aug 1925. Issue; (1) Sandra E. Hartzog b. 7 JulY 1944 m. M.
Allen Robertson;issue- Jimmie (a) (b) Allison (c) Mary M. (2) James Francis Hartzog b. 3 Aug
1950 (3) Sara Jo Hartzog b. 28 March
1952 4. Thelma Jewel Hartzog b. 16 Sept 1926 m.
Cratts V. Saylor b. 5 July 1920. issue; (1) Sylvia Annette Saylor b. 1 March 1945 m.
Larry Mullinex. dau. (a) Robin Melba (2) Dannny Vastine Saylor b. 11 Sept 1946 m.
Jennifer Jones; son (a) Don 5. Imogene Hartzog b. 10 Jan 1931 m. Lloyd
Charles Vickory Jr . TS sue; (1) Lloyd Charles Vickory III b. 13 Nov
1953 (2) Carla Ann Vickory b. 26 April
1956 6. Dean Hartzog b. 30 Sept 1943 m. Joanne
Creech b. 15 Aug 1945. Issue; (1) Jerlyn Hartzog b. 26 Aug 1966 (2) Jennifer Joan Hartzog b. 14 Dec
1967 * Mary Lucille Hartzog dau.of Letha Leola
Creech & William Anderson Hartzog was b. 20 Aug 1904 m. Jesse W. Collins b. 5 Sept 1906
d. 5 Sept 1967. Issue; l. Pattie Lee Collins b. 10 Aug 1936 m.
William McCormick b. 15 May 1929. Issue; (1) Randy (2) Rickie (3) Ronda Lee 2. Joe Emory Collins b. 21 Nov 1939 m. Ruth
Black b. 21 May 1940. Issue; (1) Joseph Timothy (2) Derrick
Gleen 3. William Henry Collins b. 29 Oct 1941 (twin)
m. Nell Fulmer b. 15 May 1947. Issue; (1) William Keith Collins b. 20 Sept
1970 4. Mary Ann Collins b. 29 Oct. 1941 (twin) m.
Bernie Nelson b. 1 Nov 1931. Issue; (1) Kimberly Ann Nelson b. 12 March
1971 Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630 Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d 1712. Richard Creech Sr. b. 1662 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b. 1703 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Anne
Williams d.after 1790 Stephen Creech b. 1757 in New Hanover
County N.C. and died in Lee County Va. after 1798. It is believed
that Stephen Creech married the daughter of John Caldwell about
the year 1785. See page ____ for more on the movements of Stephen
Creech. See deeds on other pages to Stephen Creech. Not much is
known of the issue of Stephen Creech. except their names. except
the son Thomas Jesse Creech. Known issue; 1. Moses Creech b. 1786 settled in Roane
County Tenn. and paid taxes there in 1805. wife and issue
unknown. 2. Professor Thomas Jesse Creech b. 1788
(taught at Oxford University his grandfather fought in the
Revolution War) Some gave him the title of Doctor. His wife is not
known but is believed to have been a Miss Aikens of Tenn. See
issue later; 3. William Creech b. 1790 (named for his uncle
William b.1755) settled in Russell County. Va. after leaving
Montgomery County. Va. (no data) Ledocia Creech b. 1792 (no data) 5. Jeremiah Creech (no data) 6. Zachriah Creech (no data) 7. Ann Rebec Creech (no data) 8. Lydia Creech (no data) 9. Stephen Creech Jr. b. 1802 m. July 12, 1832
Peggy Elizabeth (Betty) Hix. Deed: Jul y 6 1773 - Stephen Creech late of
the Province of South Carolina. now Guilford County. North
Carolina. 100 acres to John Williams. Witnessed by: John North and Martha Caldwell(believed to be
Stephen Creech's mother-in-law. Harlan County 1830 Census -
Kentucky John Creech Sr.(Jr.) -------- age
50/60 Thomas Creech --------------- age
30/40 Enoch Creech ---------------- age
30/40 Elijah Creech --------------- age
20/30 Absalom Creech -------------- age
20/30 Jonathan Creech ------------- age
40/50 John Creech III ------------- age
30/40 Stephen Creech -------------- age
20/30 Samuel Creech --------------- age
20/30 William Creech -------------- age
15/20 Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630 Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d 1712. Richard Creech Sr. b. 1662 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b. 1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Richard Creech III b. 1730 d. 1787 m. Anne
Williams d. after 1790 Stephen Creech b. 1757 in New Hanover
County N.C. and died in Lee County Va. after 1798.
Thomas Jesse Creech (Professor) b. 1788
(taught at Oxford University) Some gave him the title of Doctor.
His wife is not known but believed to have been a Miss Aikens of
Tenn. Had issue; Some of this data was taken from Bible Records of
Tombstone Tenn. by J.T. Aikens and the Diary- of the Rev John
Beards Circuit Rider. Issue; 1. Stephen Nelson Creech b. Feb 11 1810 d.
April 5. 1893 m. Margaret Frances Hicks b. March 30 1810 d. July 24 1885. Had
issue; (1) Sarah Eliza Creech b. April 17, 1835 m. at
Rogersville Tenn. Feb 23, 1854 Hinchea Gilliam . Had
issue; (a) Stephen Gilliam (b) James Gilliam (c) Anda
Gilliam (d) Mary Gilliam m. Bill Mayner (2) James Madison Creech b. Oct 22. 1837 d.
Feb 19, 1911 m. Eliza A. Clancy. (3) Lydia Creech b. Sept 1, 1839 m. Reed
Payne. (4) Elijah Hicks Creech b. Nov 10, 1841 d. Dec
29, 1907 m. March 24, 1870 Barbara Ann Moleshee d. Now 9 1920. had
issue; (a) William Jesse Creech b. Jan 30, 1871 d.
March 17, 1901 (b) Margarette Frances Creech b. Jan 25, 1873
d. July 24, 1885. (e) Sarah Eliza Creech b. Oct 26, 1876 d. July
5, 1927 m. Hiram Allen. (5) John Creech b. Oct 3 ,1843 - never
married (6) Amanda Catherine Creech b. 1845 m. Jan 18,
1866 Stephen Ellis Lane(she d. Feb. 1877. (7) Andrew Jackson Creech b. April 17, 1816 d.
Nov 10, 1867 unmarried. (8) William Jesse Creech b. April 22, 1848 d.
Aug 27, 1914 m. March 8, 1866 1st Margaret Katherine Anderson b.
April 1, 1849 d. Aug 11, 1907s dau. of David D. Anderson &
Lucinda Vaughan(dau. of Benjamin Walker Vaughan & Martha
Simmons) He m. 2nd Jan 18, 1911 Lucinda Anderson. Issue by 1st
wife; (a) Laura Ann Creech b. Jan 31, 1867 d. Feb
1867 an infant. (b) Lucinda May Creech b. May 28. 1868 d. Nov
18, 1940 m. Aug 16 1889 George Washington Grover. (c) Stephen Nelson Creech b. Oct 30, 1870 d.
March 4, 1944 m. May 19, 1894 Mary Saloan Allen. (d) William Clinton Creech b. Feb 1, 1873 d.
March 16 1968 m. May 5, 1893 Bettie Jane Allen b. Nov 6, 1877 d.
Jan 19, 1930 dau. of Susan Ann Allen b. Oct 13, 1851 d. Jan 30, 1936. had issue;
(a1) Hiram Jackson Creech b. April 26, 1896 d. Jan 17, 1969 m. May
5. 1927 Helen Cargile (had dau. Patricia Joan Creech b. March 4,
1934 m. Richard Castle) Helen was dau. of Damuel Dixon Cargile
& Mary Susan Donahue. (a2) William David Creech b. March 14, 1898 d
Aug 22, 1898 (a3) James Edward Creech b. April 5 1899 d.
July 27 1939 m. July 27, 1921 Lena Haynes. (a4) Lizzie (Betty) Anne Margaret Creech b.
June 23, 1901 m. Nov 1, 1919 Lawrence.Thompson 1st; m. 2nd Aug 29,
1928 Fred Maisgnbacker. (a5) Rose Mae Creech b. Aug 12, 1903 d. July
8, 1976 m. Dec 20, 1922 Walter Forrest Cassell b. Aug 12, 1903 son
of Isaac Walter Cassell & Nettie Alberta Scott.
Issue; (b1) William Walter Cassell b. Feb 16, 1924 m.
Betty Ann Rice. (b2) Alberta Jane Cassell b. Feb 7, 1926 m.
Jan 16, 1955 Fred Richard Hammonds b July 4, 1929 son of Fred
Price Hammond & Bertha Swall. (c1) Judy Lynn Hammond b. July 27, 1954(sent
very much data) (c2) Richard Dale Hammond b. July 3,
1958 (c3) Kathleen Jane Hammond b. Oct 15,
1963 (b3) Robert Edgar Cassell b. Jan 16, 1929 m.
Jan 16, 1955 Betty Jean King (divoiced) (a6) Thomas Jesse Creech b. Jan 2, 1906 d.
June 7, 1961 m. Dorothy ______. (a7) Mary Susie Creech b. Aug 20, 1908 m. Nov
11, 1940 m. Ray Oliver. (a8) Eliza (Jake) Orland Creech b. Jan 31,
1913 m. Feb 25, 1933 Doris Vivian Lawson (divoiced - two
sons) (a9) Atta Mildred Creech b. April 14, 1916 m.
Aug 24, 1934 m. Lloyd Wetmore. (a10) Beulah LaVeda Creech b. Aug 30, 1919
(twin) m. Aug 29, 1945 m. Dr. H.B. Elwell. (a11) Eudceh LaVerda Creech b. Aug 30, 1919
(twin) m. Dec 23, 1939 m. Roy Craig (e) David D. Creech b. Aug 1, 1875 d. Dec 7,
1964 m. Louise Melton. (f) Albert Monroe Creech b. May 23, 1877 d.
May 23, 1911 m. June 5, 1901 Grace Margaret Robinson. (g) James Garfield Creech b. Dec 30, 1880 d.
Dec 14, 1958 m. Aug 21, 1910 Minnie May Hookstra. (h) Edward Winfield Creech b. Feb 23, 1882 d.
Dec 1, 1882. (i) Jesse Blaine Creech b. Oct 25, 1884 m. 1st
Bertha Clark June 11, 1907. div. m. 2nd Jan 4, 1911 Frankie
Jacobs. (j) Alena Valestta Murrel Creech b. Feb 9,
1887 m. Feb 18, 1909 George Elmer Cocham. (k) Benjamin Robert Creech (Roscoe) b. March
23, 1891 d. June 12, 1969 m. Aug. 2, 1919 Fern Isabella
McClatchery. (L) Samuel Carl Creech b. Sept 15, 1894 d.
April 6. 1969 m. Nov 29, 1916 Mary V Ellen McMahon. (9) Stephen Nelson Creech Jr. b. June 10, 1850
m. Sabrina Gilmore. (10) Solomon Bauffman Creech b. Jan 12, 1853
M. Margaret Jane Church. 2. George William Creech b. 1811 in Tenn d.
1876 in Lincoln County, Mo m. (wife unknown) but had dau.
; (1) Judith Virginia Creech (great
granddaughter was Rose M. Thomas) 3. Enoch Creech b. 1813 (no data) 4. William Creech b. 1815 m. June 20, 1838
Sarah White (lived in Dickson Co. Tenn.) 5. Penelope Creech b. 1818 m. June 25, 1838
John Austin (lived in Dickson Co. Tenn) 6. Louisa Creech b. 1824 m. Dec 22, 1840
Martin they. (out of order of birth) 7. John.W. Creech b. 1822 m. July 7, 1842 Mary
Jane Bell. 8. Nancy Emmaline Creech b. Sept 5, 1820 in
Tenn. m. March 22, 1837 James Harrison Scranton. Had son among 10
other children; (1) James William Scranton m. Margaret Bogart
March 3, 1864 9. Jesse Creech b. Aug 16, 1828 in Tenn. and
moved to Ohio where he m. Rosetta Kitchell & after marriage
moved to Effingham Co. Illinois. In 1875 moved near Ennis. He died
Jan l 1908. Wife died Feb 27, 1895. Issue; (1) Milinda Creedh m. Shepherd
Matlock. (2) Emma Creech d. in Hereford-Texas July 14,
1904 m. J.H. Calloway. (3) Mary Creech died at age 15 years
old (4) Fannie Creech died in infancy. (5) John Creech died young (6) Cora Creech b. July 27, 1868 d. Jan. 4,
1959 m. J.D. Carson of Ennis. (7) Pauline Creech m. Roger Miller of Mills
Co. Okla. (8) Sarah Creech m. Hyden born in Effingham
County, Illinois. (9) Sylvester N. Creech b. 1864 d. 1917 m.
July 14, 1904 Emma Willis. (10) Nancy Jon Creech m. ________
McCullough. (11) Riley Segil Creech b. March 2, 1861 in
Effingham Co. Illinois d. Oct 27, 1892 in Ellis County m. Nov 28, 1881 Ada Ann
Vanmeter b. 1869 d. 1940. issue; (a) Octavia Creech b. Aug 1, 1892 d. March 10,
1895. (issue not in order) (b) Jesse Vance Creech (e) Avie Creech (d) William (Will) Creech (e) Della Creech (f) Zadie Creech (g) Otto Benton Creech b. May 6, 1884 d. Nov
28, 1962 m. July 16, 1905 Lievennia Mabelle Reynolds b. Dec 29,
1888,(Avalon Texas) d. Dec 9, 1969. Issue; (a1) Bertha Lorne Creech b. Nov 14,
1906 (a2) Robert Alvin Creech b. Feb 15,
1910 (a3) Milus Creech b. Aug 21, 1914 (twin) m.
Dec 4, 1937 in Thnockmorton Texas m. Ila Fern b. May 19, 1917 in
Loving Texas. Issue; (bl) Betty Jane Creech b. Dec 26, 1940 m. 1st
James Clark April 9, 1960 (div. May 1968) m. 2nd Robert Lee Wilson
Oct 4, 1968 (Betty has sent much data on this family) (b2) Bevenley Creech b. May 21, 1945 d. July
17, 1946. (b3) James Milus Creech b. Dec 30, 1947 m.
Shirley Kruckulski Jan 15, 1968. (b4) Gratahen Creech b Jan 23, 1951 d. Jan 25,
1951. (b5) Susie Reni Creech b. July 22, 1953 m. Aug
1971 John Bee Shumate. (b6) Virginia & Dee Creech b. Jan 2,
1957 (a4) Mavis Creech b. Aug 21, 1914
(twin) (a5) Ray Creech b. Sept 9, 1917 (a6) William (Bill) Grant Creech b. Jan 21,
1920 (a7) Ada Mahala Creech b. March 8,.
1922 (a8) Rosa Lee Creech b. March 21,
1927 Deed - Book 15- page 709 - July 1868 between
Enoch Creech and his wife Usley of the County of Owsley State of
Ky and Joshua E. Hobbs. County of Lee State of Va. $60 ... tract
nortside of Powell River being part of the Farm on which Nancy
Creech now lives viz 1/2 of the land willed to Alexander L. Creech
General Lee Creech, D.C. Creech by their father Elijah
Creech. Deed: Book 15 - page 747 - July 30. 1869;
Between Enoch Creech and Usley his wife of Owsley County Ky. and
William Creech of Lee County Va... all his rights title and
interest in the tract of land where Nancy Creech now lives. two
heirs part of the land where she lives not including what I sold
to Joshua E. Hobbs. Deed: Book 15 - page 710 - Nov 1866. between
Dewitt Creech of Lee Co. Va. and Enoch Creech of Owsley County
Ky.; 1/2 interest in tract of land in Lee Co. Va. north side of
Powell River and known as the home farm of Elijah Creech deceased
for $800 and his interest in his G. Lee Creech deceased
land. Deed: Book 3 - Page 396 - Jonathan Creech to
William Harris the same land he bought from Harris and Sally his
wife. Benjamin Creech Sr. (ca 1724 - ca
1770-1790) Benjamin Creech Sr. was born about 1724 in
Nansemond County, Virginia. the son of Richard Creech Jr. and Mary
Etheridge. He married 1745 Mary Lewis born 28 Jan. 1724 the
daughter of Thomas Lewis and Rebecca (Becky) Thomas the daughter
of Samuel Thomas. Benjamin Sr. came to present day Lenoir County
North Carolina in the year 1746. It is assumed that he came
directly from Nansemond County Va. to old Johnston County N.C. He
received several land grants in old Dobbs and Johnston Counties
which later became present day Greene and Lenoir counties (see
below) Most of this land was located on Wheat Swamp and Rainbow
Run. The old home house of Benjamin Creech Sr. was located near
the Greene-Lenoir County line on Rainbow Run off high way 91
between Snow Hill and Kinston. The house was made of logs with a
stick and mud chimney and had dirt floors which had white sand on
them that had been hauled from the Contentnea Creek banks. This
house was handed down to Benjamin's son Ezekiel, then to his son
John Creech, thence to his son Starkey Creech thence to his son
Joesph John Creech. This house was standing until the year 1899
(My father, William Franklin Creech was born in this house) and
the old Creech cemetery was near by, where he is buried without a
marker. He died between 1770 and 1790. . He left all six sons a
farm and most sold out and moved to other sections of the state
and nation. Benjamin Creech, Sr. did much for the Independence of
America as he had five sons to serve in the American Revolution
and one other son to be killed by the Tories at the beginning or
just before the war started. Benjamin Creech, Sr. had seven sons
and two daughters. One son died an infant. Dobbs County N.C. - Benjamin Creech -
Number 90, land grant (Royal) from King George III. April 21,
1770, 100 acres of land for which he paid four shillings of
proclamation money. Dobbs County. N.C. - Benjamin Creech -
Number 90, land grant - 685 - 100 acres land issued April 9,
1768 entered July 1, 1770 Book 20 page 553 on the north side of
Neuse River. Dobbs County N.C. - Benjamin Creech -
Number 91, land grant - 28 acres located on the south side of
Neuse River, April 2, 1771. Book 23, page 430. Dobbs County. N.C. - Benjamin Creech -
Number 162 land grant - 48 acres loted on the east side of
Falling Creek north side of Neuse River. Johnston County. N.C. - 1746 - To
Benjamin Creech from Thomas Lewis (deed of land) Index to Deeds from Johnston & Dobbs
County, N.C. Benjamin Creech from John Walters - Book 10,
page 149 Benjamin Creech from Hardee Croom - Book 13,
page 352 Benjamin Creech from John Creech - Book 13,
page 203 Benjamin Creech from John Aldridge- Book 14,
page 117 Benjamin Creech Sr. was born about 1724 in
Nansemond County Virginia the son of Richard Creech Jr. and wife
Mary Etheridge. In the years 1735-1756 the heavy migration to the
Coastal Plain region of North Carolina accounted for the very
rapid growth there. extending from 50 to 200 miles inland. Moving
into the area the heavy migration from the areas of Isle of Wight,
Surry, Nansemond and other counties of Virginia included the
Scotch-Irish, Germans Welsh, English, French and others which run
into the thousands. How did they come? - with horses oxen, wagons
and cattle, walking, they made their trek into what was to become
Greene, Lenoir and Wayne counties of North Carolina. Benjamin
Creech Sr. and his brother Richard Creech was no exception for
they had joined a wagon train to the south just how many families
or who they were is not known; but actual they were headed for the
region around the Lower Cape Fear Valley where many friends,
neighbors and family had already settled. The time of year was
winter; the snow and cold rainy weather had made them bear east
instead of taking the famous "The Philadelphia Wagon Road" which
began at Schuylkill River Ferry opposite Philadelphia and ending
near Salisbury, North Carolina. As they passed the territory of
old Johnston County, North Carolina (later to become old Dobbs
Co.) Benjamin a young man of about 22 years old and here he fell
in love with a young lady by the name of Mary Lewis born January
28, 1724 and married her in the year 1746 in the spring. It was a
very short courtship, it seems that Benjamin could not talk Mary
into leaving with him to continue on to the Lower Cape Fear region
but instead she persuaded Benjamin to stay near her family.
Brother Richard continued on to New Hanover County, North Carolina
where he stayed until after the American Revolution then moved on
to present day Barnwell Co, South Carolina. Mary Lewis was the
daughter of Thomas Lewis and Rebecca (Becky) Thomas (daughter of
Samuel Thomas). After the marriage of Benjamin and Mary Thomas,
Lewis gave them a parcel of land 200 acres in 1747; here on this
land Benjamin and Mary built a log house with a stick chimney,
dirt floors which had sand on them that had been hauled from the
Great Contentnea Creek banks. Here in this houses Benjamin and
Mary had 9 children of which 8 reached man or womanhood. This
house was handed down to their son Ezekiel then to his son John
thence to his son Starkey thence to his son Joseph John Creech,
who was killed in the Civil War, fighting for the Confederacy.
This house stood until the year 1899 (my father William Franklin
Creech was born in this house) The old Creech cemetery is nearby
this home house of Benjamin Creech - So it is presumed that
Benjamin Creech Sr. came directly from Nansemond County, Virginia
to what was to become old Dobbs County North Carolina (now Lenoir
and Greene counties) where he built a land empire on Rainbow Run
and Wheat Swamp. Here he received land grants in 1770, 1768, and
1771; and another, no date given, probably earlier than the
others. He died before 1780 as he was not shown on that years tax
list and is buried near the old home site without a marker along
with his wife, son John, son Lewis and daughter Mary Nancy Creech.
These graves had markers until about the year 1932 when an old man
asked the owner to clean up the cemetery (was during the great
depression period) so he could make some money to get his family
something to eat. The owner agreed to let him clean up the
cemetery, but to his surprise when checked, found that the old man
had removed all markers and had thrown them in a wash on Rainbow
Run. (This story was told to me by Mr. Willie Sugg, who later
owned the farm and stated he had seen the markers). Benjamin Sr.
and Mary Lewis Creech did much for their country and its
independence, as they had five sons to Serve in the American
Revolution and one other son to be killed by the Tories at the
beginning or just before the war started. They left each son a
farm in old Dobbs County, N.C, but son Richard sold out and went
to Cumberland County , N.C.; Mary never married; Simon sold out
and moved to Duplin Co, N.C; Benjamin Jr. stayed in Lenoir;
Rebecca no data; Joshua went to present day Johnston Co.; N.C.;
Ezekiel stayed in Lenoir Co.; John Sr. stayed but died about 1783-
his widow and sons went to Lee Co. Va. & Harlan Co, Ky.; son
Lewis died young; Ezekiel Creech Sr.(See
later). Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630 Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d. 1712. Richard Creech Sr. b. 1662 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d. 1719. Richard Creech Jr. b. 1703 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech Sr. was b. 1724 in
Nansemond County. Va. and died between 1770 and 1790 in old Dobbs
County, N.C. He married 1745 Mary Lewis b. 28 Jan 1724 the
daughter of Thomas Lewis and Rebecca (Becky) Thomas. (see page 33
) Issue; 1. Richard Creech b. 1746 in old Johnston Co.
N.C. and died 1775 in Cumberland County. N.C. He married Mary _________. See
later. 2. Mary Creech b. ca 1748 in old Johnston Co,
N.C. (no data) 3. Simon Creech b. ca 1749 in old Johnston Co.
N.C. His wife is unknown but he is shown on the 1790 Federal
Census of Sampson Co, N.C. with four sons and two daus. and a
wife. He sold his farm that his father left him to Major Croom,
shown on old Johnston Co. Index Deeds Book 13, page 196. He served
in the American Revolution with the Duplin County, N.C. Militia;
he was paid for his services in 1776. Now one must remember that
Sampson County, N.C. was cut from Duplin County in the year
1784. 4. Rebecca Creech b. 1751 in old Johnston Co.
and Dobbs Co. (no data) 5. Benjamin Creech Jr. b. 1753 in old Johnston
Co. N.C. m. 1771 Louisa Mozingo, the daughter of Booth & Celia
Mozingo. See issue later- 6. Joshua Creech, Sr. was b. 1754 in old
Johnston Co. N.C. and d. in Johnston Co. N.C. m. Sally Stanford.
He died May 8, 1835. See issue later; 7. Ezekiel Creech, Sr. was born 1756 in old
Johnston & Dobbs County, N.C. and died after 1810 in Lenoir
County N.C.; He married Mary Caldwell b. 1753 d. ca 1805 the
dau.of Spencer & Martha Caldwell. See issue later. 8. John Creech Sr. was born 1758 in old
Johnston & Dobbs County. N.C. and died ca 1783 in old Dobbs
County. He married ca 1777 Dobbs Co. Elizabeth Robinson the
daughter of Benjamin & Celia Robinson (see page 120 )
Issue; (1) John Creech Jr. was born 1778 in old Dobbs
County N.C. He died in 1847 in Harlan County, Ky. He married 1st
Stacy Sparks (had issue) m. 2nd -Peggy Wells (had issue) m. 3nd
Sally Smith Armstrong (widow) had issue, see later. (2) Elijah Creech was born in old Dobbs
County, N.C. and died 1 June 1854 in Lee County, Va. He m. 1st ca
1800 Sarah (Sally) Anglin dau.of John Anglm.(had issue) m. 2nd
Nancy Wells b. 1806 dau of W. & S. Wells. (had issue) see
later. (3) Jonathan Creech b. ca 1781 in old Dobbs
County., N.C. and died 7 Oct 1852 in Lee County, Va.; He married
1st Mary (Polly) Anglin dau.of John & Jemima Anglin (&
sister to Sarah that m. brother Elijah) m. 2nd Nancy _________ b.
1790 d. ca 1890 (had issue by both marriages) see
later. 9. Lewis Creech b. ca 1760 in old Dobbs
County, N.C. and died an infant in the same county. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630 Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d 1712. Richard Creech Sr. b. 1662 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b. 1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech Sr. was b. 1724 in
Nansemond County. Va. and died between 1770 and 1790 in old Dobbs
County, .N.C. Richard Creech was born 1746 in old
Johnston County, .N.C. (now Lenoir) and died in Cumberland
County, N.C. in the year 1775. His will was recorded there in
1775; to wit; wife Mary; sons Richard & Charles; daughter
Lydia. He was killed by the Tories at the start of the American
Revolution. He sold his farm that his father left him located in
present day Lenoir County to his brother Ezekiel Creech, Sr.
Richard Creech was shown on the Cumberland County, N.C. Tax list
for the year 1755. His will was dated May 1, 1775.
Issue; 1. William Creech b. ca 1767 (it is believed
that William was in Duplin Co. shown on the 1820 Census with his
1st cousins (no more data) 2. Richard Creech Jr. b. 1769 in Cumberland
County, N.C. (no data) 3. Charles P. Creech b.1771 in Cumberland
County, N.C. and died 1850-1860 in Laurens County, Ga. He m.
Elizabeth Hutchins b. 1779 in N.C. Charles P. Creech first went to
Barnwell County, S.C. where he had first cousins already settled.
He stayed here for a short period of time then moved on to Ga.
where other cousins were seated. Issue; (1) Sarah Creech b. Dec 23, 1813 at Laurens
Co. Ga. d. July 24, 1886. buried at Dexter Ga. m. Dec 29, 1836
Harcly Alligood b. Dec 27, 1813 at Dexter. Ga. died July 18,
1886. (2) Matilda Creech b. ca 1815 m. William
Wright (had daughter) (a) Lydia M. Wright (3) Eliza Elimina Creech b. Sept 30, 1820 d.
May 26, 1892 buried at Dothan, Alabama m. April 23, 1843 Alexander
Chisholm McLennan b. Jan 30, 1806 at Richmond Co. N.C. d. Feb 2,
1886, son of Daniel McLennan & Margaret MaCrimmon.
Issue; (a) Ann Crawford McLennan b. Jan 18, 1844 d.
Nov 21, 1903 m. Oct 18, 1871 Benjamin Valentine Walding b.Feb 14,
1840 d. Oct 23, 1904 son of Ben Walding & Eliz.
Tindale. (b) Nepsey Arabella McLennan b. Nov 4, 1845 d.
Jan 18, 1912, unmarried (c) Kenneth McLennan b. April 8, 1847 at
Lumber City, Ga. (d) Emma McLennan m. Thomas Jefferson Kelley
(Emma b. July 1,1849) (e) John Creech McLennan b. Jan 2, 1851 d.
July 22 1890 buried at Vernon Tx (f) Alexander Clay Mclennan b. April 13, 1852
at Lumber City. Ga. unmarried. (g) Daniel J. McLennan b Feb 21, 1854 d. Feb
28, 1930. buried at San Antonio Texas m. July 3, 1895 Cora Estelle
Campbell b. March 4, 1875 at Pontatoc, Miss. d. Nov 10, 1953 at
San Antonio Texas. (h) David Charles McLennan b. Sept 11, 1855 m.
Jan 14, 1896 Lina Roberson (lived at McRae, Ga) (i) Judith Mariah McLennan b. May 22, 1857 d.
Nov 22, 1932 at Washington, D.C. m. Albert L. Ryals (j) Georgia Elizabeth McLennan b Dec 27, 1859
at Dale Co. Ala. d. 1932 at North Wilkesboro,.N.C. (k) Robert Bruce McLennan b. Nov 27, 1860 d.
April 14, 1898 at Dothan. Ala. um. (l) Warren Shelton McLennan b. Feb 28, 1862 d.
Dec 8, 1929 at Hye, Texas m. Aug 10, 1902 -Mellie Greer b. Dec 27,
1880 d Oct 4 , 1953. (4) Hiram Stores Creech (Doctor) m. Dec 23,
1836 Ellen Cooper 1st m 2nd Georgiana Jackson. (Ellen was b. Feb
18, 1847) (5) David Green Creech (no data) (6) Winifred (Winnie) Creech m. George
Willard. (7) Charles Creech Jr. (no data) (8) Uriah Jackson Creech m. Aug 28, 1851 Haney
Ann Lindsey (9) John Thomas Creech was in Texas in the
1880's. Continued on page 4. Lydia Creech b. 1773 in Cumberland County,
N.C. m. __________ Roberts. 5. Robert Creech b. ca 1775 in Cumberland
County, N.C. no data-) Book A - Deed - Oct 11, 1798 - Richard
and Sarah Roberts- Barnwell County, S.C. On May 15, 1800. Richard
and Sarah Roberts signed two deeds witnessed by Joshua Creech his
first appearance in Barnwell County. On April, 1804 Sarah Roberts
and Frederick Bryan applied for letters of administration on
estate of Richard Roberts. William Bryan was one of the
appraisers. John James Creech born 1832 d. 1883.
son of William Creech and Magaline Jeter was a private and
corporal then to 2nd Lt. in Company H. 17th Regiment S.C. Infanty.
Confederate State Army. He enlisted Dec 9, 1861 at Camp Hampton
and was captured March 25, 1865 at Petersburg, Va. Imprisoned at
the old Capital Prison Washingbon, D.C. and at Fort Delaware. Was
released June 17, 1865 on taken oath of allegiance to the United
States. He was dark complexion, dark hair, gray eyes, 5 feet 9
m.tall and born in South Carolina. 1806 Duplin County N.C. - Tax
List. Cleveland Creech - 100 acres - 1 white - 0
blacks. Ezekiel Creech - 224 acres - 0 whites- 0
blacks. 1820 - Duplin County, N.C. - Federal
Census: Benjamin Creech; Ezekiel Creech; William Creech;
Joshua Creech 1850 - Columbus County, N.C.- Federal
Census: Joshua Creech 33 male John Creech 30
male Sarah Creech 60 female Sarah J. Creech 25
female Sally Creech 18 female Haywood C.Creech 2
male Henry W. Creech 7 mo. male James Creech 34
male Calvin Bowen 10 male Lucy A. Creech 35
female James M. Creech 11 male John M. Creech 10
male Louisa Creech 8 female Calvin Creech 6
male Francis M. Creech 3 male Mary A. Creech 1
female Blount Creech - entered for duty in the Civil
War July 30, 1861 from Duplin County N.C. and died Sept. 3. 1863. A
private. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630 Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d 1712. Richard Creech Sr. b. 1662 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b. 1703 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech Sr. was b. 1724 in
Nansemond County. Va. and died between 1770 and 1790 in old Dobbs
County, .N.C. Simon Creech was born ca 1749 in old
Johnston County, N.C. (Dobbs & Lenoir) His wife is unknown but
he was shown on the 1790 Federal Census with four sons, two
daughters and a wife. He sold his farm that his father left him to
Major Croom (in present day Lenoir County, N.C.) shown on the old
Johnston Co. Index Deeds Book 13, page 196. He served in the
American Revolution with the Duplin County North Carolina Militia;
he was paid for his services in 1776. Simon was shown on the 1790
Sampson Co. Census and served from Duplin Co. but one must
remember that Sampson County, N.C. was cut from Duplin County in
the year 1784. It would also seem that Simon Creech must have
lived near the Sampson-Duplin County line. (note: The issue of
four sons & two dau. will be listed. there may have been
more) 1. Cleveland Creech b.1769 in Duplin County,
N.C. (was shown on the 1806 Duplin County tax list & but was
dead by 1820. (not traced) 2. Ezekiel Creech b. 1771 in Duplin County,
N.C. (was also shown on the 1806 Duplin County tax list & also
on the 1820 census of the same county. On Sept 18,
I831 there was a division of his property in the
courts in Duplin County. His wife was already dead by this date as
she was not mentioned. His wife is unknown at this time. Issue
mentioned in the courts were: (1) Fanny Jane Creech b. 1784 in Duplin Co.
N.C. m. 1804 Daniel Herring who died in Illinois. After his death
Fanny & family moves to Texas. Had issue; (2) Joel Creech b.1786 in Duplin County, N.C.
m. Nancy __________ . (no data) (3) Catherine (Cathy) Creech b. 1789 in Duplin
County, N.C. married Feb 18, 1808 in New Hanover County, N.C.
Joshua Creech Jr. who wrote his will Oct 12, 1841 in Johnston Co,
N.C. the son of Joshua Creech, Sr. & Sally Stanford. They were
first cousins once removed. See issue on the Joshua Creech, Sr.
family. 3. Daughter ______________ Creech born ca
1773 4. Joshua Creech b. 1775 in Duplin County,
N.C. died Aug 18, 1848 in Columbus County, N.C. He married Feb 14,
1814 in New Hanover County. N.C. Mary Jane Jones. See
later 5. Daughter ____________ Creech b. ca
1777 6. Benjamin Creech b. ca 1779 in Duplin
County, N.C. He is shown on the 1820 Duplin County Census. He m.
Sarah _________ b. ca 1790. Benjamin was dead by 1850.
(1) Joshua Creech b. ca. 1817 m. Sally
_________ (not traced). This Joshua Creech was living in Columbus
County, N.C. and was in the turpentine business. Sally was born
ca. 1832. (2) Francis Creech m. Martha ______ (had dau.
Leita Creech who m. William D. Creech on July 8, 1886) (3) Charles
Creech b. ca. 1827 m. Oct. 21, 1858 Mary A. Wood b. 1839 (dau.
Martha) Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630 Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d 1712. Richard Creech Sr. b. 1662 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b. 1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech Sr. was b. 1724 in
Nansemond County. Va. and died between 1770-1790 Simon Creech was born ca 1749 d. after 1790
rq. ca 1768 Joshua Creech b.1775 d. 1848 m. 1814
Mary Jane Jones. Issue; Mary buried in the Ann Creech graveyard in
Welches Township. 1. James Creech b.1816 in Duplin Co. N.C. m.
Lucy Ann _____ b.1815. Issue; (1) James M. Creech b. 1838 (2) John M. Creech
b.1840 (3) Louisa Creech b. 1842 (4) Calvin Creech b.1844 m. Mary Russell,
dau.of M. J. & Caroline Russell on Nov. 7, 1883 (5) Francis M. Creech b. 1846 (6) Mary Ann Creech b. 1849 m. Lutner Williams
Jan. 1, 1877. 2. Sarah Creech b. ca 1818 m. John Warren (or
Woodell) Feb 4, 1853. 3. John Creech b. Dec 26, 1819 in Duplin Co.
N.C. died 1904 in Columbus Co. N.C. m. Sarah Jane Chancy b.1825.
Issue; (1) Haywood Cass Creech b. May 14, 1848 m.
Rosemary C. Baldwin on Jan 30, 1878 (1 known child- Alice M.
Creech b.1880) (2) Henry Marshall Creech b. Nov 8, 1849 m.
Martha E. Byrd b. 1850 (1 known child Lucy Creech b.
1879) (3) Mary Ann Caroline Creech b. Nov 23,
1852 (4) Julia Columbia Creech b. April 13, 1854 d.
Oct 21, 1922 m. Oct 28, 1875 Daniel Morgan High b. Jan 20, 1851 d.
Sept 25, 1929. Issue; (a) Henry S. High b.1876 d. l969 m. Mary Liz
Owen b.1878 d. 1953 m. March 2, 1903 had dau. Opal E. High b. Jan
8, 1904 m. George N. Harrell b.1698 d.1973, had son Owen Harrell
b. June 28, 1929 (5) Hepsey Loucinda Creech b. March 24, 1856
m. Calvin Bowen on April 1, 1885. (6) Martha Iona Creech b. May 29, 1858 m.
Manly Wingate Ray on Dec 22, 1886. (7) Amanda Magnolia Creech b. June 23, 1860 m.
William Schwartz on May 5, 1897. (8) Sarah Roxannah Creech b. May 9, 1863 m.
John Smith. (9) Clarinda Glandorah Creech b. June 11, 1865
d. Jan 20, 1935 m. Henry Lee Sykes on Oct 9, 1873. (10) Catherine Ann Lenora Creech b. Jan 23,
1868 m. Simon A. Lewis on March 17, 1866. 4. Elijah Creech b. March 9, 1823 d. July 30,
1897 m. Nancy Dandrige Chauncey b. 1829. (1) Stephen M. Creech b.1849 m. Nov 17, 1878
F. Matilda Vanse b. 1849 (had Sophia b. 1874; Stephen M. b. 1876; Sarah b.
1878.) (2) Lucy M. Creech b. 1855 m. April 22, 1874
W.T. Weaver (3) Smithy N. Creech b. 1857 (4) Frances R. Creech b.1859 m. Feb 23, 1887
J.M. Byrd (5) Samuel Luther Creech b. Aug 22,1887 (6)
Olife J. Creech b. 1861 1859 d. Nov 22, 1955 m. Sue Schwartz (7)
Zelphia Creech b. 1864 (had Onzie Creech b. 1886 d. Dec 6,1935 (8)
Joseph E. Creech b. 1866 m. Sarah Flynn of Columbus Co, N.C.) (10)
Henry Creech b. 1873 (9) John J. Creech b. 1868 5. Elias Creech b. 1825 m. Molsey (Moley) b.
1830. Issue; (1) Thomas B. Creech m. April 14, 1888
Catherine J. Highsmith. (2) Mollie Creech m. Dec 12, 1888 George M.
Worrell. (3) James F. Creech m. Oct 14, 1896 Ella
Powell. (4) Ellen Creech m. Jan 6, 1879 C.C.
Haynes. (5) William D. Creech m. July 8, 1886 1stia
Creech 6. Catherine (Kitty) Creech m. ___________
Penny. 7. Frances Creech m. _______________
Barefoot. 8. Elisha Creech Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630 Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d 1712. Richard Creech Sr. b. 1662 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b. 1703 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech Sr. was b. 1724 in
Nansemond County. Va. and died between 1770-1790 Benjamin Creech Jr. b. 1753 in old
Johnston County, N.C.; later became Dobbs and Lenoir County, N.C.
He died between 1800 and 1810 in the county of Lenoir. He married
ca 1771 Louisa Mozingo, the dau. of Boothe and Celia Mozingo of
Lenoir County. Benjamin Creech Jr. served in the American
Revolution from Dobbs County, N.C. He was drafted into Captain
Kennedy's Company July 26, 1777 with his brothers John and Ezekiel
Creech. He was shown on the 1769 and 1780 tax list from Dobbs
County; also on the 1790 and 1820 federal census of Dobbs and
Lenoir Counties. One strange thing about the descendants of
Benjamin Creech, Jr. was that nearly all of them left Lenoir
County for other parts of the state and country. By 1850 very few
were left in the county of Lenoir. Benjamin Creech Jr. was paid
for war services in 1776 from N.C. Benjamin Creech Jr. is buried
in the old Creech Cemetery in Greene County on Rainbow Run with
his father, wife and two brothers. Had issue; 1. William Creech b. ca 1772 married and had
at least two sons and two daughters. He was shown on the 1820
Lenoir County Census with these children but in a deed later from
Delia Mozingo to William Creech's children, so he must have died
before 1830 census. William Creech received a deed from his father
Benjamin Creech Jr. and at another time Benjamin Creech was proved
as guardian for William Creech. He m. Sally Herring, dau. of
Benjamin Herring of Duplin Co. N.C. (a deed bears this
out) 2. Edward Creech b. ca 1774 died in Lenoir
County, N.C. m. Mary Herring, dau. of Benjamin Herring of Duplin
Co.; two sons and two daughters. Edward received land from his
father in two deeds (shown later). It seems that Edwards' issue
left Lenoir County for parts unknown (Benjamin Herring deeded land
to his dau. in Duplin Co. ) 3. Henry Creech b. ca 1776 in old Dobbs
County, N.C. and died in Lenoir County, N.C. He married but wife
is unknown, but died without issue. He sold land to Joshua Sugg of
Lenoir County. 4. Benjamin Creech, III b. ca 1783 in old
Dobbs County(now Lenoir). He was also shown on the 1820 census of
Lenoir County, N.C. Benjamin Creech 3rd married Feb 13, 1808 Sally
Creech, a first cousm. b. ca 1778, the dau. of Joshua Creech Sr.
and Sally Stanford. Issue; (1) Joshua Creech b.1809 d. before 1860 m.
Lucy ______ b. 1810. had issue; (a) Mary Ann Creech b. 1839 (b) Richard Benjamin Creech b.
1841 (c) James Ezekiel Creech b. 1844 (2) Benjamin Creech 4th b. 1821 m. Sarah
_________ b. 1827. known issue; (a) Henry Creech (3) Nancy Creech b. ca 1811 m. a cousin James
Creech 5. Celia Creech b. 1785 (no data) but believed
to have never married. 6. John Creech b. 1787, left old Dobbs County
& Lenoir and went to Hawkins County, Tenn. He already had
cousins living in nearby Harlan County, Ky. and Lee County Va. His
wife is unknown, but had issue; (1) Ezekiel Creech b. ca 1810 m. Aug 15, 1827
a cousin Elizabeth Creech. (2) Elizabeth Creech b. ca 1813 m. Sept 26,
1839 Isaac Beckman. (3) Benjamin Creech b. ca 1815 m. March 23,
1841 Jane Ingram. (4) Reuben Henry Creech b. ca 1818 m. Nov 2,
1843 Jane Campbell. (5) Cleveland Creech b. 1820 m. Oct 22, 1849
Margaret Arnott. (6) Sarah Creech b. ca 1822 m. March 23, 1854
Hinchea Gilliam. (7) Jesse Creech b. Aug 16, 1828 d. Jan 1,
1908 m. Rosetta Kitchell d. Feb 27, 1895. 7. Mary Elizabeth Creech b. 1790 m. Eli Jones
b. 1797 son of Thomas Jones. Issue; (1) Absley Jones b. ca 1821 (2) Nancy Jones b. 1823 m. John
Braxton (3) Martha Jones b. ca 1824 rn. Patrick
Sugg (4) Smitha Jones b. ca 1825 (5) Redding Jones b. ca 1826 (6) Gabriel Jones b. ca 1830 m. Penelope
(Penny) Rouse born 1840. had issue; (a) Henrietta Jones b. 1856 d. Oct 25, 1934
unmarried. (b) John William Jones b. Sept 3, 1860 d. June
7, 1917 m. July 6, 1881 Lannie Grant b. June 30, 1855 d. Feb 10,
1941, dau. of Lewis Grant & Margaret ____. (a1) Susan (Monk) Jones b. Dec 1885 m. Henry
Barrow (a2) Thomas Jones b. July 1887 (a3) Johnnie Jones b. April 13, 1889 d. Sept
15, 1941 m. 1st Lydia Taylor dau. of Richard Taylor & Betty
Owens; m. 2nd Annie Martha Suggs b. Jan 1, 1901, dau. of Edward
Patrick Suggs & Ella Reaves. Issue 1st wife (b1) Alma Jones b. Aug 6, 1914 d. Dec 31, 1941
m. Maurice Tilgham. (b2) Mabel Jones b. Oct 8, 1915 d. Dec 25,
1933 m. Guy Harrison. (b3) Lena Jones b. Nov 19, 1916 m. Leon
Goff. (b4) Lucy Jones b. Feb 3, 1918 m. Joseph
Grant. Issue by 2nd wife; (b5) Ella Marie Jones b. Oct 27, 1927 m. Aug
18, 1944 m. David Grant. (b6) Johnnie Edward Jones b. May 12, 1929 d.
July 22, 1975 unmarried (b7) Emmett Jones b. July 31, 1933
unmarried (b8) Lannie Jones b. Sept 28, 1936 m. Walter
Dozier (b9) Christine Jones b. Aug 30, 1938 m. Aug
1958 W. McKinley Benam (a4) Maude Jones b. July 1894 (a5) Penelope (Penny) Jones b. Jan 1898 m.
Henry Barrow (a6) George Jones b. June 10, 1900 m. Stella
Grant 8. Noah Creech b. 1792 in old Dobbs County
(now Lenoir) and died after 1850 in Johnston County, N.C. He
married Mary Elizabeth Bryant b. 1798 of Lenoir County. He moved
from Lenoir County about the year 1826 to Johnston County, where
he bought land from Robert Stevens, 259 acres; Bright Byrd 437
acres in 1835. He made his home near Four Oaks, Johnston County,
N.C. Had issue; (1) John B. Creech b. 1815 m. a cousin
Temperance Creech b. 1818 (of Johnston Go.) (a) Henry Bryant Creech b. 1848 m. Nov 28,
1877 Ella Cullon. (b) Susan Creech b. 1845 (c) Mary Creech b. 1847 (d) Thomas Creech b. 1850 (2) Bryant Creech b. ca 1817 m. Sarah (Sallie)
_________ He served in the Civil War, entered Feb 27, 1862. Sallie put in for
pension in 1901. (known son) (a) William H. Creech m. April 8, 1894
Ladonnie Dixon. (m. Feb. 5, 1851) (3) Vine Allen Creech b. ca 1819 (4) Alexander Creech b. June 21, 1825 d. Feb
25, 1894 m. Lucinda Sledge (Wake Co) (a) Thomas Lafayette Creech (b) Joseph
Alexander Creech (c) John Dilworth Creech m. Mary Adams (d)
Mary Creech unmarried (e) Julia Rebecca Creech m. James Ransom (f)
Flora Elizabeth Creech (g) Hattie Hudson Creech m. Charles M.
Orr (5) Penelope Creech b. 1831 m. William
Thornton. (6) Nazareth Creech b. 1833 m. Jan 15, 1871
Morning Manning. Issue; (a) John Allen Creech m. _________ Langley
(had son Walter Creech) (b) James Alexander Creech m. April 3, 1895
P.F. Temple. (c) Mary Elizabeth Creech m. Noah E.
Parker (d) Sarah Ellen Creech m. R.B.
Temple. (7) Robert H. Creech b. 1836 m. D.J.______. He
served in the Civil War and he entered June 25, 1862. D.J. put in
for pension in 1901. (8) Noah Creech, Jr. b. ca 1838 m. a cousin
Elizabeth Creech b. ca 1834, dau. of Ezekiel Creech and 2nd wife
Polly Collins (see page 53) (9) Mary Creech b. 1840 m. Frank
Parker. Index To Deeds of Old Johnston, Dobbs,
Lenoir and Greene Counties: Benjamin Creech, Jr. - to- William Creech -
Gd.-Book 18- page 293 Benjamin Creech, Jr. - to - Edward Creech -
Book 24 - page 13 Benjamin Creech, Jr. - to - Henry Creech -
Book 24 - page 15 Benjamin Creech, Jr. - to - Edward Creech -
Book 24 - page 15 Benjamin Creech, Jr. - to - Henry Creech -
Book 24 - page 20 Benjamin Creech, Jr. - to - William Creech -
Book 24 - page 173 Benjamin Creech, Jr. - to - William Croom -
Book 24 - page 30 Edward Creech to - William Creech - Book 24 -
page 318 Joshua Creech, Sr. --- to Henry Britt Book 12
- page 17 William Creech ------ to- William Croom Book
25 - page 253 William Creech ----- to Edward Creech Book 25
- page 269 William Creech ------ to - William Croom
---Book 25 - page 474 Celia Mozingo - to Louisa Creech & others
-Book 28 - page 110 Delia Mozingo to - William Creechis children -
Book 27 - page 195 J. F. Parrott to Richard Creech - Book 49 -
page 610 (6/21/1883) John Creech to Hardy Mewborn - Book 24 - page
84 John Creech to John Parrott - Book 23 - page
31 Ezekiel Creech to Benjamin Parrott -Book 23 -
page 395 Ezekiel Creech to John Rouse ------ Book 23 -
page 209 Ezekiel Creech to James Roach Book 24 - page
269 Henry Creech to Joshua Sugg Book 25 - page
543 William Creech & wife to John Sutton Book
28 - page_____. 1820 Lenoir County, N.C.
Census: Edward Creech, Ezekiel Creech Jr. Henry Creech, John Creech Noah Creech William Creech 1820 Duplin County, N.C.
Census: Benjamin Creech Ezekiel Creech Joshua Creech William Creech Joshua Creech, Sr. b. 1754, the son of
Benjamin Creech, Sr. & Mary Lewis Creech, was in old Dobbs
County, N.C. as late as the year 1779, as he voted in the election
for the House of Commons that year, along with his brothers,
Benjamin Creech, Jr, John Creech and Ezekiel Creech. Richard Creech b. 1600 d. 1630 m. Frances
Beale b. 1601 d. 1630 Henry Creech Sr. b. 1621 d. 1709 m. 1653
Joyce Paine b. 1633 d 1712. Richard Creech Sr. b. 1662 d. 1715 m. 1691
Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech Jr. b. 1703 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech Sr. was b. 1724 in
Nansemond County. Va. and died between 1770 and 1790
Joshua Creech Sr. was b. 1754 in old Dobbs
County (now Lenoir) (Johnston). He died May 1835 in present
day Johnston County, N.C. his will was written Feb 13, 1835 (see
copy on other page). He married Sally Stanford ca 1773 and made
their home in present day Johnston County, N.C. Joshua Creech Sr.
served with the North Carolina Detachment, Patriotic Service
Firelocks from Dobbs County, N.C. (present day Lenoir) during the
Revolution. (see other page) He sold the farm his father gave him
in old Dobbs County to Henry Britt of Greene County (Present) and
after the Revolution settled in present day Johnston (received
land for his services in the war) He also bought land from Simon
Flowers and others. He became a very large plantation owner in
that county. Joshua Creech Sr. was shown on the Johnston County
Census of 1787 with five sons and two daughters. On the 1790
Federal Census Joshua had 7 sons and two daughters (one dau. had
married and two of his sons died after 1790 as youngsters. In his
will he names four daughters & five sons, so it seems that two
sons died young. Issue; 1. Lany Creech b. ca 1774 m. Strickland (named
in will) 2. Jesse Creech b. ca 1776 m. Nov 28, 1798
Margaret Worley, dau. of William Worley. They made their home in
the northern end of Johnston County. Issue; see later. 3. Sarah (Sallie) Creech b. ca 1778 m. Feb 13,
1808 Benjamin Creech III b.1783 son of Benjamin Creech, Jr. and
Louisa Mozingo (were cousins) Had issue; see later in the Benjamin
Creech Jr. line. 4. Ezekiel Creech b. ca 1780, his will was
written Aug 4, 1857 and he m. 1st March 4, 1803 Betty Ingram b. ca
1781 dau. of Shadrach Ingram. He m. 2nd Dec 25, 1831 Polly Collins
b. 1798. They made their home Rains Cross Roads in Johnston
County, N.C. Had issue; see later. 5. Lewis Creech b. ca 1782 m. March 30, 1808
Mary (Polly) Ingram b. 1789, the dau. of Shadrach Ingram and
sister to Betty that m. Ezekiel Creech. They made their home near
Micro on the east side of Johnston County, N.C. Had issue; see
later. 6. Joshua Creech Jr. b. ca 1784 d. Nov 14; his
will was written Oct 12, 1841, proved Nov 1841; is buried at the
old Union Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery in Johnston County. He
m. Feb 18, 1808 in New Hanover County, N.C. Catherine (Cathy)
Creech b. ca 1789 in Duplin County, N.C. the dau. of Ezekiel
Creech (were cousins) had issue; see later. 7. Joel Creech b. ca 1786 d. ca 1854 - will
and division of property at the Febr. term of Court in 1854 (see
Court Order on other page). He married Sally Rouse and lived at
the old place of his father's Joshua Creech Sr. Had issue; see
later. 8. Elizabeth (Besty) Creech b. ca 1788 m.
______ Daughty in 1812 (named in will) 9. Son ________ Creech b. ca 1789 (twin) given
name unknown died young. 10. Son _________ Creech b. ca 1789 (twin)
given name unknown died young. (shown on 1790 Census) 11. Nancy Creech b. ca 1792 m. Thomas Oliver
(named in will & shown on the 1800 Census) Note: There has been a lot of Creech family
history, that states that Joshua Creech Sr. had a son by the name
of Noah Creech. He was not shown on Joshua's will or there is no
record of any deed anywhere that Joshua Sr. gave Noah Creech any
property whatso- ever. The onlv Creech connection was that Noah
Sr. was a nephew of the Joshua Sr. and his brother Benjamin III
married a dau. of Joshua Sr. Also Noah Jr. married Elizabeth
Creech a dau. of Stephen Creech. We see some deeds that bear out
these facts. There were enough connections that Noah Creech Sr.
moved from Lenoir County, N.C. to Johnston County about the year
1826. Joshua Creech Sr.
(1754-1835) In the name of God Amon, I Joshua Creech Sen,
being low in health of body but sound of mind and memory thanks be
to God for it calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing
that it is appointed for all men to die do make and order in this
to be my last will and testament in manner and form
following: Principally and first of all I recommend my
soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave it and my body to the
earth to be buried in a decent manner and as such worldly estate
as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life. I give and dispose of the same in manner and
form of loving. I lend unto ny beloved wife Sally Creech all the
lands on the South side of Baudy Swamp including the plantation
where on I now live during her natural life or widowhood having
half the profit of the mill bearing half the expense thereof with
Joel Creech the owner of the other part of the mill. I do lend
unto my beloved wife Sally Creech two feather beds and furniture,
one horse bridle and saddles, two cows and calves, one sow and
pigs, two beehives, one pot, one ham. one skil1st, one chest, one
tables three chairs, one dish and spoons, four pewter plates, one
mug, 2 bells, one tumbler, one decanter, 5 cider barrels, 1 hoggs
head. two bottles, one tray and sifters, 1 plow and gear, 1
grubbing hoe, weeding hoe, one hopper mill pepper, one coffee pot,
three cups and saucers, one case of knives and forks, one tub,
pail and wooden tub, one chum, one griddle and one smoothing
iron. After the decease of my wife, Sally Creech,
the above property to be sold with the land and paid after my just
debts are paid, the remaining part to be equally divided between
Betsy Daughtrey, Sally Creech and Laney Strickland. I give bequeath to my beloved daughter, Nancy
Oliver, five shillings to her and her heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my beloved son, Jesse
Creech, five shillings to him and his heirs forever. I give unto my beloved son Ezekiel Creech
fifty cents to him and his heirs forever. I give to my beloved son Lewis Creech fifty
cents to him and his heirs forever. I give to my beloved son Joshua Creech fifteen
dollars to him and his heirs forever. I give to my beloved son Joel Creech fifty
cents to him and his heirs forever. I do hereby appoint and constitute, Lewis
Creech and Joshua Creech my two trusty sons executor to this my last will and
testament and I do hereby revoke and annull all other wills, bequeaths of any kind
whatever, ratifying and containing this and no other to be my last
will and testament. In witness whereof I have here unto set my
hand and seal this the 13th day of Feb. 1835 in presence of - Jesse, Joshua, Eli
Creech Signed by Joshua Creech - SEAL State of North Carolina Johnston Co. May term
1835, this was the execution of this will duly proven in open
Court by the oaths of Jesse Caudell Joshua Creech Eli Creech And ordered to be recorded: R.M. Sanders Clerk
of Court Will book 1825-1870 Vol 11 page 74 Richard Creech b. ca 1600 d. ca 1630 m.
Frances Beale b. ca 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. ca 1621 d. ca 1709 m.
ca 1653 Joyce Paine b-ca 1633 d. ca 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. b. 1662 d. ca 1715 m.
ca 1691 Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech, Jr. b-1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. ca 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech, Sr. b. ca 1724 d.
1770-1790 m. ca 1745 Mary Lewis b.1724. Joshua Creech Sr. b. 1754 d. 1835 m. ca
1773 Sally Stanford d. after 1835. Jesse Creech, Sr. b. ca 1776 in old Dobbs
County, N.C.(as his father moved to present day Johnston
County about the year 1780) He married Nov 28, 1798 Margaret
'Worley, the dau. of William Worley. They made their home in the
northern end of Johnston County, N.C. Had issue; (See
deeds) 1. Bennett Creech b. ca 1801 d. ca 1871 m. Jan
11, 1825 Lydia Wall b. 1804. Had issue; (1) Jarrott B. Creech b. ca 1826 m. Martha
Spirus Jan 11, 1867 (known issue) (a) Martha Ann Creech b. Jan 9, 1868 d. Julv
11, 1887. (2) William T. Creech b. 1828 m. Jan 21, 1850
Nancy Spencer b.1827 (on the death certificate of William T,
states that he was the son of his grandfather Jesse; for some
reason unknown Jesse raised him and after Jesse died. he was
living with his uncle, Stanford Creech on the 1850 census (with
his wife) had issue; (a) Bennett Creech m. Jan 10, 1877 Elizabeth
Creech (had son John W. Creech) (b) John Bunion Creech m. March 8, 1883 Polly
Stancil. Had issue; (a1) Oscar Creech m. Perrich
Creech (a2) W. Clarence Creech m. Alice
Brown (a3) Annie Creech m. _________
Batten. (a4) Edgar Creech m. 1st Ida Batten; m. 2nd
Patricia Moore. (a5) Ila Creech unmarried. (c) Sallie Creech m. William
Hodges. (d) Adeline Creech m. Joe Stancil. (e) Elizabeth Creech m. Gidion
Price. (f) Jesse Grant Creech m. March 28, 1888 India
Hare. (g) Worley W. Creech m. 1st Dec 12, 1887
Frances Stancil; m. 2nd Jan 10, 1892 Sarah Stancil. (h) Rubin Daniel Creech m. 1st Jan 1, 1890
Sandlia Stancil; m. 2nd Sarah Batten (3) Cullen Creech b.1830 m. 1st March 18, 1857
Esther Hicks; m. 2nd Minerva A. Stallings on Feb.14, 1894.
Issue; (a) John R. Creech m. 1st Jan 22, 1880 Appy
Parker; 2nd Marzella Creech 1886. (b) William H. Creech b. 1860 d. 1896 m. Feb
22, 1882 Ellen Batten. (c) Louisa (Lou) Creech m. _______
Batten. (d) Cullen Creech, Jr. m. July 23, 1893 Piety
E. Batten. (e) Jacob Creech m. Jan 10, 1889 Sarah
Hinton. (f) Manly Creech m. Jan 16, 1896 Martha
Whitley. (g) Gidion Creech m. Genevia ___________
. (h) Jesse Creech (i) Ezekiel (Zeke) Creech m. 1st _____
Whitley; m. 2nd _____ Creech. (J) Joseph Creech m. Zilphia Creech had
issue; (a1) Rodney Creech m. _________ Atkinson
(a2) Avery Creech m. Ruby Woodard. (a3) Joseph Creech Jr. m. Alovio Boykin
(a4) Joey Creech m. Doris Boyette (a5) Estelle m. Stanton Brantley (a6) Grover m. Ruby Stancil (a7) Margaret m. Curtis Johnson (a8) Nadell m. Wilbert Eason (a9) Rosa Mae m. Braxton Pittman (4). John Bunion Creech b. Feb 2, 1832 d. Sept
6, 1905 married May 11, 1862 Polly Driver b. April 22, 1842 d. Dec 4, 1908.
Had issue; (a). John W. Creech b. July 5, 1864 d. July
17, 1934 m. Nettie Boone b. Nov. 25, 1887 d. Dee 31, 1929.
Issue; (a1) Virginia Creech m. _________
Hedgepeth. (a2) Alma Creech m. ___________
Strickland. (a3) Ella Creech (a4) Thelma Creech (b). Clemons (Clem) Creech b. ca 1867 m. March
15, 1894 Zettie Mary Parrish. Issue. (a1) Mettie Creech m. Ballard
Hocutt. (a2) Worley Creech m. Lector
Corbett. (a3) Pearl Creech m. 1st Edgar Long; m. 2nd
John Bissette. (a4) Heba Creech m. Melie Whitley.
(twin) (a5) Seba Creech (twin) m. Cramer
Corbett. (a6) Clemon (Clem) Creech Jr. m. Esther
Whitley. (a7) Albert Creech m. Erdine
Mitchell. (a8) Liland Creech died in
infancy. (a9) Chancey Creech died in
infancy. (c) Louisa Helen Creech b. 1868 d. 1945 m. W.
Wesley Hales b. 1866 d. 1964 no issue; (but raised her sister's
children after Lydia died at an early age.) (d) Stephen Worley Creech b. Dec 27, 1879 d.
March 28, 1940 m. Jan 17, 1895 Siddie- William Parrish b. May 29,
1875 d. April 15, 1957. (e) Lydia Creech b. 1872 d. 1904 m. Sewell E.
Hoyle b. June 9, 1861 d. March 15, 1933. Had issue; (a1) Alice Hoyle m. Clarence
Hinton (a2) Beulah Hoyle m. T. Bunn. (a3) Vivian Hoyle m. Leamon
Corbett, (a4) Donia Hoyle m. Frank Price. (a5) Odessa Hoyle (f) Aaron Creech b. July 5, 1879 d. March 30,
1950 m. Hettie Rayford b. Oct 7, 1879 d. Nov 13, 1938.
issue; (a1) Earl Creech m. Zillie Haynes. (a2) Wilbur Creech m. Florence
Pace. (a3) Thelbert Creech m. Mamie
Wilder. (a4) Carl Creech died in infancy, (5) Jesse Hezekiah Creech b. 1835, will was
dated 1896, m. April 9, 1868 Nancy Heziah Price.
Issue; (a) Jesse H. Creech Jr. m. Dec 27, 1877 Edith
Rose. (b) Ashley Creech m. Dec 9, 1891 Polly
Lynch. (c) Sally Creech m. ______ Pearce. (d) Polly A. Creech m. ______
Thompson. (e Mary Creech m. _______ Britton. (f) Martha Creech m. ________
Wiggs. (g) Nancy Creech m. ________
Potter. (h) Harriet Creech m. ________
Howell. (i) Annie Elizabeth C Creech m. ______
Aliels. (j) Gretta Creech m. Pearce. (6) Margaret Creech b. ca 1837 (no
data) (7) B. Haywood Creech b. ca 1839 m. Lucinda
Holloman. Issue; (a) Leroy Creech m. Jan. 4, 1887 Louisa
Brannon. Issue; (a1) John Raymond Creech m. Molly
Lewis. (a2) Harvey Creech m. 1st ____ Narron; m. 2nd
______ Hood. (a3) Cliford Creech m. 1st __ Whitley; m. 2nd
__ Frones; 3rd ___ Lee. (a4) Elbert Creech m. Ila Eason (a5) Battle Creech m. _______
Atkinson. (a6) Lillian Creech m. Lumus
Strickland. (a7) Beatrice Creech m. _______
Narron. (a8) Viola Creech m. Joseph Marvin
Creech. (b) Charlie Creech unmarried (c) Luther Creech died young, (d) Florence Creech m. ________
Talton. (e) Maralene Creech m. ________
Corbett. (f) Martha Creech m. __________
Eason. (g) Walter Creech m. ___________
Gulley. (8) Worley Creech b. ca 1850 m. Feb 19, 1866
Martha Hare. (known issue) (a) Kirkman Creech m. ____ Dec 7, 1890 Ally
Broadwill. (b) Moses Creech m. Dec 15, 1892 Sarah E.
Boyette. 2. John W. Creech b. ca 1803 served in the
Civil War, entered July 15, 1862 in Comparyy A 16th Batt. N.C.
Cavalry; transferred to Company E 23rd Reg. He was killed Oct. 27,
1864 at Burgess Mill, Va. unmarried. 3. Infant Creech b. ca 1805 d. ca
1805. 4. Elizabeth Creech b. ca 1812 (no
data) 5. Nancy Creech b. ca 1815 (no
data) 6. Stanford Creech b. Nov 14, 1818 d. June 6,
1892, wrote his will March 5, 1887. He m. 1st April 11, 1848
Martha Ellen Horn b. 1820 m. 2nd March 31, 1862 Mary Broughton b.
April 30, 1829 d. Aug 2, 1901. Issue; (by which wife
unknown) (1) Elizabeth Creech m. Walter
Mayo (2) Eveline Creech b.1849 m. I.D.
Dodd. (3) Ellen Creech m. George Coble. (4) Annie Creech m. ______ Batten. (5) James Creech (6) Charlie Creech m. 1st ________ ; m. 2nd
March 13, 1892 Mollie O'Neal. (7) Omega Creech m. William Henry
Williams. (8) Lewis Creech (9) Alonza Creech m. ___________ (had son Hume
Creech of Clayton, N.C.) 7. Jesse S. Creech, Jr. b. ca 1824 m. April 9,
1847 Polly Wall b. ca 1826. Issue; (1) James Barrott Creech b. ca 1848 m. Aug 1,
1869 Lucinda E. Batten. (2) Willie Creech b. ca 1850 (shown on the
1850 census) no more on this dau. (3) Jesse S. Creech III b. ca 1852 m. March
25,1888 Sarah Batten (4) John D. Creech b. ca 1854 m. 1st March 18,
1875 Lucinda E. Batten Creech, widow of his brother James Barrott
Creech; m. 2nd April 2, 1894 Sally Eason. Issue; (a) James Perry Creech b. 1887 d. 1960 m.
_______ b. 1889. (b) Ruffin Creech m. Addie
Stancil. (c) Ebbe Creech m. Nettie Fason. (d) Charles Creech m. Newport
Wood. (e) Samuel (Sam) Creech m. Myrtle
Brinkley. (f) Martha Creech m. Walter Fason. (g) Mary Creech m. Ruff Harris. (h) Betty Jane Creech m. Henry
Brinkley. 8. Haywood Creech b. ca 1835 (no
data) Richard Creech b. ca 1600 d. ca 1630 m.
Frances Beale b. ca 1601 d. 1630. Henrv Creech, Sr. b. ca 1621 d. ca 1709 m.
ca 1653 Joyce Paine b-ca 1633 d. ca 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. b. 1662 d. ca 1715 m.
ca 1691 Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech, Jr. b-1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. ca 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech, Sr. b. ca 1724 d.
1770-1790 m. ca 1745 Mary Lewis b.1724. Joshua Creech Sr. b. 1754 d. 1835 m. ca
1773 Sally Stanford d. after 1835. Jesse Creech, Sr. b. ca 1776 in old Dobbs
County, N.C. m. 1798 Margaret Worley Bennett Creech b. ca 1801 d. ca 1871 m.
1825 Lydia Wall b.1804. John Bunyon Creech b. 1832 d. 1905 m. 1862
Polly Driver b.1842 d.1908. Stephen Worley Creech b. Dec 27, 1870
d. March 28 1940 m. Jan 17, 1895 Siddie William Parrish b. May 29, 1875 d. April 15, 1957. Had
issue; 1. Mamie Realla Creech b. Nov 11, 1895 m. Aug
23, 1914 Alfred Lee Tippett. Issue; (1) Elbert Worth Tippett b. June 7, 1915 m.
June 10, 1936 Kathryn Strickland. Issue; (a) Elbert Worth Tippett, Jr. b. Dec 19, 1940
m. Oct 5, 1962 Flora D. Manning. (b) Kathryn Ann Tippett b. May 31,
1947 (e) Richard Lee Tippett b. Nov 14,
1949 (2) Leland Guy Tippett b. Dec 17, 1917 m. July
10, 1941 Norma Elizabeth Heath.Issue; (a) Leland G. W Tippett. Jr. b. April 16, 1942
m. June 29, 1963 Glenda J. Pierce. (b) Sharalyn Ann Tippett b. April 8,
1946 (c) Lawrence Steven Tippett b. Oct 10,
1955 (3) Douglas Haig Tippett b. July 26, 1919 m.
Oct 24, 1947 Ruby Tauline Waugh. Issue; (a) Brenda Sue Tippett b. July 21,
1948 (b) Ronald Lee Tippett b. Aug 6, 1951 (twin)
d. Aug 7, 1951 (c) Donald Wayne Tippett b. Aug 6, 1951
(twin) (d) David Lee Tippett b. Oct 27,
1953 (4) Virginia Lee Tippett b. Nov 18, 1921 m.
1st Aug 22, 1944 Charles Parker Snow d. 3/23/1957; m. 2nd March 9,
1960 Sherman Waylon Goddm. Issue; (a) Charles Alfred Snow b. Aug 3,
1946 (b) Verna Lee Snow b. Oct 1, 1949 (e) Claude Bartley Snow b. Dec 20,
1956 (d) Sherman Waylon Goddin Jr. March 2,
1963 (5) Siddie Helen Tippett b. July 4, 1926 m.
July 1, 1951 Donald Eugene Beeker. Issue; (a) Wendy Carol Becker b. Jan 18,
1959 (b) Steven Eric Becker b. July 17,
1961 (6) Alfred Lloyd Tippett b. July 17, 1933 m.
Dec 23, 1951 Mildred Faydene Olliver. (a) Debra Lynn Tippett. b. Nov 30,
1952 (b) Elizabeth Faye Tippett b. June 17,
1954 (c) Alfred Lloyd Tippett, Jr. b. March 20,
1962 2. James Arthur Creech June 5, 1897 d. May 1,
1974 m. March 3, 1918 Rose Ella Crowder. (1) Arthur Exum Creech b. Oct 21, 1921 m. Dec
6, 1941 Lecter Lewis. (a) Kearney Exum Creech b. Dec 17,
1959. (2) Swanora Creech b. Nov 16, 1925 d. May 4,
1927. (3) James Edsel Creech b. Nov 25, 1928 m.
April 13, 1952 Doris Mae Strickland. (a) James Michael Creech b. Feb 21,
1956 (b) Robert Edsel Creech b. Nov 2,
1958 (c) Dwight Arthur Creech b. Jan 26,
1961 (4) Elliot Clifton Creech b. Dec 21, 1933 M.
June 20, 1953 Hilda Sue Phillips. (a) Donnie Elliot Creech b. Aug 29,
1954 (b) Kimberly Sue Creech b. Jan 29,
1958 3. William Creech b. May 31, 1899 m. Nov 20,
1920 Vonnie Allen d. Nov 8, 1950. (his 1st wife) he m. 2nd Dec 19,
1953 Grace Winstead Liles d. 1977. Issue; (1) Christine Creech b. Oct 2, 1921 m. Sept
30, 1946 John Joyner Andrews. (2) Ada Mae Creech b. Jan 28, 1924 m. Nov 28,
1947 Calvin Hales. Issue; (a) Robert Glenn Hales b. Jan 3,
1955 (b) Jeffery Brian Hales b. Aug 3,
1956 (c) Calvin Hales, Jr. (3) Allen Edward Creech b. Jan 13, 1928 m. Nov
28, 1947 Barbara Nell Massey (was divorced in 1962) he m. 2nd Sept
13, 1963 Lois Trent. (a) Dennis Allen Creech b. Nov 8,
1952 (4) Andrew Gordon Creech b. June 19, 1930 m.
Dec 17, 1950 Annie Yiargaretii Hood. (a) Vonnie Ann Creech b. Nov 23,
1951 (b) Andrew Grady Creech b. March 29,
1956 (c) Alex Gordon Creech b. June 24,
1962 (5) William Creech, Jr. b. Nov 19, 1932 m. May
9, 1952 Blois Annette Glover (div.1975) (a) Pamela Annette Creech b. Dec 19,
1952 (b) Roxanne Creech b. June 8, 1955 (c) Sandra Lynn Creech b. March 21,
1957 (d) Teresa Jan Creech b. Dec 14,
1958 (e) William Joyner Creech b. Sept 24,
1961 (6) Billy Ray Creech b. Oct 16, 1935 m. Nov 9,
1952 Earline Raper. (a) Anthony Ray Creech b. July 2,
1953 (b) Donna Charlene Creech b. May 21, 1955 d.
March 3, 1956. (7) Hilda Faye Creech b. Oct 16, 1935 (twin to
Billy Ray m. Dec 24, 1955 Carmon Edgar Phillips. (a) Garry Edgar Phillips b. May 10,
1957 (8) Dewey Wayne Creech b. June 7, 1940 m. Dec
10, 1966 Patsy Hagwood. (9) Robert Verlon Creech b. July 25, 1945 m.
Oct 28, 1965 Gloria Faye Watkins. 4. Annie Serella Creech b. Sept 14, 1901 d.
Sept 28, 1978 m. Dec 6. 1919 Wade Clayon Lee d. Sept 19, 1958.
Issue; (1) Fred Clayon Lee b. Oct 13, 1920 d. Jan 25,
1921. (2) Erdine Lee b. Sept 19, 1922 m. Nov 14,
1941 Talmadge Lynwood Vann. Issue; (a) Carolyn Jeannette Vann b. Nov 14, 1941 m.
July 29, 1962 Claude Aycock Anthony (b) Jane Lee Vann b. Dec 2, 1947 m. Armie
Rowland Strickland. Jr. (3) Adele Lee b. Dec 14, 1924 m. June 5, 1949
Bunyon Washington Brown. (a) Barbara Jean Brown b. Aug 15,
1950 (4). James Worley Lee b. Dec 25, 1926 m. Dec
18, 1948 Janis Rose Hinton. (a) Jimmy Keith Lee b. Jan 18,
1953 (b) Jan Reene Lee b. March 24,
1959 (5) Margaret Magdalene Lee b. April 27, 1933
m. June 5, 1952 James Delnor Upchurch. (a) James Jeffrey Upchurch b. Jan 27,
1962 (6) Bobby Keith Lee b. Aug 30, 1938 d. Oct 13,
1939. (7) Peggy Ann Lee b. Sept 3, 1941 m. Sept 3,
1961 Barna Osbone Wilder. (a) Barnanne Leigh Wilder b. April 3,
1967. 5. Avon Odell Creech b. July 5, 1903 m. Jan
16, 1925 Linnie Pearl Godwm. Issue; (1) Edna Pearl Creech b. Feb 21, 1928 m. Dec
10, 1946 James Ollie Liles. (a) Larry Avon Liles b. July 7, 1948 m. Oct
11, 1968 Brenda Williford. (b) Garry James Liles b. Jan 8,
1959 (2) Evelyn Elizabeth Creech b. May 26, 1951 m.
Sept 23, 1951 Joseph Alton Barnes. (a) Linda Diane Barnes b. & d. Aug 7,
1952 (b) Fredrick Odell Barnes b. Sept 3,
1958 (c) Deborah Leigh Barnes b. Nov 22,
1960 (3) Preston Odell Creech b. Oct 28, 1934 m.
Oct 31, 1953 Dorothy Marie Meacombs. (a) Teresa Gail Creech b. May 19,
1959 (b) Sharon Dail Creech b. July 8,
1961 (c) Sherwood Preston Creech b. Feb 25,
1968 (4) Mary Ellen Creech b. Aug 23, 1939 m. Nov
27, 1967 Jimmy Wheliss Foster. (a) Mickey Wheliss Foster b. Sept 8,
1971 (b) David Avon Foster b. Oct 23,
1974 (5) Charles Waddell Creech b. July 24, 1944 m.
June 29, 1969 Carmen Ruth Johnson. (Charles W. Creech furnished
very much of this data; thanks to him for his hard
work) (a) Terry Garland Creech b. Oct 26,
1977 6. Lela May Creech b. May 19, 1906 d. Oct 4,
1926 m. 1925 Wyatt Whittaker. (1) Infant son Whittaker b. & d. Oct 4,
1926. 7. Herman Buice Creech b. Aug 27, 1907 m. Feb
5, 1927 Sipsie Carthage Bailey. Issue; (1) Herman Buice Creech, Jr. b. April 11, 1928
m. July 10, 1953 Vynetta Ruth Low d. Sept 15, 1978.
Issue; (a) Cynthia Ann Creech b. May 4,
1954 (b) David Buice Creech b. June 23,
1955 (c) Joseph Calvin Creech b. Dec 4,
1957 (d) Regina Ruth Creech b. May 7,
1961 (2) Bobby Donald Creech b. & d. Jan 17,
1930 (3) Bryl Hugh Creech b. June 18, 1940 m. Sept
3, 1960 m. 1st Saundra Lee Johnson(div.); m. 2nd Mary ________
Sept 30, 1978. (a) Jeff Creech (4) Beverly Rose Creech b. Jan
14, 1945 m. 1st June 16, 1963 John Claudie Duke, Jr. (divorced)
m.2nd Willard Currin in 1974. (a) Robin Duke 8. Hubert Clifton Creech b. Sept 10, 1910 d.
1971 m. 1st Mural Bailey; m. 2nd Feb 2, 1933 Daisy Lee Wages; m. 3rd Mary _______
(divorced 1st & 2nd wives) Issue; (1) Martha Ann Creech b. June 5,
1933 (2) Bobby Creech b. Dec 4, 1935 (3) Gene Creech (4) David Creech (5) Nancy Creech (6) Beverly Lynn Creech (7) Gary Creech 9. Steven Taft Creech b. Dee 20, 1911 d. Aug
24, 1913. 10. E. J. Creech b. July 31, 1914 m. Jan 30,
1933 Roland Henry Hales d. Nov 7, 1972. (1) Kenneth Waddell Hales b. April 10, 1934 m.
May 31, 1952 Nancy Laverne Hinton. (a) Kenneth Waddell Hales, Jr. b. Sept 9,
1955 (b) Clay Henry Hales b. July 8,
1957 (2) Steven Wallace Hales b. Jan 29, 1938 m.
July 5, 1959 Glenda Yvonne Stephenson. (a) Steven Barry Hales b. Feb 10,
1962 (3) Elizabeth Jay Hales b. Nov 21, 1940 m. Feb
10, 1962 1st James Ronald Boykin (divorced) m. 2nd in 1972 Charlie
Boyette. 11. Worth Battle Creech b. July 8, 1916 d. Feb
19, 1978 m. Sept 12, 1936 Ruby Ellen Manning. Issue; (1) Steven Worth Creech b. March 16, 1940 m.
Sept 14, 1958 Doris Faye Capps. (2) Stacy Manning Creech b. May 4, 1942 m. Feb
24, 1961 Linda Joyce Johnson. (a) Angelia Joyce Creech b. June 17, 1963 (b)
Stephanie Creech (3) Phil Stanley Creech b. Aug11, 1944 m. June
1, 1964 Maude Ann Price. Issue; (a) Warren Stanley Creech b.1964 (b) Karen Ann
Creech b. 1967 (4) Anthony Ely Creech b. Dee 5. 1949 m.
Goldie Wood. 12. Jesse Ernest Creech b. Feb 5, 1919 d.
March 12, 1919. Richard Creech b. ca. 1600 d. ca. 1630 m.
Frances Beale b. ca. 1601 d. ca 1630 Henry Creech, Sr. b. ca 1621 d. ca 1709 m.
ca 1653 Joyce Paine b. ca 1633 d. ca 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. b. 1662 d. ca 1715 m.
ca 1691 Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech, Jr. b-1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. ca 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech, Sr. b. ca 1724 d.
1770-1790 m. ca 1745 Mary Lewis b.1724. Joshua Creech Sr. b. 1754 d. 1835 m. ca
1773 Sally Stanford d. after 1835. Ezekiel Creech, Sr. b. ca 1780, his
will was written Aug. 4, 1857 in Johnston County, N.C. He married
1st March 4, 1803 Betty Ingram b. ca 1781, dau. of Shadrach Ingram
and sister to Polly Ingram that married Lewis Creech, Ezekiel's
brother. He married 2nd Dec 25, 1831 Polly Collins b. 1798. He
made his home near Rains Cross Roads in Johnston County, N.C.
There needs to be more research on this family. The 1820 Census
shows that Ezekiel Creech had two sons over 16 years of age; two
daughters under 10; 1 daughter over 10 & under 16; 1 daughter
over 20; himself & wife and possible his sister or wife's
sister. These children were by his 1st wife Betty Ingram; his will
does not name but one of these daughters (the youngest) in 1857;
his three children by his last wife are named and his two sons by
1st wife; The issue will be listed as to age by the census
record; 1. Daughter _______ Creech b. ca 1804 (no
data) 2. John Creech b. ca 1806 married Nov 15, 1825
Betty Gennett (no more data) 3. Stephen Ezekiel Creech b. 1808 d. after
1850 m. ca 1828 Nancy Tutle b.1813. See later 4, Daughter Creech b. ca 1810 (no data)
5. Daughter Creech b. ca 1812 (no
data) 6. Susannah Creech b. 1814 married Jesse
Dowdy, Jr. Issue; (1) John Dowdy (2) Ezekiel Dowdy (3) Elizabeth Dowdy (4) Martha Dowdy (5) Polly Dowdy (6) Matthew Dowdy (7) William Dowdy (8) Benjamin Wright Dowdy Issue by Ezekiel's 2nd wife Polly
Collins: 7. A. Bryan Creech b. ca 1832 (no
data) 8. Elizabeth Creech b. ca 1834 m. Noah Creech,
Jr. b. ca 1838, son of Noah Creech, Sr. and Mary Elizabeth Bryant.
(no data) 9. Henry A. Creech b. ca 1836 served in the
Civil Wars entered June 1, 1861. He m. Ella _______ ; she put in
for pension in 1901. (no data) Richard Creech b. ca 1600 d. ca 1630 m.
Frances Beale b. ca 1601 d. 1630. Henry Creech, Sr. b. ca 1621 d. ca 1709 m.
ca 1653 Joyce Paine b. ca 1633 d. ca 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. b. 1662 d. ca 1715
1691 Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech, Jr. b. 1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. ca 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech, Sr. b. ca 1724 d.
1770-1790 m. ca 1745 Mary Lewis b.1724. Joshua Creech Sr. b. 1754 d. 1835 m. ca
1773 Sally Stanford d. after 1835. Ezekiel Creech b. ca 1780 d. ca 1857 m. 1st
1803 Betty Ingram b. ca 1781. Stephen Ezekiel Creech b. in 1808 in
Johnston County, N.C. and died after 1850 in the same county; he
married ca 1828 Nancy Tutle b. 1813. They made their home near
Clayton N.C. in Johnston County. See land deeds; had
issue; 1. John Warren Creech b. Oct 3, 1829 d. Aug 6,
1898 m. Eliza Ann Canady b. Dec 6, 1832 d. Jan 9, 1919, dau. of Benjamin Canady &
Sarah Ann Creech (a cousin) see later. 2. Jarrott B. Creech b. ca 1831 served in the
Civil War from Johnston County, N.C. He entered June 12, 1861. He
m. Jane Creech b. Nov 11, 1837 d. Nov 3, 1913. (1) Jarrat M. Creech b. July 23, 1865 d. Aug
5, 1910 (2) R.C. Creech m. Feb 15, 1885 Laura J.
Williams. (3) Charles P. Creech m. Dec 24, 1893 Bettis
Johnson. 3. Polly Anne Creech b. ca 1833 (no data)
shown on the 1850 census. 4. Mary Creech b. ca 1834 (no data) shown on
the 1850 census, 5. Stephen Etheridge Creech b. ca 1836 served
in the Civil War from Johnston County and was given a disability
pension in 1901. He m. July 19, 1857 Elizabeth Creech b. 1836, dau. of Barna Creech & 1st wife
Sarah Raper. 6. Ezekiel Creech b. ca 1838 served in the
Civil War, entered May 4, 1862. He married 1st July 3, 1859 Eleanor Dodwin b. Dec 22, 1844 d.
July 2, 1873; he m. 2nd Nov 30, 1873 Laura Pool; she put in for
pension in 1901. Issue by 1st wife; (1) P. Milton Creech m. Aug 22, 1886 Lillian
Johnson. Issue; (a) Stephen Calvin Creech (d) Vonnie Creech m.
____ Sneed (b) Allie Creech m. Perry Allen (e) Paul
Creech (c) Tommy C. Creech (f) Pearl Creech m. ____
Hines. (2) Fannie Creech (3) Fronle Creech (4) John Willis Creech m. Feb 5, 1882 Maggie
Ellen Hockaday (had son) (a) Seth J. Creech b. Dec 21, 1896 d. Sept 6,
1928 Issue by 2nd wife Laura Pool; (5) B. Lawrence Creech m. Aug 23, 1884
Elizabeth Johnson (had son) (a) Lawrence Ezekiel Creech (6) James B. Creech m. Feb 21, 1894 Sally
Strickland (had sons) (a) Gilbert Creech (b) Barom
Creech (7) Charles Alderman Creech b. March 9, 1882
m. July 15, 1908 Connie Emily Hollingsworth b. April 30, 1883, dau. of
Mansfield Emeluis Hollingsworth and Janis Elizabeth Holcombe (dau. of John Thomas
Holcombe) had issue; (a) Elizabeth Holcombe Creech b. May 21, 1909
m. March 3, 1932 Irving James Gillett b. Jan 27, l909 (live at Enfield.
N.C.) Issue; (a1) Elizabeth Gillett b. Jan 21,
1933 (a2) Emnelia Ann Gillett b. Nov 17,
1936 (b) Charles Alderman Creech Jr. b. March 11,
1911 m. Jan 25, 1936 Bruce Brewer b. Aug 31, 1909 (lives at Newport News, Va.)
Issue; (a1) Charles Andrew Creech b. Oct 8,
1939 (a2) Bruce Brewer Creech b. June 23,
1941 (c) Mansfield Hollingsworth Creech b. Aug 16,
1912 (d) Laura Pool Creech b. Sept 15, 1914 d. July
11, 1916. (e) Marshall Ezekiel (Zeke) Creech b. Nov 12,
1915 m. Sept 27, 1941 Julia Fuller Lee b. Jan 9, 1921 (they live
at Kinston,N.C. and he was the Clerk of Court there)
Issue; (a1) Julia Fuller Creech b. Aug 20,
1942 (f) James Thomas Creech b. Sept 4,
1917 (g) William Ayden Creech (Bill) b. Aug 5, 1925
(lives in Raleigh, N.C. Park Ave. and was a State
Senator) (8) Ayden Creech (9) Herman Creech m. _____ (had sons Herman Jr
& another son) (10) Hunter Creech m. ______ (had son Hunter
Jr.) (11) Lillie Creech m. John
Sanders. 7. James William Creech b. March 12, 1842 d.
May 28, 1914; served in the Civil War from Johnston County, N.C.
entered March 22, 1862. He m. April 25, 1862 Penelope Stephenson
b. 1840 d. 1903. Known issue; (1) James W. Creech Jr. m. Feb 19, 1890 Martha
Coats. (2) William P. Creech m. April 8, 1894 Selina
Stephenson. (3) Benjamin Stephen Creech m. Elizabeth
(Bettie) Creech Feb 24, 1884. 8. Romulus H. Creech b. 1844, served in the
Civil War from Johnston County, N.C. entered April 10, 1862,
paroled at Goldsboro, N.C. May 1865. He m. Oct 5, 1871 Pheobe
Ennis. 9. Sally Creech b. ca 1848 (shown on the 1850
census) no data. 10. Lemuel Durwood Creech b. ca 1850 m. Sept
10, 1868 Emily Godwin (known issue) (1) Robert Durwood Creech m. Jan 13, 1889
Cornellia Capps. (2) John Lemuel Creech m. Feb 2, 1894 Anna
Woodall. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Served in The Civil War -
Entered Ashley Creech - May 30, 1861 - Johnston
County, N.C. Barrott Creech - June 12, 1861 - Johnston
County, N.C. Blount Creech - July 30, 1861 - Duplin County,
N.C. Benjamin P. Creech - May 10, 1862 - Greene
County, N.C. Bryant Creech Feb 27, 1862 - Wake County,
N.C. Charles Creech June 26, 1862 - McDowell
County, N.C. D.H. Creech - July 5, 1862 - Wayne County,
N.C. Ezekiel Creech - March 4, 1862 - Johnston
County, N.C. Ezekiel Creech - May 4, 1862 - Johnston
County, N.C. John W. Creech - July 15, 1862 - Johnston
County, N.C. J.J. Creech - Jan 15, 1862 - Johnston County,
N.C. James W. Creech - March 22, 1862 - Johnston
County, N.C. James P. Creech - May 31, 1861 - Johnston
County, N.C. Joshua Creech - July 20, 1863 - Duplin County,
N.C. John W. Creech - May 29, 1861 - Columbus
County, N.C. John W. Creech - July 16, 1863 - Wake County,
N.C. Josiah Creech - July 1862 -Wayne County,
NC J. E. Creech - May 13, 1862 Wayne County,
NC J. G. Creech - May 9, 1862 -Wayne County,
NC Joshua Creech - July 11, 1864 - Wayne County,
NC John Creech - July 11,1864 -Wayne County, NC -
Killed Oct. 27, 1864 J. A. Creech - July 2, 1863 - Wayne County, NC
Levi Creech - March 26, 1862 - Johnston
County, NC Larkin Creech - July 5, 1862 - Wayne County,
N.C. Miller B. Creech - July 15, 1862 - Greene
County, N.C. Richard Creech, Jr. b-1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. ca 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech, Sr. b. ca 1724 d.
1770-1790 m. ca 1745 Mary Lewis b. 1724. Joshua Creech Sr. b. 1754 d. 1835 m. ca
1773 Sally Stanford d. after 1835. Ezekiel Creech b. ca 1780 d. ca 1857 m. 1st
1803 Betty Ingram b. ca 1781. Stephen Ezekiel Creech b. in 1808 in
Johnston County, N.C. and died after 1850 in the same county; he
married ca 1828 Nancy Tutle b. 1813. They made their home near
Clayton N.C. in Johnston County. Had son; John Warren Creech b. Oct 3, 1829 in
Johnston County, N.C. and died Aug 6, 1898 in Lenoir County, N.C.
He married Eliza Ann Canady b. Dec 6, 1832 d. Jan 9, 1919, dau. of
Benjamin Canady and Sarah Ann Creech (a 2nd cousin). John Warren
Creech lived in the Institute Community of Lenoir County and
became a large plantation owner and ran a store here. He served in
the Civil War, entered July 16, 1862. Had issue; 1. Mary Frances Creech b. Nov 1, 1851 d. Jan
1, 1942 m. William R. Woodall b. June 2, 1848 d. July 17, 1903.
Had issue; (1) Charlie Woodall b. Jan 6, 1871 d. April
28, 1946 m. 1st Lucy Lassiter b. Feb 20, 1872 d. Oct 17, 1910; m.
2nd Effie Lassiter b. May 20, 1882. Issue 1st wife; (a) Willie Woodall b. 1894 m. Zula Coats (had
dau. Dorothy Woodall) (b) Millie Woodall b. 1896 m. John Wind (had
issue; Nona, Wilson, & John Wind) (c) Mary Woodall b. 1899 m. Robert Parish b.
1898. Issue; (Waylen, Florence m. Elmer Massengill Perleen, &
Magdaline Parish) Issue by 2nd wife; (d) William Woodall m. Irene Morgan. had
issue; ( Wade, Charles, Harold. Jimmie, Faye, & Elizabeth
Woodall m. John Swidaer. (2) Preston Woodall b. May 7, 1874 d. July 6,
1945 m. Emma C. Woodall b. June 10, 1878 d. July 11, 1953. Had
issue; (a) Clara Augusta Woodall b. Jan 24,
1900 (b) William Brantley Woodall b. July 14, 1901
d. June 1967 m. Hallie Lewis. (a1) William Brantley Woodall Jr. b. March 15,
1924 m. 1st Gloria Caldwell b. Sept 9, 1933 (2nd wife unknown) (a2) Ray Preston Woodall b. May 15, 1925 m.
Josephine Sears b. May 4. 1928. (a3) Jane Caroline Woodall b. June 16, 1927 m.
Dr. Robert J. Shankle. (a4) Ann Clarie Woodall b. Nov 9. 1930 m. Dr.
Charles Wilkson (3) Sarah E. Woodall b. Feb 5, 1877 d. April,
1956 m. Ransom M. Johnson b. Oct 23, 1871 d. March 1968. Had
issue; (a) Annie M. Johnson b. May 13, 1895 m. Walter
Hobbs. Had issue; (a1) Inez Hobbs b. May 19, 1913 m. Paul
Coats, (a2) Ruth Hobbs b. Jan 24, 1915 m. Douglas
Smith. (a3) Ralph Hobbs b. Jan 25, 1917 (a4) Thelma Hobbs b. Nov 7, 1918 m. William
Allen. (a5) Leon Hobbs b. July 17, 1920 m. Jennie
Lugh Wood (a6) Neta Hobbs b. Sept 22, 1923 m. Frank
Hodges. (a7) Hugh Brian Hobbs b. Dec 17, 1925 m. Ruth
Lee. (a8) Shelton Hobbs b. April 5, 1926 m. Jane
Johnson (a9) Charles Dennis Hobbs b. March 12, 1934 m.
Winford Ruffm. (b) David Clarence Johnson b. March 19, 1897
m. Mary Woodall. Issue; (a1) David Clarence Johnson Jr. b. Nov 17,
1922 m. Faye Caudill. (a2) Ruby Lee Johnson b. March 13, 1926 m.
Gene Di-deo. (a3) James Leroy Johnson b. July 26, 1928 m.
Beatrice Johnson. (a4) Mary Ann Johnson b. Nov 26,
1931 (a5) Elvin Johnson b. March 6, 1935 m. Ann
Massengill. (c) Claudie V. Johnson b. March 12, 1899 m.
Milton McIamb. Issue; (a1) Virginia McLamb b. Nov 17, 1930 m. Earl
Thompson. (a2) Bettie McLamb b. Aug 24, 1935 m. Billy
Clifton. (a3) Linwood McLamb b. May 19, 1942 m. Jackie
Allen. (d) Wyatt R. Johnson b. Feb 15, 1901 m. Bessie
McLamb b. June 9, 1904. Issue; (a1) Charles Ransom Johnson b. Sept
21, 1923 m. Ethia Blackman. (a2) Sarah Victoria Johnson b. May 19, 1925 m.
J. W. Thornton. (a3) James Braxton Johnson b. Dec 14, 1926 m.
Ruth Blackman. (a4) Grace Virginia Johnson b. June 17, 1928
m. Ray Byrd. (a5) Mary Lou Johnson b. Jan 27, 1931 m. Glenn
E. Byrd. (a6) Sherrill Layton Johnson b. Dec 30, 1933
m. Joyce Blackman. (a7) Annie Ruth Johnson b. Dec 27, 1935 m. R.
B. Blackman. (a8) Billy Ray Johnson b. Aug 25, 1938 m. Lou
Ann Lassiter. (a9) Thomas Eugene Johnson b. Aug 15, 1940
(a10) Ray Preston Johnson b. Feb 18, 1942 m.
Mary Blackman. (a11) Bessie Marie Johnson b. Oct 29,$ 1944 m.
Charles West. (d) Mary Irene Johnson b. Nov 22, 1902 m. John
Hobbs. Issue; (a1) Edna Lee Hobbs b. Jan 28, 1921 Jermings
Massengill. (a2) Johnnie Ransom Hobbs b. Feb 13, 1925 m.
Leona Cross. (a3) Julian Bretton Hobbs b. July 21, 1928 m.
Alberta Moore. (a4) Mary Cole3, Hobbs b. June 16, 1934 m.
Barnie Campbell. (f) William LIoyd Johnson b. Nov 17, 1904 m.
Maude Strickland. Issue; (a1) George Johnson b. Dec 11, 1930 m. Mariam
Johnson. (g) Albert Laton Johnson b. Dec 23, 1906 m.
Wilma Cobb. Issue; (a1) Carol Anna Johnson b. Feb 1, 1938 m. Bob
Adams. (a2) Donald Ransom Johnson b. June 28,
1940 (a3) Carlton Albert Johnson b. March 7,
1942 (h) Sarah Lucille Johnson b. Sept 30, 1908 m.
Amos Coats. Issue; (a1) Sarah Lynn Coats b. March 18, 1948 m.
Robert Sherrill Creech. (i) Leola May Johnson b. July 28, 1911 m.
Boyette Lee. (j) Preston C. Johnson b. Dec 14, 1913 m.
Christine Moore. (k) Thomas W. Johnson b. Aug 20, 1916 m. Sue
Hancock. Issue; (a1) Sharon Elizabeth Johnson b. March 3, 1944
m. Larry Allen McLean. (a2) Thomas C. Johnson b. Oct. 4, 1945 m.
Patricia I, Johnson. (a3) Sandra Rose Johnson b. Feb 21,1947 m.
Kenneth Malmo Capps. (a4) Gerald Ransom Johnson b. July 21, 1948 m.
Jo Ann Massengill. (4) Vonnie Woodall b. April 12, 1882 d. Feb
29, 1966 m. John Calvin Lassiter b. April 11, !876 d. April 4, 1944, son of
John W. & Elizabeth Frances Hardee. Had issue; (a) Callie Myrtle Lassiter b. April 1, 1902 d.
Sept 26, 1924 m. Howard Stephenson. Issue; (a 1) Callie Lassiter Stephenson (b) Sheppard Ransom Lassiter b. Sept 22, 1904
m. Annie Barnes. Issue; (a1) Edward Lassiter (a2) Phillip Lassiter (a3) Grace Lassiter (a4) Gladys Lassiter (c) William Marvin Lassiter b. May 1, 1907 m.
Martha Lee. Issue; (a1) Kenneth Lassiter (d) Flonnie May Lassiter b. July 22, 1909 m.
1st Howard Coats; m.2nd Pete Emory. (e) Clyde Lassiter b. July 13, 1912 m. Robert
Alford. (f) Betty Lassiter b. Dec 25, 1914 m. Eugene
Hicks. (Elizabeth) (g) Ruth Woodall Lassiter b. May 1, 1917 m.
Bass Johnson. (h) Mary Lee Lassiter b. Aug 22, 1919 m.
Ra1ston Stephenson. (i) Infant Lassiter died at birth. (j) Virginia Ross Lassiter m. Hugh
Smith. (5) Ira Woodall b. Jan 2, 1885 d. March 26,
1933 m. Edna Thomas. (6) George G. Woodall b. Jan 11, 1888 d. June
1, 1951 m. Lenara M. Hawley b. Nov 25, 1890 d. Jan 12, 1969. Had
issue; (a) Mary Edna Woodall b. Sept 6, 1915 m. Ira
F. Raynor b. May 13, 1911. (b) Alma Lena Woodall b. Nov 18, 1919 m. Paul
Edward Langbon b.July 18, 1915 d. May 2, 1969. (c) George Giddeon Woodall Jr. b. Sept 20,
1929 m. Ora Mae Moore b. Aug 20, 1930. (7) Mollie Woodall b. Sept 24, 1891 d. June
13, 1968 m. Herbert B. Stewart b. Dec 12, 1882 d. Jan 22, 1971.
Had issue; (a) Aileen Stewart b. Jan 11, 1910 m. Lacey
Fields. (b) Vestal Stewart b. Jan 13, 1911 m. C.R.
Robinson. (e) Leone Stewart b. Nov 16, 1914 m. Ransom
Allen. (d) Julia Stewart b. Aug 7, 1918 m. Edd
Barbour b. July 9, 1917. (e) Louise Stewart b. Sept 16, 1925 m. Charles
Woodall. (8) David Woodall b. Feb 6, 1895 d. June 1968
m. Teresa Sears. 2. Nannie J. Creech b. Dec 24, 1853 d. June 8
1927 second child of John Warren Creech and Eliza Ann Canady m.
William H. Johnson b. Nov. 10, 1848 d. June 30, 1923. Had
issue; (1) Alma Heber Johnson b. Nov 6, 1872 d. Nov
11, 1927 m. Pennie Beatrice Beaman b. Sept 17, 1877 d. July 11, 1937.
Issue; (a) Leon Layne Johnson b. Feb 7, 1902 m. Helen
Zylphia Bright b. Nov 25, 1902. (b) Lila May Johnson b. July 9, 1903 m.
Raymond Parrott Mewborn b. May 8, 1903 son of Benjamin Parrott
Mewborn & Louise Lang. Issue; (a1) Beatrive Louise Mewborn b. July 26, 1927
m. Herman Spence Jr. (a2) Ruth Vivian Mewborn b. Aug 28, 1929 m.
Edwin Eugene Clifton (a3) Ruby Mewborn b. Aug 28, 1929 (twin to
Ruth) m. 1st Robert Lester Jones; m. 2nd Charles
Harper. (a4) Eula Grace Mewborn b. June 14, 1931 m.
Ossie Taylor Shackleford. (a5) Raymond Parrott Mewborn Jr. b. & d.
young (c) Ethleen Beatrice Johnson b. Jan 29, 1911
m. Daniel W. Hill b. Feb 4. 1907 d. Aug 29, 1961. (d) Dorothy Everland Johnson b. Oct 15, 1912
m. Lyman Carraway b. Dec 20, 1910. (2) Mystie Evie Johnson b. Sept 3, 1879 d. Jan
14, 1931 m. Dee 19, 1899 Jasper Vance Creech Aug 31, 1877 d. May
29, 1940 (he m. 2nd Dec 2, 1932 Layne Hardy Dail b. 1890 Had
issue; (a) Gyoldia May Creech b. Nov 1, 1900 d. Dec
21, 1940 m. John James Creech b. May 25, 1895 d. Nov 7, 1953, son of William
Henry Creech and Sara Frances Hill (they were 1st cousins once
removed) see William Henry Creech family. (b) Virgil Algermon Creech b. Sept 5, 1902 m.
Iva Belle Hardee b. Oct 12, 1907. (e) Bishop Johnson Creech b. Oct 1, 1904 m.
Rella Ipock b. March 24, 1909. (d) Maybell Penelope Creech b. Sept 9, 1907 d.
June 21, 1964 m. George Waters b. Nov 1892 d. Sept 7, 1959. (e) Jasper Vance Creech Jr. b. April 28, 1912
m. Essie Humphry b. May 22, 1910 (f) Charles Brantley Creech b. Jan 11, 1915 m.
Sept 8, 1937 Bessie Louise Parker b. May 1909. (g) William Johnson Creech b. Dec 17, 1923 m.
lwilda Dare Jarmon b. July 16, 1927 (h) Ruth Creech 3. Benjamin Stephen Creech b. 1857 d. 1932,
served in the Civil War, entered May 10, 1862. he m. 1st Sarah
Woodall b. April 18, 1855 d. Aug 9, 1883, buried at
Institute m. 2nd March 10, 1897 Lucetta Hill b. April
29, 1868 d. Aug 1932, dau. of Joseph Parrott Hill and Eveline Arthur. Issue
by 1st wife; (two daughters) (1) Hattie Elizabeth Creech b. March 18, 1877
d. June 13, 1933 m. 1st Aug 23, 1892 John Lemuel Arthur b. Aug 25,
1862 d. Feb 26, 1912; had issue ; m. 2nd Ira Batts b. Jan 18, 1879
d. July 15, 1930. (a) James W. Arthur b. Jan 4, 1898 d. April
24, 1916. (b) Benjamin Creech Arthur b. June 22, 1900 m.
Ora Langston b. Aug 21, 1903 (living in 1980) had issue; (a1) Esther Fay Arthur b. Jan 22, 1925 m.
Victor Wallace. (a2) Benjamin Creech Arthur Jr. b. Sept 14,
1941 m. Lind Bain b. Jan 22 , 1943 (c) Jasper Lemuel Arthur b. Nov 8, 1905 m.
Inez Tyndall b. Sept 28, 1907. (d) Hattie Pearl Arthur b. Jan 7, 1904 d. Dec
22, 1934 m. Abner C. Fields b. Oct 21, 1900 d. Dec 22, 1936. Had
issue; (a1) James Arthur Fields b. June 1, 1922 m.
Daisy Simons Outlaw b. Jan 2, l922. (a2) Marshall Holt Fields b. Jan 10, 1924 m.
Laura Evelyn Swanson. (a3) Hazel Marie Fields b. Dec 27, 1925 m.
James N. Webb b. Oct 18, 1924. (a4) Hilma Elizabeth Fields b. Dec 11, 1927 m.
1st S. A. Brown Jr; m. 2nd F.S. Maddaford Jr. (a5) John Carroll Fields b. Aug 18, 1929 m.
Frances Marie Hollowell b. Aug 4, 1833. (a6) Gean Fields b. April 25, 1932 d. April
30, 1962 m. Alma Faulkner b. Feb 5, 1934. (2) Carlie Creech b. Feb 8, 1879 d. Aug 14,
1911 m. Walter Frank Sullivan b. 1872 d. 1949. Had issue ; (a) Benjamin Harvey Sullivan b. Nov 17, 1894
d. April 6, 1966 m. Minnie Louvenia Hill b. Oct 20, 1901 d. May
19, 1971 (both buried in the Cobb Cemetery in Greene County, N.C.)
dau. of Jesse Parrott Hill & Ida Elizabeth Creech (b) Sarah Corraine Sullivan b. March 10, 1897
m. Joseph Columbus Hill b. Jan 7, 1895 d. Nov 1960, son of Jesse
Parrott Hill & Ida Elizabeth Creech (see page ___ for issue) (c) Bryant Sullivan b. Sept 22, 1898 Susan
Harper. Issue; (a1) Carl Sullivan m. Lila May
Sullivan (a2) Pete Sullivan (a3) Virginia Dare
Sullivan (d) Melissie Sullivan b. Sept 23, 1901 m. Guy
Hill b. Oct 24, 1897 d. 1934 issue; (a1) Louise Hill b. Nov 10, 1920 m. Billy
Britt. (a2) Garland Hill b. July 7, 1922 m. Selma
Moore. (a3) Virginia Blanche Hill b. Aug 2, 1924 m.
William F. Anderson. (a4) Margaret Hill b. Sept 3, 1926 m. John
Earl Collins. (a5) Helen Hill b. May 30, 1929 m. Edward J.
Warner. (a6) Eva Hill b. April 9, 1932 m. Vance
Sewell. (e) Walter Sullivan Jr. b. April 22, 1903 m.
1st Celia Lane b. June 27, 1910 d. May 10, 1934; m.2nd Louise Dail. Issue by
1st wife; (a1) Edna Sullivan (a3) Christine
Sullivan (a2) John Lee Sullivan (a4) Evelyn Olean
Sullivan (f) Lucy Sullivan b. Sept 21, 1905 m. Fred
Dawson. Issue; (a1) Villa Davison (a2) Pat Dawson (a3) Melvis
Dawson (a4) Kay Dawson (a5) Laura Dawson m. Garland West (a6) Grace
Dawson (a7) Tom Dawson (a8) Fred Dawson Jr. (g) Clarence Sullivan b. June 12, 1908 d.
1928. (h) John Elias Sullivan b. Dec 7, 1910 m.
Grace Herring. Issue; (a1) John Lydell Sullivan (a2) Odessia
Sullivan (a3) Teddy Sullivan (a4) Randil
Sullivan (a5) Donnie Sullivan (a6) Frankie
Sullivan 4. William Henry Creech b. April 21, 1859 d.
Jan 13, 1933 m. Sarah Frances (Sac) Hill b. Sept 5, 1863, a few
months after her father's death in the Civil War in Va. the dau.
of Thomas Wooten Hill and Nancy Sugg. Had issue; (1) Ralph Tever Creech b. Sept 20, 1883 d.
April 13, 1940 m. 1st Oct. 25, 1904 Ora Winifred Mewborn b. May 2,
1885 d. Oct 14, 1927, dau. of John Moses Mewborn and Barbara Ann
Fields, had issue; he m. 2nd Oct. 9, 1928 Glennie Britt Taylor,
divoicee of Robert Taylor and dau. of Benjamin Britt and Lucille
Parks(no issue) he m. 3rd Sallie Herring, had issue; Issue by 1st
wife; (a) John Warren Creech II b. Aug 22, 1904 d.
June 2, 1932. (b) Roy Ralph Creech b. May 2, 1907 d. 1978 m.
Lucy Adele Parks. Issue; (a1) Berry Ann Parks Creech b. Sept 26, 1932
m. William H. Pittman (a2) Roy Ralph Creech Jr. b. Nov 13, 1930 m.
Barbara B. Wilkinson. (a3) Geraldine Creech b. May 31, 1934 d. Aug
27, 1934. (a4) Robert Lynwood Creech b. Nov 20, 1935, m.
Ruth Sutton. (a5) George Warren Creech b. Aug 23, 1940 m.
Jennie Shirley. (a6) William Douglas Creech m. Mary Am
Richards, dau. of Joseph Richards. (c) Glaydis Creech b. Dec 1, 1908 m. Harmon
Hardy. Issue; (a1) Clarence Leonard Hardy II b. June 7,
1939 (d) William Randolph Creech b. 1910 m.
Annabelle Aswell b. Oct 17, 1913, dau. of William Jesse Aswell and
Flora Smith Blalock. Issue; (a1) Flora Jean Creech m. Charles Vardell
Simmons Jr. Issue; (Charles Jr. & Anna Louise) (a2) Jamie Warren Creech m. 1st Marsha Coley;
m. 2nd Margaret Ann Edwards, dau. of Leo L. Edwards (issue by 1st
wife); (aa1) Lisa Creech b. June 17, 1963 m. Mounir
Saleh issue: (bb1) Noelle (bb2) Simone (bb3) Gabrielle (bb4) Cecile (aa2) Kimberly Creech b. April 10, 1965 m. Bud
Wilson (a3) Bennie Gray Creech m. Donna Kay
Hunsucker. Issue; 2 boys: (aa1) Jason b. (aa2) Adam b. (a4) Edward Alan Creech m. Sept 19, 1965 Mary
Angela Sugg, dau.of Joe Sugg. Jr. (issue- Angela Mitchele Creech
b. May 5, 1967 m. _______) (a5) Kay Frances Creech b. June 4,
1949 (a6) Jimmy Creech b. (a7) William Randolph Creech Jr. b. Oct 7,
1930 d. May 29, 1932. (e) Malcolm Bruce Creech b. July 4, 1912 d.
1978 m. Myrtle Perry, dau. of Robert Perry and Artelia Lane.
Issue; (a1) Edith Louise Creech b. March 15, 1937 m.
Eddie Lee Stallings, son of Roy Lee Stallings and Annabelle May (issue-
Rhonda, Debbie, Edith) (a2) Robert Bruce Creech b. April 19, 1939
(killed in car accident near Crowsfoot) m. Patsy Corbett, dau. of
David Corbett (issue- Robbie & Cindy Creech) (f) Lyman Lynwood Creech b. March 17, 1914 d.
Oct 3, 1970 m. Hilda Marie Wallace b. 1922. Issue; (a1) Gloria Jean Creech b. Feb 16, 1945 m. May
2, 1965 Ronald Dean Vaughan, son of Jesse Arnold Vaughan (issue-
Wallace Neal & Celia Lynn) (g) Mary Iola Creech b. Dec 20, 1917 m. Ralph
Bland b. Feb 7, 1903 d. July 23, 1967. (h) Josephine Mewborn Creech b. Oct 18, 1919
m. 1st Travis Moore; m. 2nd _____ Jones (i) James Osborne Creech b. May 25, 1922 m.
1st April 21, 1946 Nancy Carol Johnson b. 1920 (div.) m. 2nd Sept
27, 1968 Peggy Ruth Herring Williams b. Oct 6, 1932 (Peggy m. 1st
Frank Williams) Issue by 1st wife; (a1) Ralph Osborne Creech b. Jan 12, 1947 m.
April 1, 1969 Mary Lou Lou Conateer b. Feb 9, 1948 (issue; Jason Eric
Creech b. Nov 29,1969) (a2) Stephen Creech m. Nov 7, 1971 Jane
Fallon, dau. of Tom Fallon. (a3) Vivian LaRue Creech m. April 19, 1970
Wesley Freeman Sutton, son of Walker Sutton. (a4) Winifred Creech Issue by 2nd wife; (a5) Kathy Dawn Creech b. June 4,
1971 (j) Ora Winifred Creech b. Oct 14, 1927 d. Dec
24, 1964 unmarried Issue by 3rd wife Sallie Herring; (k) Jimmie Ray Creech b. Feb 3, 1936 m. March
9, 1963 Betsy Fay Nethercutt b. March 10, 1937. (2) Minnie Winifred Creech b. May 25, 1885 d.
March 11, 1954 m. Bernice Rouse b. May 7, 1881 d. July 26, 1952. Had
issue; (a) Lola Frances Rouse b. April 25, 1906 m.
Joseph Stanley Shackleford b. Feb 12, 1903 d. Feb
11,1959. (b) George Raymond Rouse b. Aug 25, 1909 d.
Dec 17, 1931. (e) Fred Leon Rouse b. May 20, 1914 m. Lena
May Rhem b. Dec 14, 1913. (d) Bishop Durwood Rouse b. Oct 3, 1920 m.
Nina Louise Johnson b. 1923. (e) Bernice Rudolph Rouse b. Jan 21, 1923 m.
Eleanor Bettie Nash b. 1942. (f) Helen Mae Rouse b. July 28, 1925 m. 1st
Jay Carl Jones Jr. b. Nov 26, 1918 d. Nov 1,1951; m. 2nd William Edward ****
b. July 4, 1916. (3) Henry Thomas Creech b. Oct 12, 1887 d. Feb
29, 1960 m. Oct 17, 1911 Addie Florence Croom b. May 31, 1895 d.
1971, dau. of Redding T. Croon and Fannie Susan Heath Pate (widow
of Joseph Franklin Pate) and had issue; (a) William Wayne Creech b. Dec 14, 1913 d.
June 6, 1972 m. Annie Laura Eason b. Feb 7, 1920. (b) Henry Heber Creech b. May 4, 1916 m. April
29, 1933 Inez Harper b. Oct 20, 1913. (c) John Willis Creech b. Oct 8, 1918 m. Oct
29, 1937 Lillie Mae Harrison b. May 15, 1918. (d) Lola Marie Creech b. Aug 17, 1921 m. Sept
19, 1939 m. James Hart Baker (Tubby) b. Nov 23, 1919. (e) Ruby Creech b. Jan 2, 1923 d. Feb 24,
1925. (f) Florence Grace Creech b. Dec 10, 1925 m.
Oct, 1942 Cameron West b. March 9, 1921. (g) Billy Redden Creech b. Oct 20, 1928 m.
Gibby Sutton b. Dec 18, 1928. (h) Harry Thomas Creech b. Sept 8, 1935 m. Feb
2. 1956 Rebecca Ann Beaman b. May 12, 1937 (4) Lillie Gertrude Creech b. Jan 19, 1890 m.
George Marcus (Mark) Rouse b. Feb 12, 1883, son of George B. and
Mary Ann Rouse. Issue; Mary Ann Jones (a) Vira Mae Rouse b. Oct 12, 1906 d. April 7,
1950 m. 1st James C. Malloy; m. 2nd J. B. Cummings Jr. d. Jan 21,
1943; m. 3rd Thomas A. Worthington. (b) Jasper Marcus Rouse b. July 15, 1908 m.
1st Helen Burgess; m. 2nd Gladys Satterwaite. Jasper d. June 2,
1949; he was a twm. (c) Jamie Thomas Rouse (twin to Jasper) b.
July 15, 1908 m. Helen Louise Spencer. (d) William Alton Rouse b. Sept 14, 1910 m.
Carol Beatrice Sutton. (e) Mary Ann Rouse b. March 16, 1913 d. Nov 9,
1931. (f) George Woodrow Rouse b. Sept 21, 1915 m.
1st Theron Mallard; m.2nd Jessie Lee Suddath. (g) Lebern Eldred Rouse (twin) b. June 26,
1918 m. Christine Richardson. (h) Ebern Donald Rouse (twin) b. June 26, 1918
m. Grace Brinkley. (i) Ray Parrott Rouse b. April 25, 1924 m.
Annie Swinson Phillips. (5) Leller Lee Creech b. Feb 15, 1893 m. Lewis
Henry Stocks b. May 24, 1884 d. Dec 10, 1958. Issue; (a) Arthur Lindwood Stocks b. Apri111, 1914 m.
Frances Croon b. April 30, 1918. (b) Lewis Henry Stocks Jr. b. Feb 15, 1919 m.
Sarah Matlock b. Oct 20, 1921. (6) John James Creech b. May 25, 1895 d. Nov
7, 1953 m. 1st Gyoldia Creech b. Nov 1, 1900 d. Dec 21, 1940, dau.
of Jasper Vance Creech & Mystie Evie Johnson (see page ) he m. 2nd Sallie Herring Creech b. June
24, 1902 on Nov 19, 1941 the widow of his brother Ralph Tever
Creech. Issue by 1st wife; (a) Jesse Earl Creech b. Oct 23, 1919 m.
Virginia Earle Holloman b. Oct 14, 1921. (b) Virginia May Creech b. Aug 18, 1921 m.
Marion Butler Rodgers Jr. b. Oct 29, 1920. (c) John William Creech b. Nov 23, 1930 m. Nov
17, 1950 Peggy McLawhorn b. May 8, 1932. (7) William Henry Creech, Jr. b. Feb 23, 1897
d. Oct 1, 1918 m. July 22, 1916 Sarah Ellie Stocks. (8) Jasper B. Creech b. Oct 9, 1898 d. Jan 2,
1909, buried at Arba, NC Cemetery. (9) Lola Frances Creech b. Sept 25, 1901 d.
Aug 29, 1903. (10) Rosa Beatrice Creech b. May 26, 1904 m.
1st Leo Gooding b. Nov 18, 1697 d. Aug 10, 1944; m. 2nd William Sam Corbett d. March
27, 1961. Issue by 1st husband; (a) Dr. Herbert Wesley Gooding b. Dec 24, 1919
m. Julia Ruggles Creech b. Aug 1, 1919. (b) Mary Jane Gooding b. March 16, 1928 m.
Hugh Leon Lassiter b. Feb 24, 1927. (c) Audrey Janelle Gooding b. Sept 18, 1931 m.
Carl Clarence Edwards b. Sept 17, 1928. (d) Elizabeth Geraldine Gooding b. Jan 25,
1934 m. Roland Lynnell Spivey b. July 20, 1928. (11) Nina May Creech b. Sept 8, 1906 m. 1st
Jesse Ray Shackleford b. Jan 24, 1895 d. Sept 16, 1939; m. 2nd Mike Stocks b. Sept
15, 1875. Issue by 1st husband; (a) Jesse Raymond Shackleford b. May 11, 1922
d. Nov 5, 1965 m. Betty Blair Meadows. (b) Francis Harper (Frank) Shackleford b. Dec
2, 1924 m. Hattie Lou Colie. (e) Sara Olivia Shackleford b. June 26, 1927
m. Jasper (Pete) Sugg, son of Levi Jacob Sugg Sr. and Ludia Sugg
(see page 98 ) (d) Cora Bell Shackleford b. Jan 22, 1930 d.
Jan 23, 1930. (e) Jerry Hartsfield Shackleford b. July 28,
1931 m. Evelyn Sutton, (f) Mae Carol Shackleford b. Dec 23, 1933 m.
Frank Sugg Hill, son of Albert Frank Hill and Bettie Jane Sugg
(see page ____ ) (g) William Creech Shackleford b. Sept 23,
1936 m. Jennie Lou Hardy. 5. Martha Ann Creech b. Oct 28, 1861 d. March
22, 1942 m. Dec 31, 1879 Thomas Gideon Allen b. March 10, 1854 d.
July 19, 1928. issue; (1) Condary Allen b. Jan 17, 1881 d. Feb 22,
1934 n. Geneva Lee d. July 15, 1932. (2) Garlie Vaden Allen b. April 3, 1883 m.
Linsey Blackman. (3) Beatrice Allen b. Sept 4, 1885 d. Dec 21,
1935 m. John Robert Allen. (4) Mattie Frances Allen b. Aug 28, 1888 m.
Edgar Allen. (5) Gertie Benton Allen b. Nov 21, 1891 m.
Junious Hobbs b. Oct 16, 1892 d. Sept 20, 1957. (6) Harriot Elander Allen b. May 12, 1896 d.
Feb 1940 m. Albert Hall. (7) Johnnie Thomas Allen b. Aug 14. 1899 m.
1st John Eldridge Stewart b. Nov 13, 1888 d. Jan 25, 1929; m. 2nd
Samuel Tilton Price b. 1879 d. Jan 8, 1937. 6. John James Creech b. Aug 25, 1864 d. Feb
23, 1893 m. Ella Georgia Barrow b. Jan 12, 1871 d. Aug 16, 1944,
dau. of Jesse Heath Barrcw and Mary Ann Lindley Williams (widow of
Walter Williams) After John James Creech died. Ella m. 2nd Bert
Bruton Sugg Oct 17, 1895. Had issue; (1) Azora Creech b. Oct 30, 1888 m. Henry
Herring b. May 20, 1882 d. Jan 14, 1964. (a) Lara Ellen Herring b. Feb 10, 1912 m.
Helmer Peterson (issue- James Herring Peterson & WilIiam
Lafton Peterson) (b) Kathleen Herring b. Feb 27, 1914 m. John
K. Stanley. Issue; (a1) John K. Stanley Jr. b. Dec 23, 1939 m.
Louise Hunt. (a2) Catherine Herring Stanley b. April 28,
1945 (c) Henry B. Herring Jr. b. Dec 9, 1918 m.
Charlotte Measley. Issue; (a1) Henry B. Herring III m. Kathy
Heath. (a2) James Creech Herring (tobacco buyer for
Export Tobacco Company) (a3) Gary Allen Herring (a4) Mary Margaret Herring (d) Frances Elm Herring b. July 21, 1921 m.
Leslie Tracy. Issue; (a1) William Scarborough Tracy (a2) Linda Herring Tracy (2) Jesse Wyatt Creech b. June 20, 1890 d. Aug
10, 1961 m. Eliza Emerson b. Jan 12, 1889 (living in 1960)
Issue; (a) Jesse Wyatt Creech Jr. b. Dec 27, 1916 m.
Elinora Sophia Beetham. Issue; (a1) Margaret Ethel Creech b. March
27, 1944 (a2) Wyatt Beetham Creech b. Oct 13,
1946 (a3) Susan Elinora Creech b. Oct 29, 1948 m.
Miichael W. MacPherson. (b) Barbara Edna Creech b. Dec 23, 1919 m.
Morton Rabhan. Issue; (a1) Sandra Rose Rabhan b. Aug 3, 1947 m.
Richard Powell. (a2) Samuel Everett Rabhan b. Aug 8,
1953 (c) Ella Barrow Creech b. Sept 30, 1921 m.
Jonas Wood Poole. Issue; (a1) Barbara Ellen Poole b. Jan 22, 1940 m.
Gary Myers. (a2) Franklin Wood Poole b. Aug 29, 1941 m.
Shelba Gray. (a3) Anella Poole b. Aug 1, 194,8 m. Charles
Linwood Potter. (a4) John Henry Poole b. April 15,
1952 (d) John Preston Creech b. Nov 28, 1923 m. Jan
17, 1947 Marie Aldridge. Issue; (a1) John Preston Creech Jr. b.
Dec 18, 1949 (a2) Jane Emerson Creech b. July 20,
1952 (a3) Martha Evelyn Creech b. Feb 25,
1957 (a4) James Wyatt Creech b. May 12,
1961 (e) George Carroll Creech b. April 16 1925 m.
March 24, 1956 Dorothy Beatrice Hemby. Issue; (a1) Floyd Carroll Creech b. Feb 24,
1957 (a2) Dorothy Jo Creech b. March 3,
1958 (f) Josephine Evelyn Creech b. June 25, 1926
m. James Edward White. Issue; (a1) Emma Eliza White b. April 22,
1951 (a2) Janice Evelyn White b. Jan,
1953 (a3) James Edward White Jr. b. Feb 2,
1955 (g) Ralph Lindley Creech b. Nov 26, 1927 m.
Clyde Ruth Taylor. issue; (a1) Kerri Lynn Creech b. April 4,
1958 (a2) Ralph Lindley Creech Jr. b. March 15,
1960 (a3) Gaynelle Creech b. Feb 26,
1966 (h) Charles Frederick Creech b. & d. the
same year (i) Louis Emerson Creech b. April 16, 1935 m.
Frances Virginia Magdeline Creech b. 1947, dau. of William Titus
Creech (a1) Rebecca Ann Creech b. July 6, 1967 m.
_____ (a2) Frances Louise Creech b. Aug 23,
1970 (a3) Sampson Louis Creech b. Sept 16,
1980 (a4) Geoffery Creech b. 1983 (3) Inez Creech b. March 28, 1892 m. J. Paul
Nethercutt b. April 15, 1887 d. Jan 15, 1936. Had issue; (a) LymanNethercutt b. Jan 3, 1913 m. Sybil
Allen b. Sept 6, 1921. (b) Evelyn Nethercutt b. April 26, 1916 m.
J.C. Guden. (c) Ella Ruth Nethercutt b. April 27, 1919 m.
A. E. Speight. (d) Elizabeth Nethercutt b. Sept 5, 1921 m. O.
E. Brown. (e) Paul Nethercutt Jr. b. Oct 5, 1923 m.
Jessie Hudson b. April 8, 1927. (f) Llewellyn Nethercutt b. April 17, 1929 m.
R. A. Black. (g) Dawson Nethercutt b. Oct 15, 1931 m. Lib
Elks 7. Ezekiel Wyatt Creech b. May 26, 1867 d. Aug
18, 1889 unmarried. 8. Zebulon Benjamin Creech b. Jan 26, 1870 d.
May 22, 1947 m. Dec 18, 1889 Effie Josephine Mewborn b. Oct 18, 1872 d. Dec 4,
1947, dau. of Parrott Hardy Mewborn and Laney Louisa Hardy. Had issue; (1) Leslie Raymond Creech b. Dec 12, 1890 d.
Nov 19, 1964 Iris Leone Hill b. Nov 9, 1893 (living in 1980) dau.
of Edgar Hill & Minnie Sugg. Had issue; (a) Raymond Edward Creech b. March 8, 1917 m.
Helen Laura Pate b. Feb 12, 1919 dau. of Berry Walter Pate &
Nancy Laura Mewborn. Issue; (a1) Raymond Edward Creech Jr. b. June 27,
1942 m. Mary Ann Kelly b. 1945 (a2) George Larry Creech b. May 20,
1947 (a3) Tony Dail Creech b. Feb 8,
1955 (a4) Joseph Creech b. Aug 21, 1957 (a5) Carolyn Joan Creech b. Oct 7,
1959 (b) Minnie Geneva Creech b. Oct 25, 1918 m.
Hiram Gerard Hardy b. Dec 17, 1912, son of Leonard P. Hardy &
Mamie Barwick. Issue- (a1) Rebecca Iris Hardy b. Oct 18, 1948 m.
Larry Tee Rouse b. Feb 22, 1949 son of Herman Carey Rouse & Annie Lee
Barwick. (a2) Nancy Lynn Hardy b. July 22,
1955 (c) Edna Doris Creech b. April 25, 1920 m.
Stanley W. Baker b. Oct 12, 1916. (a1) Iris Carol Baker b. Dec 10, 1943 m. Ed
Vance Baldwin b. 1934. (a2) Kathryn Elane Baker b. Sept 20,
1949 (d) Josie Elizabeth Creech b. Jan 28, 1922 m.
Herbert Ray Wiilliams b. Sept 28, 1917. Issue; (a1) Herbert Ray Williams Jr. b. Nov 3,
1949 (a2) Ralph Allen Williams b. Oct 14,
1954 (e) James Kenneth Creech b. May 17, 1924 m.
Estelle Dare Sutton b. Jan 23, 1922, dau. of Harry S. Sutton &
Lillie Estelle Sutton. Issue; (a1) Patrick Kenneth Creech b. Aug 1, 1951 m.
Sylvia Darlene Morris. (e) Esther Ruth Creech b. March 14, 1926 m.
David Ray Williams Jr. b. May 3, 1921. (a1) Neil Leslie Williams b. Aug 29,
1950 (a2) Donald Brian Williams b. Aug 20,
1952 (a3) David Creech Williams b. Nov 17,
1959 (g) Leslie Roger Creech b. Dec 4. 1931 m. Cora
Lee Dawson b. Sept 7, 1933, dau. of Adam T. Dawson & Florence
Elizabeth Sutton. Issue; (a1) Leslie Roger Creech Jr. b. May 12,
1953 (a2) Elizabeth Ann Creech b. Nov 5,
1957 (a3) Sara Esther Creech b. June 4,
1966 (2) Delila Blanche Creech b. June 16, 1895 m.
Alex Milton Sutton b. April 8, 1884 d. Dec 16, 1933, son of William Sutton &
Sarah Mewborn Dawson. Issue; (a) Infant dau. Sutton b. & d. April 29,
1914 (twin) (b) Infant dau. Sutton b. & d. April 29,
1914 (twin) (c) Carl Lee Sutton b. July 15, 1915 m. Louise
Kay West b. June 26, 1919. (d) Rosalie Sutton b. Oct 29, 1917 m. F. Alton
Smith b. April 17, 1914. Issue. (a1) Alton Darious Smith b. June 10, 1945 m.
Phyllis Smith b. Aug 27, 1948. (a2) Meredith Delila Smith b. March 4,
1948 (e) Sarah Chrystal Sutton b. June 14, 1921 m.
John Broughton Beaman b. Jan 2, 1920, son of Jack Beaman &
Mary Stines. Issue; (a1) John Milton Beaman b. Jan 21,
1950 (a2) Donald Broughton Beaman b. Feb 5, 1954
(f) Edith Alene Sutton b. Nov 9, 1925 m. John
Elliot Smith b. Oct 22, 1924. (a1) Nancy Smith b. Jan 10, 1955 (a2) Lila Estelle Smith b. Sept 11,
1956 (a3) Sarah Annette Smith b. Oct 29,
1962 (g) Charlotte Virginia Sutton b. July 3, 1931
m. Floyd Barwick Jones Jr. b. Oct 20, 1929, Issue; (a1) Virginia Ann Jones h. Dec 15,
1950 (a2) Floyd Barwick Jones Jr. b. Nov 17,
1952 (a3) Troy Carl Jones b. Oct 2,
1956 (3) Lany Louisa (Lou) Creech b. Sept 7, 1897
m. 1st June 13, 1915 Josiah (Joe) Sutton b. Sept 15, 1886 d. April 11, 1929; m. 2nd Dec
23, 1929 Gordon Sutton b. Jan 19, 1880 d. May 20, 1939, both
husbands sons of Ben Hardy Sutton & Christian Sutton Had issue
by 1st husband; (a) Robert Hardy Sutton b. May 9, 1916 m.
Nannie Mae Sugg b. July 14, 1918, dau. of Albert Thomas Sugg &
Lydia Mewborn Gray (were m. June 14, 1939) Issue; (a1) Bobbie Jo Sutton b. July 14, 1940 m. June
22, 1963 Frank Linwood Laney b. May 14, 1937. (a2) Nanette Sutton b. Aug 28, 1949 m. Dempsey
Hugh Barwick b. June 18, 1949 (a3) Robert Hardy Sutton Jr. b. April 2,
1954 (b) Josiah Sutton Jr. b. Sept 29, 1921 d.
April 16, 1950 m. Louise Pelletier b. July 3, 1920, dau. of Tommy
Pelletier & Cora Hope Hughes. Issue; (a1) Gordon Hardy Sutton b. March 17, 1947 m.
Connie Hope Creech b. March 13, 1952, dau. of Lyman Carl Creech
& Nannie Cleo Wade (c) Effie Elizabeth Sutton b. April 19, 1927
m. Hubert Vernon Whitfield b. July 24, 1924. Had
issue; (a1) Betty Lou Whitfield b. July 12,
1950 (a2) Jo Frances Whitfield b. Sept 29,
1952 (a3) Mary Angela Whitfield b. Jan 8,
1955 Issue by her 2nd husband Gordon Sutton;
(d) Christian Sutton b. July 2, 1931 m. Becton
Wooley Corbin b. Feb 2, 1927. (a1) Becton Wooley Corbin Jr. b. Sept 4,
1954 (a2) Charissa Ann Corbin b. Aug 5,
1958 (a3) Anthony Sutton Corbin b. Sept 19,
1962 (a4) Lou Ellen Corbin b. Sept 5, 1963
(f) Clyde Gordon Sutton b. May 21, 1936 m.
John William Dawson b. Nov 8, 1932. (a1) John William Dawson Jr. b. Nov 2,
1967 (a2) Paul Dawson b. 1968 (4) Eliza Frances Creech b. Aug 17, 1900 m.
Finley Parrott Sutton b. Nov 23, 1897 d. Sept 3, 1959, son of Albert Hardy Sutton
& Huldah Truitt Sutton. Issue; (a) Albert Forrest Sutton b. Oct 24, 1917
unmarried. (b) Johnnie William Sutton b. Feb 5, 1919 m.
Dec 4, 1943 Lydia Doris Sugg b. Jan 15, 1920, dau. of Albert Thomas Sugg
& Lydia Mewborn Gray. Issue; (a1) Johnny Eugene Sutton b. Sept
16, 1945 m. Elizabeth Ann McKnight. (a2) David Albert Sutton b. March 12, 1950 m.
Virginia Charlotte Sutton. (c) Parrott Mewborn Sutton b. Aug 4, 1921 m.
Annie Elizabeth Sutton b. April 8, 1921, dau. of Herman Sutton
& Lola Estelle Sutton. Issue; (a1) Linda Diane Sutton b. Feb 2, 1951 m. May
2, 1971 Randy West. (a2) Jan Parrott Sutton b. May 23, 1953 m.
June 3, 1972 Forrest Levi Dawson. (d) Martha Evelyn Sutton b. Sept 6, 1924 m.
Howard Hardy b. March 11, 1923, (twin) (Lenoir Co. Commissioner)
son of Laut & Eula Hardy. Issue; (a1) Martha Fail Hardy b. March 15, 1950 m.
1972 Vaughan Rider Fulton. (a2) Howard Timothy Hardy b. March 11, 1958
(e) Mary Katherine Sutton b. Feb 27, 1926 m.
Hugh Dan Hardy b. June 28, 1922, (1st cousin to Howard Hardy- son
of Leonard Hardy & Mamie Barwick ). Issue; (a1) Hugh Dan Hardy, Jr. b. Jan 9,
1959 (a2) Mary Ann Hardy b. April 14,
1962 (f) Kirby Edward Sutton b. Nov 10, 1930 M.
Evelyn Cunningham b. Aug 10, 1936. (a1) Libby Kay Sutton b. Oct 12, 1952 m. July
19, 1971 Ray Lee Smith. (a2) Finley Lee Sutton b. June 1, 1960
(g) Huldah Dawson Sutton b. Feb 12, 1933 m.
William Alonza Mclawhorn Jr. (1954) (a1) Huldah Truitt McLawhorn b. Dec 9,
1955 (a2) William Alonza McLawhorn 3rd b. March 9,
1957 (h) Betty Rose Sutton b. June 17, 1934 m.
David Coward Herring b. Dec. 28, 1930. (a1) David Coward Herring, Jr. b. Nov. 19,
1959 (a2) Ann Frances Herring b. Oct. 15,
1962 (i) Jo Ann Sutton b. Aug. 21, 1936 m. Joseph
LeRoy Outlaw b. March 30, 1929. (a1) Joseph LeRoy Outlaw, Jr. b. Nov.
18,1961 (5) Lillian Lee Creech b. Sept. 7, 1902 m. Guy
Monroe Arthur b. June 21, 1899 d. Dec. 13, 1967, son of William
Lenoir Arthur b. April 23, 1873 d. Aug 1941 and Eliza Gertrude
Creech b. April 25, 1873 d. July 13, 1942 (were 1st cousins).
Issue; (a) Thelma Clorita Arthur b. July 8, 1921 m.
Durant Rhem Phillips b. April 29, 1917, son of William Arthur
Phillips & Lizzie Rhem. (b) William Leroy Arthur b. Aug 4, 1923 m.
Frances Simmons b. Jan. 4, 1927, dau. Of George Haywood Simmons
& Mary Ruth Simmons. (c) Guyola Gertrude Arthur b. Oct 16, 1925 m.
Claude Carroll Hall b. Dec. 14, 1925, son of Ernest Willis Hall
& Amanda Wilson. (d) Johnnie Warren Arthur b. May 19, 1928 m.
Carol Charlotte Murphy b. Oct. 7, 1931, dau. Of Andrew M. Murphy
& Pearl James. (e) Janice Coleen Arthur b. Aug. 10, 1930 m.
1st Cleo Aldridge Phillips b. Feb. 23, 1924 d. May 9, 1951, son of
William Arthur Phillips & Lizzie Rhem; m. 2nd Robert Lee Booth
b. Sept. 7, 1929, son of Russel Lee Booth & Emma
Thomas. (f) Infant son Arthur b. & d. March 8,
1932 (g) Robert Calvin Arthur b. April 2, 1934 m.
Dorothy Jane Edwards b. Dec. 23, 1934, dau. Of Johnnie Ralph
Edwards & Estella Ida Hudson. (h) Jo Carolyn Arthur b. Aug. 18, 1936 m.
Johnnie Leroy Dixon b. June 7, 1933, son of Charles Thomas Dixon
& Nettie Barnette. (i) Guy Monroe Arthur b. Nov. 14, 1939 m. Mary
Eloise Powell b. June 7, 1941, dau. Of Joe Powell & Evelyn
Eunice Hill. (j) James Franklin Arthur b. May 16, 1943 m.
Linda Kay Fulcher b. Jan. 29, 1944, dau. Of Richard Earl Fulcher
& Mamie Koonce Parker. (6) Nancy Elizabeth Creech b. April 16, 1905
m. James William Best bn. May 17, 1903. (a) Robbie Frances Best b. Aug. 12, 1928 m.
Hamer Jackson Leach b. 1928. (b) James William Best, Jr. b. June 16, 1930
m. Genevieve Ann Sasso b. Nov. 16, 1930. (c) Peggy Elizabeth Best b. Sep. 22, 1932 m.
John Marvin Curlee b. July 28, 1929. (7) John Zebulon Creech b. Jan. 7, 1908 d.
March 12, 1963 m. Lillian Bailey. (no issue) (8) Norman Parrott Creech b. Dec. 15, 1910 d.
March 22, 1949 m. Bernice Ermalee Mallory. Issue; (a) Ann Frances Creech b. June 4,
1935 (b) William Norman Creech b. Sept. 23,
1938 (9) Effie Gertrude Creech b. April 16, 1913 m.
Robert Macon Herring, Jr. b. May 20, 1909. Issue; (a) Bobbie Jean Herring b. Aug. 12, 1934 m.
George Gordon Clark. (b) Patricia Ann Herring m. Roger Inman
Sturtevant b. Jan. 15, 1937. (10) Tyson Hardy Creech b. Dec. 21, 1915 m.
Bessie Laura Howell b. Oct. 21, 1917. (a) Naomi Grace Creech b. April 21, 1936 m.
Robert Warren Reed. (b) Warren Hardy Creech b. Feb. 21, 1938 m.
Jane Frances Coker b. Oct. 20, 1941, dau. Of Riley Coker &
Mabel Smith. 9. Eliza Gertrude Creech b. April 25, 1873 d.
July 13, 1942 m. William L. Arthur b. April 23, 1867 d. Aug. 11,
1941. Had issue; (1) William H. Arthur b. March 29, 1914 d.
Sept. 5, 1916. (2) Leola Belle Arthur b. Aug. 1 1895 m.
Cleveland Long b. Feb. 17, 1892 d. Feb. 21, 1968. Had
issue; (a) Ira Long b. May 15, 1914 m. Eugene Roxie
Hulsey b. Sept. 18, 1921. (b) Vera Clorita Long b. Nov. 10, 1916 d. Aug.
9, 1942 m. Chester C. Hulsey (c) Jasper Cleveland Long b. Jan. 30, 1919 m.
Grace Lewis. (d) James William Long b. May 24, 1921 d. Dec.
28, 1935. (e) Horace Woodall Long b. Nov. 23, 1923 m.
Georgia Mae Cerner b. April 28, 1926 (f) Wesley Clayton Long b. Sept. 23, 1926 m.
Amanda Caudell b. Dec. 17, 1926. (g) Leola Blanche Long b. Nov. 29, 1929 m. 1st
Arthur ****; m. 2nd Don Finney. (h) Kermit Waldren Long b. Sept 9, 1931 m. 1st
Eula Noe; m. 2nd Patricia ___. (i) Mattie Inez Long b. Dec 20, 1933 m.
Clarence Harl. (j) Dorothy Ann Long b. Feb. 1, 1936 m. 1st
Frank Garner; m. 2nd Connie Gillikin. (k) Johnny Mason Long b. Dec. 21, 1938 m.
Janice Lynne Fulcker b. Aug 25, 1944. (3) Guy Monroe Arthur b. June 21, 1899 d. Dec
13, 1967 m. Lillian Lee Creech b. Sept. 7, 1902 (a 1st cousin) see page ____
for issue. (4) Nannie Castex Artur b. Jan. 31, 1905 d.
Oct. 14, 1906. (5) Kathleen Arthur b. Sept. 26, 1907 m. James
M. Barkley b. Jan. 18, 1904, issue; (a) William A. Barkley b. July 22, 1935 m.
Jane Elizabeth Bradshaw b. Nov. 15, 1938. (b) James H. Barkley b. Dec. 22, 1944
unmarried (6) Mattie A. Arthur b. Jan. 26, 1910 m.
Roland R. Barbour b. Dec 3, 1905. Issue; (a) Frances Jean Barbour b. Nov. 16, 1934 m.
Eulogia Caudedo, Jr. b. Dec 3, 1924. (b) Roland Ray Barbour, Jr. b. Nov. 16, 1942
m. Christenia Ann Barbour. (c) William Arthur Barbour b. Sept. 6, 1946 m.
Mary Grace Gould. 10. Effie Winifred Creech b. May 28, 1877 d.
Dec 23, 1950 m. Abram Willie Luther Wooten b. Aug 5, 1875 d. Jan
23, 1939, son of Thomas Wooten, Jr. and Smith Mooring Dixon (widow
of Willis Dixon). Had issue; (1) John Henry Wooten b. March 28, 1897 m. 1st
Selma Cunningham b. July 18, 1899 d. Oct. 16, 1918; m. 2nd Sudie
Cunningham b. Jan. 28, 1903, both wives were dau.' s of Robert L.
Cunningham & Hattie Harrison. Issue by 1st wife; (a) Effie Gertrude Wooten b. April 9, 1915 d.
Nov 19, 1921. (b) Robert Thomas Wooten b. Oct 26, 1916 m.
Juanita Therisia Drews b. Jan 11, 1921 Issue by 2nd wife; (c) Carl Edgar Wooten b. Jan 26, m. 1st Jane
Ellen Elks b. April 4, 1923; m. 2nd Ernestine Macchia b. Dec 7,
1922. (d) Norman Ray Wooten b. May 13, 1922 m.
Myrtle Lynn Harris b. Dec 6, 1921. (e) Walter Wayne Wooten b. Sept 26, 1923 m.
1st Meta Belle Stanley b. Feb 1923; m. 2nd Patricia Louise Ball b.
Feb 25, 1933. (f) Selma Elizabeth Wooten b. Oct. 31, 1925 m.
1st Walter Earl Evans b. Jan 19, 1920; m. 2nd Willie James Rogers
b. Jan 26, 1917. (g) William Theodore Wooten b. April 4, 1927
m. 1st Holly Cannon; m. 2nd Ellen Catherine Collins b. April 15,
1922. (h) Clemmie Ruth Wooten b. July 6, 1929 m.
George Alton Grayiel b. Feb. 23, 1918 (i) John Brantley Wooten b. Feb 13, 1931 m.
Frances Gentry. (j) James Willis Wooten b. Feb 13, 1933 m.
Jean Warramaka b. Feb 8, 1931 (k) Katherine Frances Wooten b. Oct 3, 1934 m.
Odell Bright b. Oct 31, 1927 (l) Mamie Edwards Wooten b. Nov 30, 1936 m.
David Harold Smith b. April 7, 1928 (m) Margaret Louise Wooten b. Jan 15, 1938 m.
1st Robert Nickols b. Aug 8, 1936; m. 2nd William Leslie Ochrli b.
March 31, 1927. (n) Clifton Earl Wooten b. Aug. 11, 1940 m.
Betty Lou Newell b. Dec 16, 1939 (o) Winston Delana Wooten b. Jan 8, 1942 m.
Sandra Norine Sutton b. Feb 2, 1942. (2) Edgar Thomas Wooten b. June 24, 1899 d.
Aug 12, 1955 unmarried (3) Willie Johnson Wooten b. Dec 18, 1903 d.
July 1, 1967 m. Callie Irene Forrest b. Sept 22, 1902, dau of
Oscar Forrest & Nora (Nona) Harrison. Issue; (a) Roy Lee Wooten b. Aug 3, 1921 m. Bonnie
Daughtry. (b) Helen Wooten b. Aug 3, 1926 m. Robert
Leslie Wiggins b. April 2, 1914. (4) James (Jim) Warren Wooten b. June 26, 1910
m. Mollie Louise Fields b. Sept 8, 1910, dau of Lawrence Branch
Fields & Laura Lee Hill. Issue; (a) Effie Louise Wooten b. Nov 29, 1928 m. Roy
Dwight Hill b. Sep 14, 1927. (b) James Preston Wooten b. Aug 1, 1931 m.
Cora Jennette McCain b. Nov 11, 1931 (c) Peggy Joan Wooten b. June 10, 1942 m.
Herman Claudie Braxton b. Aug 30, 1942. (5) Mary Winifred Wooten b. Aug 17, 1915 m.
Earl Brantley Mewborn b. Sept 16, 1913, son of John Richard
Mewborn & Emma Colista Taylor. Issue; (a) Earl Brantley Mewborn, Jr. b. May 13, 1932
m. Geraldine Ginn b. Oct 16, 1931 (b) Mary Marie Mewborn b. May 22, 1933 m.
Kirby Lee Letchworth b. Aug 8, 1929 (E) Dixie Ray Mewborn b. Nov 4, 1935 m. Roland
Farmer, Jr. b. Nov 10, 1936. (6) Emma Frances Wooten b. Jan 17, 1921 m.
Ollie Herbert Hill b. Jan 30, 1918, son of Jessie Parrott Hill and
Ida Elizabeth Creech (see page ____ ). Issue; (a) Carol Frances Hill b. Feb 23, 1941 m.
Charles Edward Hardy b. March 4, 1937. Applications for Confederate pensions after
1901: Bryant Creech - Sallie Creech - Johnston
County, NC Ezekiel Creech - Laura Creech - Johnston
County, NC Ezekiel Creech - Laura P. Creech - Johnston
County, NC Henry C. Creech - Ella Creech - Johnston
County, NC J. E. Creech - Polly E. Creech - Johnston
County, NC J. E. Creech Joshua E. Creech - Polly H. Creech - Johnston
County, NC Levi P. Creech - Evelyn Creech R. H. Creech - Mrs. P. J. Creech S. E. Creech Stephen E. Creech - App. For Home
disab. W. R. Creech - Mrs. N. E. Creech Greene County 1880 Census Wayne County
Census Christopher Creech ----------- 37 male Matilda
Creech ------- 58 female Luvenia Creech ---------------- 32 female
Henrietta Creech ----- 20 female Benjamin F. Creech ----------- 8 male Robert
Creech -------- 14 male Ida Creech ----------------------- 4 female
Daniel Johnson ------- 15 male grandson Jimmy Creech ------------------ 40 male black
Phobe Stanton --------- 6 female grandau. Harriot Creech ----------------- 43 female
black Thomas Stanton ------- 4 male grandson Mary Ann Creech ------------- 14 female
mallto Richard Creech b. ca. 1600 d. ca. 1630 m.
Frances Beale b. ca. 1601 d. ca 1630 Henry Creech, Sr. b. ca 1621 d. ca 1709 m.
ca 1653 Joyce Paine b. ca 1633 d. ca 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. b. 1662 d. ca 1715 m.
ca 1691 Tamer Eliza Davis d.1719. Richard Creech, Jr. b-1703 d. by 1782 m.
Mary Etheridge b. ca 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech, Sr. b. ca 1724 d.
1770-1790 m. ca 1745 Mary Lewis b.1724. Joshua Creech Sr. b. 1754 d. 1835 m. ca
1773 Sally Stanford d. after 1835. Lewis Creech b. 1754 d. ca 1782 in
Johnston County, N.C. and m. March 30, 1808 Mary (Polly) Ingram b. 1789, the dau of Shadrach
Ingram and and sister to Betty that married his brother Ezekiel Creech. Lewis & Folly made
their home near Micro on the east side of Johnston County, N.C. By the several deeds shown on
other pages, show that Lewis Creech became a large land owner in Johnston County. Had
issue; 1. Lewis Creech, Jr. b. ca 1810 m. June 24,
1858 Ally Crawford (widow) 2. Ezekiel b. Ca 1812 m. Sept 23, 1846 Nancy
Fail. 3. Barna Creech b. ca 1814 m. 1st Sarah Raper
b. 1815, dau of Joseph Raper; m. 2nd Aug7, 1882 Patsy Peedin; m. 3th Aug 23, 1883 Polly
Garner; Issue by 1st wife; (1) Ransom K. Creech b. 1833, served in the
Civil War, entered Aug 2, 1863 and was killed in action at
Petersburg, Va. Aug 19, 1864. He m. Jan 3,1854 Elizabeth Atkinson
(known issue 1 son) (a) Barna A. Creech m. Oct 11, Sarah
Pearce (2) Elizabeth Creech b. 1836 m. July 19, 1857
Stephen Etheridge b. 1838, who served in the Civil War, son of
Stephen Ezekiel Creech and Nancy Tutle (see the Ezekiel Creech
family) page ____ (3) John Creech (no more data) (4) Ashley Creech, served in the Civil War as
corporal, entered March 30, 1861. He m. Dec 7, 1854 Penelope
(Penny) Bagley. (5) Mary (Polly) Creech b. ca 1846 (6) Katherine Creech b. 1850 Issue by 2nd wife; (7) Bryant Creech b. ca 1883 m. Dec 7, 1899
Lillian E. Mellender. 4. Kader Creech b. ca 1815 d. 1847 m. Nov 19,
1839 Catherine Creech b. ca 1820, dau of Joshua Creech, Jr. and wife Catherine Creech
(were 1st cousins). Issue; (1) Ezekiel Creech, Jr. b. ca 1840 m. Mittie
Mae Kornegay, dau of Kinchen Kornegay. (a) Lola Creech m. Leon Godwin (2) Edwin James Thomas Creech b. ca 1842,
served in the Civil War, entered July 5, 1862. He m. Nov 20, 1866
Rebecca C. Thompson. Known issue; (a) George David Creech m. Sept 12, 1888 Sally
Ann Woodard. (b) Elijah Young Creech m. Sept 23, 1889 Annie
Lane. (c) James Henry Creech m. March 24, 1893
Martha E. Woodard. (3) Josiah Creech b. ca 1844 m. Dec 12, 1861,
Mary Futrell (a) Kader W. Creech m. Oct 9, 1894 Mary A.
Worley. Issue; (a1) James Turner Creech m. Peter
Kirby (b) Oscar Creech m. Penniah Creech (c) Edgar Creech m. 1st Ida Batten; m. 2nd
Patricia Moore. (d) Ila Creech unmarried (e) Clarence Creech m. Alice
Brown. 5. Sally Creech b. ca 1817 m. ___ FitzGerald
(known 1 son) (1) Gilbert FitzGerald (had a son Robert
FitzGerald) 6. John Alvin Creech b. 1820 m. Celia Creech,
b. 1826. Issue; (1) Alvin Creech m. 1st May 18, 1871 Polly Ann
Capps; m. 2nd March 12, 1882 Frances Brown. Known son. (a) Troy Andrew Creech m. Jennie Oliver.
Issue; (a1) John Alvin Creech 3th m. Bessie
Peedin (a2) Mildred Creech (a3) Sadie Creech (a4)
Cannia Creech (a5) Mary Creech (a6) Edith C. Creech (a7)
Eunice Creech (a8) Mittie Creech m. Hubert
Creech (a9) John Creech m. ____ Oliver (2) Kader Creech b. 1846 m. Sept 21, 1871
Polly Ann Pittman (3) Sally Creech b. 1848 (4) Gerome Creech m. Jan 2, 1879 Frances
Batten (5) Lewis Creech b. ca 1852 7. Augustus Creech b. 1822 m. Catherine ____.
Had 1 known son (1) Lewis Creech b. 1850 8. Infant Creech b. & d. 1825 9. Herrin Creech b. 1827 m. March 1, 1849
Luvenia Sellars b. 1830. Issue; (1) William Watson Creech m. Feb 7 1894 Amanda
Little. (2) Alexander Creech m. July 8, 1875 Amanda
Jones. Issue (a) Howard Creech m. Martha Jones (had son
Ralph Creech) (b) Okley Creech m. Zilphia _____. (c) George Creech unmarried (d) Thomas (Tom) Creech m. Zilphia _____
Creech, widow of brother Okley. (e) Edward Creech (f) Mary Creech m. _____
Godwin. (g) James Creech m. ___ Pearce (h) Florence
Creech m. James Brewer. (3) Jamie Creech m. Ransom Pearce (4) Susan Creech m. Jack Jones 10. Infant Daughter Creech b. & d.
1829 11. William James Creech b. 1834, served in
Civil War, entered Nov 16, 1861. He m. Nov 17, 1853 Polly Massengill. She put in for a
pension in 1901. (known son) (1) Herrin Creech m. Dec 21, 1883 Nancy
Lee. 12. Nestus Creech b. ca 1836 (twin) maybe died
an infant. 13. Fetus Creech b. ca 1836 (twin) maybe died
an infant. 14. Infant son Creech b. & d.
1840. Deaths Alexander Creech - born June 21, 1825 d. Feb
25, 1894 - Wake Co. , N.C. buried in the Raleigh City
Cemetery, Bob Creech - born Oct 17, 1883 d. Oct 18, 1884
- Johnson Co, N.C. buried in the Creech Cemetery, Angier,
N.C. Dora Creech b. Aug 11, 1903 d. Nov 17, 1904 -
Johnston Co, N.C. buried Angier, N.C. Eleanor Creech b. Dec 2, 1844 d. July 2, 1873
Johnston Co - buried Angier, N.C. J. A. Creech b. Jan 2, 1878 d. July 23, 1907 -
Johnston Co. - Buried Elevation Cemetery Benson, N.C. John L. Creech b. Dec 2, 1872 d. Aug 18, 1889
- Johnston Co. - buried Angier, N.C. L. V. Creech born Oct 31, 1850 d. July 23,
1904 - Johnston Co. - buried Angier, N.C. Nancy L. Creech b. March 11, 1878 d. March 18,
1884 - Johnston Co. Olivia Creech b. Jan 29, 1869 d. Aug 5, 1914 -
Johnston Co. Oscar Enid Creech d. July 1, 1912 - Nash
County, N.C. buried at Nashville, N.C. R. J. Creech b. June 14, 1878 d. Aug 7, 1897 -
Cabarrus Co. N.C. buried at Concord, N. C. S. V. Creech, wife of W. P. Creech - Johnson
Co, buried at Benson, N.C. Thomas Creech b. Dec 31, 1851 age 12 days -
Wake Co. N.C. William Dorsey Creech b. Oct 20, 1928 -
Johnston Co. N.C. Richard Creech b. ca 1600 d. ca 1630 m.
Frances Beale b. ca 1601 d. 1630 Henry Creech, Sr. b. ca 1621 d. ca 1709 1653 Joyce Paine b. ca 1633 d. ca 1712. Richard Creech, Sr. b.1662 d. ca 1715 m. ca
1691 Tamer Eliza Davis d. 1719 Richard Creech, Jr. b.1703 d. by 1782 m.
Nary Etheridge b. ca 1710 d. after 1790. Benjamin Creech, Sr. b. ca 1724 d.
1770-1790 m. ca l745 Mary Lewis b.172I4 Joshua Creech, Sr. b.1751 d. 1835 m. ca
1773 Sally Stanford d. after 1835. Joshua Creech, Jr. b. ca 1784 d. Nov
14, 1841 in Johnston County, N.C.; his will was written Oct 12,
1841, proved May 1841; is buried at the old Union Primitive
Baptist Church Cemetery in Johnston County. (see will on other
page) Joshua Creech, Jr. m. Feb 18, 1608 in New Hanover County,
N.C. Catherine (Cathy) Creech b. ca 1769 in Duplin County, N.C.
the dau. of Ezekiel Creech (they were 1st cousins once removed)
Cathy inherited some property in Duplin Co. Issue; 1. Joshua Creeoh III b.1816, will made Jan 10,
1866, probated Feb Court 1866 and he d. Jan 1866, married Aug 3, 1836 Mary Edwards
b. 1810. Issue as to will; (1) James Patrick Creech b. 1839, he served in
the Civil War from Johnston County entered May 31, 1861; he m. 1st Callie Jones
Dec 1, 1859; he m. 2nd Feb 6, 1889 Sarah Long, dau. of William Long & Mary
Eustis. Patrick Creech d. Sept 8, 1900; issue were given land in
division of James Patrick Creech land in 1902. (a) John Turner Creech b 1861 m. Jan 26, 1884
Rosalie Alford, dau. of B. Alford and Zilpha Lane. (b) J. Emma Creech b. 1865 m. Feb 7, 1882
David A. Overby. (c) Landon Creech b. 1867 d. June 3, 1926 m.
Dec 20, 1882 Nellie G. Rose. (d) Leroy R. Creech b. 1870 d. March 25, 1926
m. Jan 16, 1891 Polly Ann Toler dau. of Alvin Toler and Tempa
Balberen. (e) Polly Ann (Della) Creech b. June 29, 1871
d. Dec 15, 1928 m. her 2nd cousin Aug 22, 1889 John William
Pittman, son of Elisha Pittman Jr. and 2nd wife Sophia Ann Peedin
(dau. of William James Peedin & Nancy Creech; who was the dau.
of Joshua Creech Jr. & wife Catherine Creech Creech). had
oldest son; (a1) Jay Washington Pittman b. July 4, 1893 d.
Oct 19, 1940 m. 1912 Laura Frances Edwards (of Edgecombe Co. N.C.) b. Dec
23, 1881 d. Dec 23, 1970. Had son (gave data) (b1) John Jay Pittman m. Benice Gehring Cooper
b. 1916. (f) Florence Creech b. 1874 m. Dec 22, 1892
William F. Parrish. (g) Barlow Creech b. ca 1877 (must have died
young) (h) Viola Creech m. Zeb Barnes (i) Ora Creech m. Everette Boykins (j) James Oscar Creech m. Frances _______.
Issue; (a1) Selma Lee Creech m. James
Grady (a2) Relmon Creech m. Beaulah
Barbour (a3) Willard Creech m. Louise
Davis (a4) Wilton Creech m. _______
Ferrell (a5) Robert Creech m. Florence
Hill (a6) Dorsey Mae Creech m. Jack
Gordon. (2) William Wright Creech b. ca 1841 served in
the Civil War, entered Sept 1, 1861, m. N.E. _______ , who put in for a pension in
l901(one known son) (a) Robert Creech m. Nov 6, 1891 Nancy
Lassiter, dau. Of Wm. Henry Lassiter. Issue; (a1) Bonnie Creech m. P. D. Judge b.
1893 (a2) William Robert Creech b. 1902 (a3) Rufus
Creech b. 1895 (a4) Lula Creech m. W. J. Langdon (a5)Cleo
Creech m. Abe Schwendeger (3) Levi P. Creech b. ca 1843 served in the
Civil War, entered March 26, 1862. He m. Evelyn _______. She put in for pension in
1901. Issue; (a) Deel Troy Creech m. April 13, 1893 Aphelia
Peedm. (b) S. Etta Creech m. W. L. Creech (c) Nancy Irene Creech m. D.H. Woodard in Aug.
1896. (4) John Ascue Creech m. April 19, 1871 Nancy
A. Thompsoh. Issue; (a) George W. Creech m. Feb 21, 1895 Nora
Britt (b) Levi Creech (c) Martha Jane Creech m. Durwood Langley
(d) Lorma Creech (e) Joshua Creech (f) Florence Creech (g) Missouri Creech (5) Patsy Jane Creech m. Nov 17, 1870 James M.
Thompson. 2. William Henry Creech b. 1818 m. 1st Sept
30, 1841 Mary Raper, dau. of Joseph Raper, she received 35 acres from her father's estate
in 1845; he m. 2nd Martha Lamb. Issue; (1) Ransom Wright Creech m. 1st April 22, 1865
Henrietta E. Sullivan; m. 2nd Maggie Montgomery. Issue by 1st wife; (a) Oscar Creech m. Martha Gurley.
Issue; (a1) Orville Creech m. Nell Baker (had dau.
Betty Lou Creech) (a2) Jessica Creech m. Gil Frommelt (live at
Chicago, Ill.) (a3) Dr. Oscar Creech Jr. m. Dorotby Dean
Brown (Lived in New Orleans, La.) (a4) Judson Creech m. Charlotte Warren (lived
at Raleigh, N.C.) (a5) Eva Creech m. Edward Bond (lived at
Windsor, N.C.) (b) Annie Creech m. George Whitley
(c) Sophronia' Fronia) m. Tom
Jordan (d) Walter D. Creech (e) Suddie m. Julius Williameton. (f) Maude m. Robert Barham (g) Iscar m. 1st Harvey Strickland; m. 2nd
Cobb. (h) Daphane m. Tom Richards (i) Arnold m. 1st Ora Upchurch; m. 2nd
Catherine Templeton Issue by 2th wife; (j) James Creech (k) Charles Creech (l) Ruby
d. ca. her 21st birthday. (2) John William Creech served in the Civil
War, entered July 16, 1863; m. 1st Oct 25, 1868 Martha Stancil Lamb (widow) m.
2nd ______ Bennett. Issue; (a) Charles m. Ella Little (b) John Gaston m.
_______ Morgan (a) Joseph m. Della Brown (d) James m. -
Daughtry. (e) Louise m. ______ Capps (f) Harriet m.
______ Capps. (g) Ransom Wright m. Oct 25, 1891 Lucinda E.
Creech. (3) Joshua Ezekiel Creech served in the Civil
War, entered May 13, 1862; m. 1st May 28, 1866 Harriet Farmer; m.
2nd Oct 27, 1881 Polly H. Stancil, she put in for pension in 1901. (4) Joseph J. Creech served in the Civil War,
entered Jan 15, 1862 m. Piety Sullivan (had son Joshua D. Creech m. March
11, 1894 Piettie Whitley) (5) Betty Jane Creech m. _______ Rains (went
to Texas) (6) James Creech (untraced) (7) Katherine Creech m. Bennett
Strickland. (8) Martha Creech m. Joe Thompson. (9) Robert G. Creech served in the Civil War,
entered March 14, 1862. (10) Sarah Creech (no data) 3. Catherine Creech b. ca 1820 m. Nov 19, 1839
Kader Creech b. 1815 d. 1847 the son of Lewis Creech and Polly
Ingram (they were 1st cousins) See issue in the Lewis Creech
family. 4. Nancy Creech b. ca 1822 m. William James
Peedin (had dau.) may have been more; (1) Sophia Ann Peedin m. Elisha Pittman Jr.
(see the Joshua Creech family) 5. Louisa Creech b. ca 1824 m. Massey (named
in the will) 6. Joel Creech b. ca 1826 (named in the will)
no more data. 7. Doctor Haywood Creech b. 1829 m. Jan 27,
1849 Winifred Obin (had 1 known son) (1) James R. Creech m. Oct 9, 1875 Louise
Creech 8. Isaac Creech b. ca 1831 - named in the will
(no more data) 9. James Nestus Creech b.1835 , named in will
(no more data) Johnston County Land Deeds: 1846 - 92 acres Stephen Creech --from--
Sheriff of Johnston County 1846 - 110 acres -- Stanford Creech -- from --
State of N.C. 1847 - 100 acres -- Jesse Creech ---- from
Margaret Creech (mother to son) 1847 - 66 acres -- Katherine Creech - from -
Kader Creech (father to dau.) 1849 - 130 acres -- Noah & Stephen
Creech-from- - Henry Fields 1850 - 6 acres -- Lewis Creech ---from --
Dixon Pierce 1851 - 347 acres -- Stephen Creech ---from --
Noah Creech 1851 - 132 acres -- John Creech --- from --
Stephen Creech 1853 - 129 acres -- Edna Creech ---- from
Alvin Creech Estate (hus. to wife) 1853 - 12 acres -- Jack A. Creech --- from --
Doctor Creech 1853 - 318 acres -- Joshua Creech --- from --
Herren Creech 1853 - 61 acres -- Doctor Haywood Creech-from
- Jack A. Creech 1851 - 180 acres -- Alvin Creech ---- from --
Joel Creech 1851 - 170 acres -- Joshua Creech ---- from --
William H. Creech 1850 - 190 acres -- Barnabas Creech -- from --
B. H. Tomlinson 1854 - 50 acres -- Jack A. Creech --- from --
Ezekiel Creech 1856 - 50 acres -- Haywood Creech --- from --
Elizabeth Edwards Will: Oct 12, 1841 - proved Nov. 1841 -
Johnston County, N.C. - Joshua Creech Jr.; wife Cathy; son Joel,
land I bought of brother Jesse; daughters Louisa Massey, Nancy
Peedin. Catherine Creech, son Joshua Creech, 100 acres; Sons
Henry, Haywood and James Nestus Creech, beloved son Isaac
The Creech Family continued
Surname Projects A-L