This research was contributed by Martha Mewborn Marble. It is a combination of her own diligent research, as well as, information provided to her by other researchers. Since my great grandmother was a KILPATRICK, this line is very important to me. I very much appreciate the time and effort that all have put into piecing this family together. Additions that I make to this effort will have the initials (PRD) after it. I want to add my thank you to those who have contributed to the KILPATRICK line And encourage anyone with additional information to submit it, so we can prove this line through each descendant. Thanks, Patty Day To those who are not aware, sometimes it takes years of searching and a lot of luck just to find documentation on one person especially when working in burned counties like Greene and Lenoir. If we all share what we have sooner or later an accurate picture will evolve - which is why I include all of the Kilpatrick information I am aware of at this time. If you, the reader, have additional data or corrections, please let all of us know and feel free to correct this booklet where you see the error or send the data to me and I will make corrections for those libraries that receive a copy. Martha Mewborn Marble MANY, MANY THANKS TO THESE PEOPLE WHO HAVE SHARED THEIR INFORMATION. Early South Carolina KILPATRICKS
Cemeteries where KILPATRICK'S Can Be Found KILPATRICK: Photographs (coming soon) INTRODUCTION A decision was made to include a short history of the spouse's family in the first generation under the Mewborn section. It seemed natural to also write of Louisa Kilpatrick Mewborn's family, but little information was available. Some years before Mary Virginia Kilpatrick died, I visited with her hoping to find the Kilpatrick roots; however, she was not aware of our Louisa so could not offer much assistance. The Kilpatricks were added to my list to investigate along with fifty other families. Some work was done, then Ima Mewborn came to the rescue, as usual, with the article in the NGS. This provided many leads, and other information popped up in the course of going through Craven County Records with a fine comb looking for all my families. Even with a lack of records, there is still a great deal of work to do at some point. I am aware that Miss Kilpatrick did a lot on the Kilpatrick family; however, I have not seen it and have been told that much of it has not been made available to the public if indeed it still exists. A number of people have collected bits and pieces and been kind enough to share for this booklet. Most do not even have a Kilpatrick line. An aunt of Jeff Kilpatrick of Kinston abstracted the Craven County Deed Books from the Index for Kilpatrick Deeds. She did such a fine job that I have used them instead of my own using her initials - SKB. I have abstracted Craven County Deed Books, page by page, for Books 5 to 35 and found nothing to add. Julia Combs of Hampstead, N.C. has collected various Kilpatrick information because of the intermarriages between the Kilpatrick and Moseley families. Egbert Rouse of Jacksonville has extensive data on the Louis and Patsy Mewborn Kilpatrick line because of intermarriage. Ima Mewborn has many tidbits, just because she has little tidbits on just about every family in the area especially those that intermarried with the Mewborns. The information on this early family was taken from the article "James Kilpatrick of Surry County, Virginia, l668" written for the National Genealogical Quarterly in June l975. Mrs. Edna Walling Neuhauser of Chevy Chase, Maryland did the research and wrote the article. A conversation with the author revealed that after years of researching this family, she discovered it was not hers and she has no additional information. The article is well documented. Ima Mewborn supplied a copy of the article and a copy has been placed at the Lenoir County Community College Library. This complier has spent some time verifying Mrs. Neuhauser's information regarding Alexander and his sons and has gathered additional documentation. Some attempt has been made to document this family up to l850 and work will continue towards this goal. Mrs. Neuhauser states that as far as she can determine, James Kilpatrick of Surry County, Virginia was the earliest of the Kilpatrick surname in Colonial America. He first appears on Surry County, Virginia records as a tithable in l668. He may have been kin to Robert Caufield. He died intestate before 2l May l677, probably preceeded by his wife. His son appears as one of the tithables in the household of Robert Caufield. James Jr. was born c l667 and married Lydia (Branch?) He died between l July l69l and ll April l693 when Lydia was granted administration of his estate. Alexander KILPATRICK In l994 I finally did some work in Virginia on the Kilpatrick's and determined that Alexander was not the son of James and Lydia Kilpatrick as had been presumed. William Hopkins has abstracted the Surry County Deed Books in the past few years and in his "Abstracts of Surry County - l684-l733" I found the following: p 53 - 2 Nov l697 - Joseph Wall and wife Susannah sold to Roger Williams FO William Cocker dec on 6 Aug l67l which 70 acs was sold to James Kilpatrick on 5 July l690 by Mr. George Branch and wife Susannah who was daughter of William Cocker. James Kilpatrick died and the land descended to his ONLY daughter, Sarah, who died in her minority and then the land decended to her Aunt Susannah Wall. This deed does not state Sarah was his only child but his only daughter; however, had she a brother, the land would have descended to her brother, not her aunt. This deed in itself indicates Alexander was NOT the son of James. There is no indication where he came from, but my feeling is he was the first of the family into Virginia and may have come from Pennsylvania where many Scots lived. I have found a number of Kirkpatricks including an Alexandria, but so far have not found our Alexander Kilpatrick. There was a migration trail of the Scots from Pennsylvania to central and western Virginia in the early l700's. I am of the opinion that Alexander was born closer to l700 than l690. He lived in Henrico County, Va. which became Goochland in l728. I have found nothing to indicate when he arrived and there are few early references for him. He married the widow Elizabeth Easley Martin probably by l720 when Alexander was the surity for Anne Easley's estate and this is the first reference I have seen for Alexander. Elizabeth was the daughter of immigrant Robert Easley and his wife Anne Parker and was first married to Philip Martin by whom she had a daughter, Elizabeth. This may have also been a second marriage for Alexander, but Elizabeth was probably the mother of his children. I base this on the indications that Easley appears to be the oldest child and would have been named for his mother's family. In "Colonial Wills of Henrico - l654 - l737" by Benjamin B. Weisiger is the abstract of the Will of Rosbert Easley - l7 Dec l7ll - sons John, Warham; daughter Margaret Dupray wife of Thomas; and three youngest children - Elizabeth, William and Robert; wife Ann. In the same book is the abstract of the Will of Philip Martin - wife Elizabeth and daughter Elizabeth - written 9 Feb l7l6 - recorded 6 May l7l7. The Will of Ann Esley was written in l702 NOTE: This may be a misprint and recorded 6 June l720 - sons Robert, Warham, John, William; two daughters not named In Weisiger's book "Henrico Wills Addenda" we find - Will of Ann Eseley proved by William Easley - Alexander Kilpatrick was the security - Court 6 June l720 In Weisigner's abstracts of Henrico Deeds - l706-l737 Alexander is not mentioned. Henrico County Orphans Court Book, l677-l739 p 53 - 5 Oct l725 - Orphans Court held at Varina for Henrico County. Alexander Kilpatrick, who intermarried with Elizabeth Relict of Philip Martin, failing to appear and produce a certificate according to order of the September Court, it is ordered that he be summoned to appear at the next court to comply with said order. There is no reference to Alexander in Henrico County after Goochland was formed. From Weisiger's Book "Goochland County, Virginia Wills and Deeds l728l736" we find the following: a. l5 August l729 - Warham Easley of Goochland to Alexander Kilpatrick 400 acs - SS James River - NS Deep Creek b. Will of Henry Turner - l4 Feb l735 - sons John, James, Henry; daughters Sarah, Barclay, Anne Hodges; wife Mary From Weisiger's Book "Wills and Deeds of Goochland l736-l742: a. 6 Oct l740 - Alexander Kilpatrick to Benjamin Moseby for 50 lbs 200 acs - Deep Creek SS James - where he lives - WIT Sam'l Scott, Jacob Moseby, John Allen, Henry Cockerham, Benjamin Rutherford - Alexander signed with an (A) b. 22 Aug l74l - Alexander Kilpatrick of St. James Parish to William Roberts 30 lbs - 200 acs Deep Creek - SS James - WIT Nicholas Davies, Rich'd Mosby, Miles Gathwrite, Nicholas Hobbs, Benj Mosby, Charles Clarke, Thos Butler Alexander signed with (A) c. 22 Aug l74l - Alexander Kilpatrick to Benjamin Mosby - 50 lbs - 200 acs SS James on Deep Creek From Weisiger's Book - Wills and Deeds of Goochland - l742-l749 a. 4 no month l746 - Easly (X) was wit to the Will of John Easley b. Henry and James Turner sold their land in l748 NOTE: I include the notes on the Turners because John Kilpatrick named Henry Turner his brother-in-law and we know the Turner were blood kin. They are the only one of John's brother-in-laws I find in Goochland county. Henry Turner either married Elizabeth Martin or a daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth Easley Kilpatrick. Alexander migrated to Craven county in l74l along with a number of his Virginia neighbors and relatives, but his son Easley did not arrive until after l746. One of his purchases was a tract of land from James Jones known as the Jones Tract, which was on Wheat Swamp and on the boundary of what is now Lenoir and Greene Counties. This farm became the seat of the family for a number of generations and was involved in numerous disputes with the Grainger and Phillips families well into the l800's. Since Mrs. Neuhauser did her research, Surry County has been heavily abstracted by William Hopkins and Mrs. Haun and new information has come to light. Additional information or backup information found by this compiler in Virginia. l. James and John Kilpatrick in Surry County - John on a Jury in l673 this indicates either an additional Kilpatrick not found by Mrs. Neuhauser, a mixup by the Clerk of the names John and James, or maybe James' name was John. NOTE: In the abstracts found at the DAR - someone has drawn throw the name John everywhere it appears and stated that on the original it said James 2. John Kilpatrick had an estate on 2l May l677 in Surry - Book 2 p l39 - signed by John Basse and Wm Newsun 3. Estate of James in Surry County - Lydia was exec - 4 July l693 signed by Arthur Jordan, Thomas Sloat - Book 4 p 307 4. Estate of James l5 June l677 - Robert Caufield was admin. NOTE: The date of James and John are to close not to be the same person Craven County Book of Grants and Wills and Deeds - Archives - CR 028.40l.2l a. p l5 and l6 - James Jones, yeoman, to Alexander Kilpatrick, yeoman, for 25 pounds Virginia money - 268 Ac, patent l5 Dec l738 to Jones, north side of Neuse and both sides Little Creek - 7 December l74l b. p l6 - Moses Tilman, planter, to Alexander Kilpatrick - l00 pounds continental money, 200 Ac north side of Neuse on both sides of Falling Creek, part of a l739 grant to Tilman - l7 March l74l Alexander sold the Falling Creek land to William Keyes for 40 pounds on l2 May l744. Craven Deed Book 3 p l6. To quote Mrs. Neuhauser, "except in the original Jones patent in l738 and the l74l deed to Alexander Kilpatrick, "little Creek" disappears from the metes and bounds of the Jones tract to be replaced by Mill Creek, Mill Run, Mill Swamp and/or Mill Pond. Mill Creek empties into the Great Contentnea Creek from the south and is located between present Hookerton at the mouth of Rainbow Creek (in Greene County) and the junction of Great and Little Contentnea Creeks, where the boundaries of Greene, Lenoir and Pitt Counties converge." I could be wrong, but it appears to me that Easley lived on the Jones Tract and William lived a distance away. There is no way of telling what happened to the Jones tract in the next generation. Warre Kilpatrick moved to Craven County on Moseley Creek and lived next to a Jones and there was some litagation between the Jones and Kilpatrick families. This is a different Jones tract than what Alexander bought. Alexander had a Will, but it appears to have been lost. The children of Alexander and Elizabeth were Easley, John, William and several daughters, one of whom may have been Elizabeth's daughter by her first marriage. John had a Will which provides us with a lot of information on this generation. He names his brothers and four brothers-in-law and one child for each. This compiler assumes the children named were the first born. It is not clear if the brothers-in-law, Henry Turner, Aaron Grizzard, Alexander Harper, and Thomas Carver, were his sisters husbands, his wife's brothers, or a combination. Mrs. Neuhauser thinks they were a combination, but this compiler thinks they were John's sister's husbands. Henry Turner was later referred to as a cousin and had land dealings with William Kilpatrick. Julia Combs points out that the term "cousin" in this time period usually referred to a nephew or niece. She has a copy of a survey for a land grant to John Turner, son of Henry. The Turners were in Henrico County, but I do not see the Harpers or Grizzards. Alexander Harper had a son Francis as did William Kilpatrick. Thomas Carter named a son Alexander which indicates Thomas' wife was a Kilpatrick. We must not forget that Elizabeth had a daughter by Philip Martin. No effort has been made to follow the lines of the girls at this point as due to the lack of records it would be almost impossible to determine who was a Kilpatrick. I will mention there is great interest by the Harper family in trying to determine which girl was a Kilpatrick. NOTE: In 2000, I sent Virginia Easley DeMarce a copy of the Will of John Kilpatrick and asked her opinion. She was of the opinion that that all four of the girls mentioned in the Will were children of Alexander and Elizabeth or Elizabeth's daughter by her first marriage. There is little doubt that all the Kilpatrick's in this area descend from Alexander as there was no other person of this name in the area. There is no indication any of the later Kilpatrick's moved into the area from other places. Thus it appears we are all cousins although most of us today do not bear the name Kilpatrick. There are several Kilpatrick's in the early and mid l800's listed in Pitt, Lenoir, and Greene Census Reports that can't be placed with a parent. Many carry the name John or William. If any member of the family has additional information on the above lines, please let this compiler know. Alexander Kilpatrick had at least the following children who were probably also the children of his wife Elizabeth Easley.