Phillips Family Records Dobbs and Lenoir Counties


Dobbs County

Lenoir County

Census Records


Misc. Deeds and Patents looking for a surname link


Corrected September 2000. Books have not been transcribed past Book 24.

Where there is a difference in spelling on the Grantee Index it will be shown as ().
Book l - l746-59
Mark to William Crafford p 90
Mark Thomas Thornton p 91
Mark John Bryant p105
Mark Hardy Bryant p106
Anthony Coch Mark p115
Abraham Shepard Taylor (Tarlow) p 279
Book 2 - l750-54
Mark Thomas Fort p78
Book 4 - l756-67
James Nathanial All p535
Book 6 - April l758 - April l765
John John Griffith p235
Book 7 - April l765 - April l769
John Mark p419
Thomas Robert Hutchins p136
John Pate Mason p157
Book 8 - April l769 - April l77l
Tarlow John Falk p178
Book l0 - April l773 - May l775
Mason Menan Fitzpatrick p99
Book 11 - April l779 - (No deeds from May l775 to Jan l779 due to Rev.
John McCoy Mason p153
Book l2 - April l779 - April l784
William Dry John p148
William Dry James p150
Elisah Dowing William p480
John McIllwain TO Thomas p413
John John Moore p338
Thomas and Wife John S. McIllwain p48
John Daniel Worthington p134
Book l3 - April l784 - April l789
James Reubin p591 (not in Grantor Book)
John Wooters Thomas p194
Book l4 - April l789 - l792
James Reubin p 591 - appears to be as in Book 13
Book l7 - l796 - l798
Robert White Benjamin p403
Moses Westbrook Benjamin p407
Book l8 - l798 - 99
Benjamin Hardy Croom p208
Thomas Walter Dunn p96
Benjamin Elijah Johnston p262
James, Sr. James, Jr. p53
James James and Reubin p137 -not on Grantor Index
Robert White Benjamin p311
Thomas Nathan Worthington p278
Thomas Cleverly Worthington p310
Book l9 - l799 - l80l
James John Moore p216
Benjamin Elijah Johnston p37
Benjamin Johnston Sullivan p126
James James and Reubin p137 - Not on Grantee Index
Book 20 - l802, l803
Thomas William Croom p214
Peter James p193
Peter Elijah Johnston p105
Book 2l - l804-l805
William Clark Reubin p3
Robert White, Sheriff Benjamin p93
Book 22 - l746 - l8l0
Stephen TO Benjamin p532
Book 23 - l805 - Aug l8l0
Redding Blount and Thomas p161
others(spelled Reading
in Grantor Index)
William Branton Louisa Phillips p386
Wiley Jones Thomas p174
Daniel Patrick Thomas p163
John Snead James p384
James, Constable Mary Coleman p137
Thomas William Croom p214
James James Ingram p66
John John Washington p54
James Abram Parker p444
Book 24 - Aug l8l0 - Aug l8l9
Benjamin Abbott Barna (Barney in Grantor) p382
William Clark James p44
William Mills Thomas p65
James Thomas p54
Ferebee Curtis p160
Thomas, Sr. Stephen p446
John and wife John Perdue p406
James Simon Parrott p408
Redding David Griffin p141
Mary and Dicy David Griffin p142
Thomas David Griffin p261
Thomas A. David Griffin p437
Book 25 - Aug l8l9 - Aug l822
Samuel Branton, Sr. Samuel Branton Jr.
John S. Walter and John Dunn
Ann and others Walter Dunn
John S. John P. Dunn
Lewis Bryan, Sheriff Thomas
Lee Branton Thomas A.
Louisa Branton Emphram (Grantee - Grantor says Euphena M. E.
John Gathro (Grantor William
says Gatlin)
John Gathro Peter
Thomas William
Thomas William
John Perdue Thomas
Thomas A. Ebenzer Fife
James Simon Parrott
John S. Roderick J. Powell
John S. Roderick J. Powel
John S. Roderick J. Powell
John S. John Washington
John S. Arnold, Borden, and Crane
Book 26 - l822 - Oct l828
Jesse B. Morris William
Thomas Barna (Barney in Grantee)
Roderick Powell John S.
Thomas Thomas S.
James Walter Dunn and R. J. Powell
John Gatlin Peter
Book 27 - Oct l828 - l833
Oliver Fife Peter
Craven Fife Peter
Lewis George Peter
Thomas M. Lassiter William
and wife
Thomas and wife John McLlwain
Book 28 - Oct l833 - Dec l838
Louisa Branton Wyatt J.
Lewis George Peter
Thomas Barna
Thomas William
Thomas Barna
Thomas Barna
Shade Randall Jesse
Barna Elijah V. Pittman
Willis Wetherington Peter
and wife
Thomas Sidney Coward
Thomas Sidney Coward
Peter John L. Dunn
Craven Fife Peter
Thomas and wife John Stringer McLlwain
Jesse David Reynolds
Book 29 - Jan l838 - l842
Stephen C. John P. Dunn
John M. D. Edward
William William Ormond
Peter Robert Wiggins
Russell Fish William
Spencer Fife Peter
Elizabeth Kilpatrick Curtis
William Stephen
Council and wife Levi Powell
Council Edwards and Dixon
Alfred W. C. Loften
Blount, & M.E.Coleman Stephen
Book 30 - Jan l842 - 46
Blount & M.E.Coleman William
Spencer P. Fife William and others
David King (Travis Wright
on Grantor)
William William L.
Levy Worthington Curtis
John William Boyt
Thomas Abbott Major
Blount & M.E. Coleman William
William Drury
William William Ormond
Book 3l - July l846 - Dec l849
David John King
Thomas Abbott Major
L. B. Carraway Curtis
Gersham Wiggins Peter
Barna Eliza A. Pugh
Peter Division of Real Estate
Coucil R. W. King and others
Book 32 - Jan l850 - 53
Reubin John H. Coward
Reubin William Loften
Reubin Loften
Lacy Arden Wiggins
Jesse John
Major Arden Wiggin
John Wm. A. Boyt
John S. Wm Fields and W. C. Loftin
Louisa Branton Wyatt Phillips
John Howard Jesse
Book 33 - Jan l853 - Dec l855
Jesse Lina Davis
David John King
Major TO John King
Abner W. Byrd Jesse and others
Matthew H. Carr William's heirs
Penelope S. Kilpatrick Drewry H.
Stephen D. William Abbott
David Aaron Wiggins
Simon B. Kilpatrick Drewry
William P. Kilpatrick Drewry
Book 34 - Jan l856 - Dec l867
Stephen D. Thomas Harvey
Debble and Bros Benjamin F.
John King Wright
Lewis Tindell John
Jesse Tindell John
J. F. Wooten S. Phillips
Major John King
Mahaly Sarah Grant
Rebecca Matthew H. Carr
Lucy Thomas Harvey
Peter Division of Real Estate
Samuel Chesnutt Stephen
Book 35 - Jan l850 - Dec l86
Wyatt J. Mathais Harvey
John Coward P. Phillips
William P Kilpatrick Drewy H.
and others
Warren Bell Drewry H.
Mathais Harvey Wyatt
Wyatt J. Thomas Franklin
Book 36 - Jan l86l - l866
Will McCoy and wife Benjamin F.
John C. Washington Wyatt J.
Eleanor Hooker John R.
Barney Suggs and John R.
Worry L. Kilpatrick J. G. Dribble
William L. Phillips James F. Thomas
Peter Division of Real Estate
Margaret Dower
Stephen C. Susan F. Hill
James Moore and wife B. F.


NOTE: From here until the end there are numerous entries for John R. Phillips. John R. loaned a great deal of money and I suspect this is what most of these entries are for. Since he was not, by birth a Phillips, I have left these out.)


Book 37 - Jan l867 - l869

Charles C. & wife Jesse Dupree

George W. Jones TO S. C.

F. M. Pittman S. C.

F. M. Pittman S. C.

Council and wife Edmond Harris

Stephen C. Homestead Exemption


Book 38 - Jan l869 - l870

Needham Moore D. H. and others

John Tull & wife C. C.

Edward Harris & wife Council

W. J. W. H. Moore


Book 39 - l87l

Lewis Kilpatrick, Adm Susan

James A. Powell & wife Sally E.

Salley E. Reubin

Stephen C. James Coward


Book 40 - l872

John R. Susan Ann

John B. Adam Moseley

Marcus Harvey and Harper


Book 4l - l873

Elbert & wife Amanda C.

E. M. Becton, Sheriff Mary Ann

W. J. John H. Powell

Stephen Miller Marcus

R. B. McCutter J. H. and others

W. F. Thomas A. Harvey

Walter and Simons J. W. Edwards

J. F. Hartsfield W. F.

Wm R. Becton Mary Ann


Book 42 - l874 - 75

Stephen Miller Marcus

Sylvestor Lawhorne W. J.

Elias Mewborn Peter



There is no Phillips on the 1750 or 1751 Johnston Quit Rents but both John
and Thomas lived in Craven Co at that time.
David Fife - l taxable
Simon Griffin - Jeremiah Phillips - 2 taxables
No Lassisters
Mark Phillips - l taxable
John Pate Sr. and son Joseph - l taxable
James Phillips - l taxable
Mason Phillips - l taxable
Thomas Wetherington - l taxable
John Witherington Sr. - l taxable
Cleverly Witherington - l taxable
Robert Wethering - l taxable
John Witherington Jr. - l taxable
l780 Tax List
District l- - Snow Hill south to Wheat Swamp including Hookerton
Jacob Lasister, Hymerick Hooker
Mathias Harvey's District
Mark Phillips - 400 lbs
Robert Wotherington - l,332 pounds
Mason Phillips - 400 lbs
Cleverly Wotherington - 400 lbs
Nathan Wotherington - 3,568 lbs
James Phillips - 800 lbs
Stephen Wetherington - 400 lbs
Capt Jacob Johnson - near Jones Co line
Waller Dauch - John of Revo War who md Sarah Sexton in Wake County had a
daughter Detch Deborah
no Phillips
Walter Dortch
James Phillips Sr. and Jr., Mark, John, and Benj. Phillips, Jacob Lassister,
Bill Murphy
l. #819 - 5 Jan l785 - Isaac Pate Grant adj Walter Dunn, James Phillips and
Menan Patrick (Greene Co) - SS of Great Contentnea Creek
2. #302 - 24 Mar l778 - Daniel Wethington - l25 ac NS Neuse adj Cleverly
Witherington, John Jones, John Phillips, Richard Jones, Spencer Caldwell
3. #285 - l4 March l778 - John Grant - 50 acs Dobbs SS of Briery Branch adj
Thos Bond, Thoms Phillips, William Moore, John Wooten (Lenoir Co)
4. #287 - l4 March l778 - Mark Phillips l00 acs NS Neuse between lines of
Matthias Harvey, Mason Phillips and his own line
5. #2l7 - 2l Jan l778 - Mason Phillips - l00 acs adj Arthur McCoy, John Pate,
6. #684 - l7 Jan l780 - John Pate - 60 acs adj John Pate Sr., Mason Phillips
7. #530 - Thomas Phillips - 400 acs Dobbs - NS of Neuse adj Mark Phillips,
George Oxley
8. #756 - l0 April l780 - Thomas Phillips - 200 acs Dobbs - NS Neuse upper
side of Stoneytown Creek - adj John Crouthers, Frances McLlewean
DOBBS ENTRIES - l790-l797 - - as above
l. #55 - 2 July l79l - Thomas Phillips - 75 acs adj Nathan Witherton, Cleverly
Witherenton, James Ingram
2. #32 - 29 Jan l79l - Thomas Phillips - l00 acs Fork Branch - Jerico adj Mark
Watson, and Severiah Mores
DOBBS COUNTY MILITIA - from Lenoir Co GenWeb Archives
List of the Drafts from the Dobbs Regiment, 4 Nov., 1780
James Phillips
OVERAGE for Militia in 1781 - Dobbs County
We have determine the Overage age was probably 45
James Phillips
March Phillips
Marion Phillips
One of these was probably Mason Phillips. Don't know about the other one.
CAPTAIN LEWIS BRYAN'S company - Craven County - probably mid 1750's
John Phillips
Mason Phillips
Thomas Phillips
NOTE: There are additional documents under the different lines. Research by
Martha Mewborn Marble
All in Contentea Neck District
Louisa Branton - l black l95 acs $400
Peter Jr. - l56 acs $500
Peter Sr. - 387 acs $l094
Thomas - every column blank
Wright - l white
Council - l white
Council Sr. - all columns blank
Reubin - 9 blacks 344 acs $l066
Barney - 7 blacks l230 acs $6667
William - l4 blacks 807´ acs $4032
Curtis - 5 blacks l46 ´ acs $880
Stephen - l white 7 blacks 6ll ´ acs $l833
Drewry - l white, l black l90 acs $949
Birton K - all columns blank
NOTE: Who is this
David - all columns blank
Alfred - all columns blank
See the Phillips Collection and the John K. Wooten Collection on the Lenoir
GenWeb Archives
l. William Peters (or) John Moore (ee) - 58 acs part of Pat of 60 ac of which
two acs was deeded to Thomas Phillips - NS Neuse, SS Contentney - l March l804
2. To summon Peter Phillips and Reuben Phillips to determine who are the heirs
at law of Stephen Phillips - no date
3. Tenants in Common - Elisha G. Coward, Jesse Coward, Jr., Spencer P. Fife
and Mary F. Fife, William T. Pope, Elizabeth Coward, and Wm. W. Coward by his
guardian Redding Harper
All Deeds were burned twice in l880. At the time I did these abstracts years
ago, I was only interested in my own line. These Deeds and Wills need to be
done again in far more detail as I was a novice when they were done.
Book l
a. p 556 - William F. Phillips to Jacob McCotter - 7 Dec l880 - FO Drury H.
Phillips - dec - div of land upon Drury's death
Book 2
a. Council Phillips to Julia A. his wife - 22 April l88l
b. Henry Phillips and wife Laura to Eliza Jones wife of Guy Jones - l88l
Book 3
a. p 2l6 - Council and Julia A. to Bettie V. Price, Joseph Phillips,
Charles and Harlow Phillips - their children - adj to Elias Albritton - l Feb l882
b. p 398 - Thomas S. Phillips to lay off his share of land - a lot assigned
to W. F. Phillips. Thomas S. Phillips and W. C. Moore guardians - 29 March
l882. Adj Eagle Swamp and Jacob McColler's land. William Rountree sold land to
c. p 4l7 - W. F. Phillips and Olivia C. his wife (or) H. D. Spain (ee) ll
April l882
d. p 25 - James L. Canady and Susan (or) lot for a school - land adj to
Stephen C. Phillips, Mrs. James Dunn and where Phillips school house is
Book 4
a. p 74 - Wyatt J. Phillips (or) W. H. and G. W. Morton - l7 Feb l870
b. p 765 - John R. Phillips and wife Nancy to S. R. Loften - 30 Oct l883
c. p 772 - Lacy Phillips (or) Harden Wiggins - Lacy is from Craven
8 March l850
d. p 773 - Major Phillips (or) Harden Wiggins - 3l March l850
e. p 774 - David Phillips (or) Harden Wiggins - 25 Jan l850 - David is from
Greene County
NOTE: These three Deeds state they are for a Deed from Peter Phillips to Robert
Wiggins - it appears Peter sold this land to Robert Wiggins and the Deed may
not have been recorded until the next generation - this is a case where the
original Deed was re-recorded after l880
f. p 3ll - 9 Jan l854 - Burwell W. Canady (or) James L. Canady (ee) adj J.
P. Dunn, James Kilpatrick - Beaverdam to Neuse River - 402 acs
g. p 3l3 - W. G. Harper (or) James L. Canady - lot in town - l872
h. p 338 - Susan C. Canady, adm of James L. Canady - l882 - to Craven
Barwick - part of Stephen C. Phillips plantation - WIT James Davis
Book 5
a. p 73 - 3 April l882 - Supreme Court - R. C. Brown Plantiff - Lacy and
Susan Phillips, J. J. Dunn, Alonzo Dunn, Columbus Dunn and W. W. Arnold were
defendants - Susan got land
NOTE: Susan was suppose to be the widow of Columbus Dunn and remarried Lacy
b. p 74 - Susan and Lacy sold above land to Alonzo Dunn - 4 April l882
c. p l23 - Mandy C. Phillips sold to Richard Brown - land adjoining Stephen
Phillips - land she received in the division of land from Reubin Phillips 27
Dec l883
NOTE: - This would be Amanada - put under Reubin
Book 6
a. p 65 - William A. Phillips to J. R. Phillips - mortgage - adj Drury,
Peter Phillips, William Ormond
NOTE: this was the land William L. Phillips inherited from his father William
b. p 64 - John Tull to Lula P. Phillips, wife of Thomas C. Phillips. Henry
Tull was John and Lula's father. (Bible said Lula was a Cox)
c. p 482 - George Phillips Sr. and wife Lavina - mortgage - 2l Feb l885
d. p 750 - Henry and Laura Phillips sold to Shephard Dawson, Augustus
Dawson and Eliza Dawson wife of Robert
e. p 779 - William Phillips to William Lawrence Phillips - gift of land ajd
to Drewy, Peter Phillips, Wm Ormond, Spring Branch, Langston's corner, J. H.
Dunn's corner - l844 - S. P. Fife was wit
Book 7
a. p 4l - division of land of Peter Phillips - Needham Moore was one of
dividors - heirs were Washington Summerlin, James S. Moore, William McCoy,
Benjamin F. Phillips, Elly Phillps - some of the land was adj to William Phillips -
divided l4 Nov l860
b. p 42 - James Moore and wife Cynthia sold their portion to Benjamin F.
Phillips 8 Jan l86l
c. William McCoy and wife sold their portion to B. F. Phillips
d. p ll7 - Ansy Summerall, Cynthia Moore, B. A. and wife Elizabeth Phillips
sold to McCoy adj to W. L. heirs - l6 Feb l874
e. p 2l5 - Lacy and Susan Phillips sold to Columbus Dunn - 4 April l872
f. p 226 - Jesse Phillips (or) Silas Davis - l7 Dec l85l
g. p 526 - Reubin borrowed money on land l/5 of a tract loaned by (another)
Reubin's Will dec, to Council Phillips dec and then given by Will to heirs of
Council - Reubin was one of heirs - land adj Stephen and Wright Phillips
NOTE: See entire deed under Deeds on Lenoir Co GenWeb Archives
h. p 66l - George and Lavinia to Bryan Fields - l2 Dec l885
i. p l67 - Susan Moore (or) al her nieces and nephews
Book 8
a. p 520 - James Phillips dec. William Moore was owned money by James
land sold to pay off Moore - 5 Oct l8l3
b. p 727 - Susan C. Phillips and Needham Phillips vs A. J. Phillips and Jas
H. Phillips - Needham got the land from William Ormond's dec corner to road
leading to Edwards Bridge to the ditch to back of Alex Carris then to Creek Bank
to ditch back to Alex Carris to Bridge over Creek near head of Branch - this
was also recorded in Book A of Divisions, Dowers and Provision - Book A 5 Oct
l886 p l99 - filed 8 Oct l886 - Thomas S. was the guardian of A. J. and J. H.
c. p 32 - 23 Feb l886 - Jno. F. Harper and wife Lydia H. Harper (or) N. J.
Rouse, guardian of minor heirs of J. A. W. Harper, dec., mortgage - adj Thomas
Moore, Thomas Phillips on Lousin Swamp - 4l6 acs
Book 9
a. p ll - John Phillips sold land on Beaver Dam - l850
b. division of Albert Moore's land l886
c. p l05 - James J. and Julia A. Moore, Jesse R. and Martha Moore of Greene
Co, Thomas and Julia A. Sutton, Henry H. and Ida Moore, Susan Canady, William
F. and Olivia Phillips, Thomas S. Phillips, Susan C. Phillips, Thomas S. Canady
vs Susan C. Moore widow of William C. Moore, dec - Susan and William Moore had
no children - the nieces and nephews only wanted Susan to have Dower rights
then they would inherit everything after she died - land along Queen Street down
to Gordon plus farmland - nieces and nephews won - l0 Aug l885
d. Noah Vause, Sylvester Phillips and Roberta his wife to J. G. Price
mortgage - l Oct l883
e. Thomas C. Phillips and wife Lula P. Phillips sold land on Briery
f. Susan C. Phillip daughter of Drury sold some of her land - so did
g. Charles C. Phillips and wife Ruseair Phillips - mortgage l Aug l889
h. p 586 - Needham sold property he bought from his brothers Albert and
James - Deed says it next to l00 acs he inherited from Drury Phillips
Book l0
a. p 449 - Needham Phillips sold some land left by his father as guardian
for 2 younger brothers - 5 Jan l889
Book ll
a. p l39 - Ida Moore by B. W. Canady, guard - against Needham Phillips.
Needham, A. J., J. H. and Oliva Phillips received land as well as Ida
b. p 7l5 - Needham bought land of Albert adj to lands of Ida
c. p 446 - Spencer H. and wife Sarah of Jones Co sold to S. S. Quinnerly
land in Lenoir - part of Barney Phillips land and devised by James Canady to S.
H. Phillips - l888
d. p 470 - S. Fleix guardian of James H. Phillip sold to A. Coward
e. p 479 - Needham M. Phillips sold to F. A. Hodges Vance - Township
bounded by Kinston-Greeneville Hwy and Lousin Swamp
f. p 485 - F. B. Loftin Exec of W. A. Phillips dec by Will - Loftin removed
and Needham named executor
g. p 560 - Needham bought land from Mary A. Hill in l889 - $l200. Land adj
land of Ida Aldridge and James Faulknew. This land given to Mary Hill by A. T.
Hill (Alexander Hill)
NOTE: This suppose to be the front part of the farm adj to hwy 58
h. p 7l5 - Needham bought land originally given to his young brother
through the court system as brother was a minor - "Beginning on Lousin Swamp bounded
by Ida Moore' land, down by canal to public road, down center of road to A. D.
Smith's corner near Hardy Hill dwelling then to line of the land of the late
Alfred Moore etc about 320 acs - This land should be part of the Moore place
NOTE: I have copy of Deed - this is the farm I now own
Book l4
a. p 520 - tenants in common - Elizabeth Dunn, Stephen C. Phillips, and J.
W. Grainger - land from Jetha Dunn
Book l5
a. p 283 - Albert Phillips and wife Jane sold to M. N. Gray a lot in town
given to Albert by Walter Dunn Jr. and wife Octavia J. Dunn in l886.
b. p 328 - Elbert Phillips and wife Mary of Craven County and Amanda
Caroline Phillips of Lenoir adj land of Sallie E. Phillip in a division of lands of
Reubin Phillips dec - l873
NOTE: Put under Reubin
c. Mrs. Eliza Grubbs (or) Needham Phillips (ee) - Harvey Place for $l,030
Book l6
a. p l40 - l893 - J. W. Grainger and wife C. A. sold to Stephen Phillips
land they got in land division of Jephth Dunn, dec
b. p l4l - l893 - Stephen C. Phillips sold to James Harper for $l.00 for
love and affection land bought of J. W. Grainger
c. p 603 - Needham and wife Ada Phillips got a mortgage from William C.
Fields that part of Pinckney Hill farm being land conveyed by Mary A. Hill to
Needham by Deed l889
Book l7
a. p l05 - Stephen C. to Stephen Gilbert, grandson l893, son of W. P.
Gilbert - adj J. A. Grainger land between Hugo and Grifton
b. p 6l9 - Needham and Ada Phillips and A. J. Phillips sold to B. W. Canady
a lot on Blount Street being a lot deeded to James A. Nunn in l88l - l894
Book l8
a. p 7l9 - Samuel and wife Ada Phillips to Walker Moore and Lucy Phillips
b. p 685 - Mortgage of Needham and Ada Phillips not fulfilled so W. C.
Fields took the land and sold to Richard C. Hill (Ada's father)
Note: there was more to this than is written here
a. p 685 - William C. Fields secured a debt owed by Needham M. Phillips on
that part of the Pinkney Hill farm - 8 June l896
Book 23
a. p 6l6 - Martha A. Hill and R. C. Hill for $l0. Ada Phillips to pay her
mother $50 a year in lieu of Dower - SS Briery from Faulknews line, W. C.
Fields, to Argols Branch - l57 acs
Book 39
a. p l9 - Jacob F. Parrott and wife S. C. vs James J. Moore and wife Julia,
Jesse R. Moore, Ida Moore, J. H. Canady, Albert Phillips, L. J. Moore and wife
Ella Moore, H. Francis Sutton, Mattie and Susie Phillips and Mrs. Ada Tunstall
guardian of above (Susie and Mattie) - division of timber proceeds
NOTE: these are all heirs of Needham Moore


l. WILL OF Drury Phillips - l0 Dec l870 - beloved wife Martha J. my lands and
personal property during her life or widowhood then to my children equally.
Needham Moore to be exec. WIT James L. Canady, Craven T. Barwick. To Court 4
Jan l87l.
Probate Court by Needham Moore - estate contained about 400 acs of land worth
$3000; personal property consists of household and kitchen furniture, corn,
cotton, stock - worth about $l500. - Names of children were William, Thos, Susan,
Needham, Albert, James L. - all are minors
NOTE: Needham Moore was Drewry's father in law
2. WILL of Wright Phillips - l873 - wife Elizabeth, grandson Joseph M. son of
Richard, I. A. D. Phillips, Pinckney Phillips, and Elizabeth Crossney, daughter
son Pickney had no children at this time. S. C. Phillips was a witness
3. WILL of Curtis Phillips - l872 - son Thomas C. who was not 2l at this time
Curtis was to be buried on Stephen C. Phillips' land
NOTE: Jack has sent a picture of this stone. Jim and I visited the cemetery
In Feb 2000. There are only three stones left but it appears there were at
Least 25 or so burial sites there. This may be the original Phillips cemetery.
4. WILL of Margaret Phillips - Orgean Summrell, Ansy Sumrell, Cynthia Moore,
Zilpha McCoy, Elizabeth Phillips. Belinda Phillips who was a grandchild. Will
in l879
5. WILL of James L. Canady l882 - wife Susan. Spencer Phillips son of Stephen
C. that portion of the Barney Phillips tract. To Hannah Gilbert daughter of
Stephen C. the entire tract of land known as Stephen C. homeplace including the
home. Rest of Barney Phillips plantation to Mary Jones and Martha Phillips,
daughters of Stephen C. Spencer and Hannah to support their father Stephen. To
my daughter, Nancy E. Davis what would go to her mother
6. WILL of Council Phillips l882 - wife Julia Ann, daughters Barbary wife of
J. Hutchins Pate, Margaret wife of Joshua Bird, grandaughter Manaley Phillips,
and son Thomas. James and Susan Canady witness - Sons Joseph, Charles and
7. WILL of John Sutton Hardy - sister L. Jane Phillips
8. WILL of W. A. Phillips - l885 - cousin James Harper, cousin Sue Phillips
daughter of Drury Phillips. Money to erect a tombstone to mother, father and
brother Henry. Also to the two children of W. F. Phillips, my cousin and to the
children of Drewry Phillips and J. E. Harper.
NOTE: this was the son of William Lawrence Phillips who was brother to Drury
9. WILL of Olivia C. Phillips - to my daughter Olivia M, to my father A. J.
Rasberry my late husband W. F. Phillips (she was the wife of Drury's son
l0. WILL of Henry Moore - to my daughter Ida F. Also to Thomas S., Susan C.,
Needham M., Albert J., and James H. Phillips - $l00 each
NOTE: - Uncle to Phillips children
ll. WILL of Thomas S. Phillips - l887 - sister Susan C., brother Needham, A.
J., and J. H. all property - Needham was exec
l2. WILL of Elizabeth Phillips - l889 - Richard Phillips, Varizer E. Crosby,
Joseph M. Phillips - grandson, Julia A. daughter of Varizer. Joseph was son of
Richard. (Elizabeth was wife of Wright)
l3. WILL of James H. Phillips l889 - brother Needham and Susan C. Parrott wife
of Jacob F. Parrott. Needham got 2/3rds of land and Susan l/3
l4. Will of Needham Moore Phillips - l April l893 - monument to be erected by
my wife in keeping with my station in life, debts; wife Ada $500; my children
al personal property except the $500; wife Ada to have Dower on one of my farms
the Briery Place containing l03 acs; the Powell place containing 70 acs; or the
Thomas Harvey place containing l30 acs - after her death these farms to my
children (too bad he didn't include her widowhood) - children not to have Ada's
Dower until her death; Ada guardian to children without Bond; wife to keep in
force a policy on her life for $3000 payable to my children using rents that
should be childrens to pay preminum; wife Ada to be Exec - WIT Jno L. Hartsfield,
N. J. Rouse.
A. Road Overseers
l. April l84l - Curtis Phillips
2. l843 - Barney Phillips
3. Oct l844 - Wright Phillips - from the old road behind John P. Dunn and
unto the road by William Phillips
4. Oct l847 - Drury H. Phillips
5. l849 - Robert Phillips, mentioned
6. l857 - W. H. Rountree - from Bells Ferry to the fork near Chestnutts and
work the lands of D. H. Phillips, Wm. L. Phillips
7. l858 - Wright Phillips and Wyatt J. Phillips
8. July l826 - Council Phillips
9. April l837 - Extending from Loosing Swamp to the Benjamin Phillips place
l0. Oct l857 - Jesse Phillips - extending from Deep Run to the head of
Joshua Creek
11. July l838 - Extending to Wm. Phillips
l2. Jan l839 - Stephen Phillips - extending from Worthington's Ferry to
Edward's Bridge and from Eagle Swamp to Abbots land

Some of these patents were submitted by Howard Phillips and some by Martha
Marble. Howard did all the work in the actual Patent Books.
There are no Deeds, Grants, or Patents we can find for Thomas I.
There are several Deeds for a Thomas around l750, but it is not clear who they
were for. We must not forget, there was another Thomas in the area who did not
appear to belong to this family. These deeds could have been for this Thomas
or Thomas, son of Thomas I; however, he would have been awfully young, probably
not over l8 at this time.
Thomas, son of Thomas and Isabelle, only had two tracts of land when he died,
both appear to have been deeded not long before his death. No doubt he owned
additional land earlier. Obviously anything after his deathdate would not have
been his.
There were a number of grandsons of Thomas I by the name of Thomas - the number
we are not sure of. One died by l788/89 so anything after l892 would not be
his. Thomas, son of Thomas II moved from the area, but we do not know when. He
may have bought and sold land before he left. Thomas, son of John Sr. did
inherit a good deal of land from his father and appeared to have purchased
additional land. As he was a large land owner, I suspect a good deal of the land
transactions after Thomas II died were his. As we sort through everything, it may
be possible to prove which of the misc land transactions belonged to which
l. Deed Book 2 - p 58 - Thos Phillips bought l00 A from Joseph Jackson July
l750 N/S Litle Contnentnea Creek - Adj Thomas Blunt, Peter Low -- wit: John
Rice, Edward Cumine
2. Vol l, p 485 - Thos Phillips bought l00 A from Jos. Jackson N/S Little
Contentnea Creek adj: Thos Blunt, Peter Low and Thos P -- wit John Rice and Edw.
3. Reubin Phillips sold the above land. Reubin purchased items at the estate
sale and appears to have inherited this above land. I think this is the Reubin
of Maryland who had a son Clement in Dobbs County and then moved to Anson
County. Reubin did not appear to have lived in Dobbs when he sold this land.
l. Vol l p 53l - Thos bought l00 ac from John (who now lives on land) deep
branch WIT Rich. Blackledge, Samuel Lambert, Mason Phillips - Jan l7505l
2. Dobbs County - Warrent # 55 - 2l Oct l79l -
Surveyed for Thomas Phillips a tract of land containing fifty one acres lying
on the county of Dobbs on the north side of Neuce River beginning at a pine
Nathan Witheringtons corner and runs north fifty three East eighty three poles to
William Smiths line then with his line north eighteen west twenty five poles to
a pine -- can't read -- eight East one hundred and seventy four poles to a
pine then north eighteen East fifty eight poles to Daniel Witheringtons line then
with his line South seventy west one hundred and fifty nine poles to his corner
then with his given line north seventy west one hundred and sixteen poles to a
hickory then south forty two east fifty six poles to a pine John Windoms (?)
corner then south thirty west seven poles to a red oak Ingrams Corner then to the
James Ingram, Joseph Witherington were chain bearers
NOTE: the front sheet to this says it also joins Cleverly Witherington, but I
see no mention of him in the above description
3. Lenoir County - 5l A - Grant 7 - Book 78 p 423 - Thomas received 5l A on NS
Neuse River
4. Grant l085 - No 4908 - Entry 69 - Bk #ll7 p l25 - Thomas received 50 A 23
Nov l80? - on Dess Pocoson - Craven County
5. Book 3850 - issued 27 Oct l784 - entered 3 July l778 - Bk # 55 p 292 Grant
l07 - entry #35 - Craven county - Thomas Phillips - 80 Ac - NS Neuse River
6. No 4l53 - Grant l68 - Entry # 35 - Book 89 p 25l - Issued 2l Sept l785
Entered 3 July l778 - 200 A for Thomas Phillips on NS Neuse River - Craven
7. Patent Book l p ll4 - Craven County - Thomas Phillips bought 80 Ac NS Neuce
between Neuce and Contentney Creek adj to John Phillips and Eliz Phillips
8. New Bern District Court - l Sept l79l - Thomas Phillips - demised, granted
and to farm let John Den - 2 tenements, tracts or parcels of land containing
400 acs, Craven Co. Adj Henry Summerland. To have and to hold the said
tenements with the appurtenances to the said John Den - from 3l Aug l79l for five years
thence next insuring and fully to be complete and ended. (LPS)
l. Craven County, State of N.C. - l788 - Know all men by these present that we
Thomas Phillip and Joseph Gaskins are here firmly bound unto his Excellency
Samuel Johnston, Esq., Governor, Captain, General, and commander and Chief in for
of the State aforesaid in the must and full sum of five hundred pounds bind
ourselves our heirs Executors and administrators fondly and severally formally by
these present sealed with our seal and dated this 3rd day of Jan l788.
The creation of the above obligation is such that whereas the above Bounder
Thomas Phillips hath made application for a license for a marriage to be had
between him and Ann Gaskins - now in case there shall not appear or any lawful cause
to obstruct the said marriage then this obligation to said other
-----to remain in force
signed by Thos Phillips and Joseph Gaskins
NOTE: The above Thomas was probably a grandson of Thomas and Isabella. He
died the next year - see Craven Co estate records. They were married long enough
to have had one child, but if they did, it is not known.
NOTE: IN September 2000 - Land records in Craven County indicate the Moseley
Creek land was the same land that James Phillips lived on which indicates
That James was the son of Thomas and Ann Gaskins.

Phillips Family
